Tim Tebow is not smart. 22 out of 50 on wonderlic.

Feb 12, 2005
 Let's just dead this non-issue right now.
Avg. wonderlic score for a Q is 24. McCoy only got a 25 himself. Whoopty-doo.

Besides, one of the the big things with Tebow is his work ethic anyway. If he had more practice he would've nailed it. 
and when Vince's result came out a few years ago...the media was trying to make it a huge deal...hmm....
Posted this up yesterday in the Combine forum:

Sam Bradford 36
Colt McCoy 25
Jimmy Clausen 23
Tim Tebow 22

Tebow's "low" score will give the media more content for Tebow articles this week. Can't wait!
Originally Posted by TheGift23

and when Vince's result came out a few years ago...the media was trying to make it a huge deal...hmm....

Cause he's black. These stupid basis points these teams go by, wonderlic being one, have minimal effectiveness in gauging how a player will be on the next level. VY is handling the NFL quite well for being dumb I'd say.
Jimmy with a 23? C'mon ND education....

What did Vince get a few years ago wasn't it in the teens?
Originally Posted by TheGift23

and when Vince's result came out a few years ago...the media was trying to make it a huge deal...hmm....

Son, he got like a 2.  That aint a good look when you are in the mix for the #1 overall pick.   
Originally Posted by WearinTheFourFive

What are people's cases for him becoming a legit NFL quarterback? I just doooon't see it.
Intagibles yo! 
As we talk about Quarterbacks in this draft he's the best leader, a very good work ethic, and dare I say he's a winner?...Because he is. Straight up though, he's just a very good football player.
Vince scored 15 but had a 6 on the first try. Marino had a 15 too. I think a 20 is considered average and 25 is what a QB average should be.
Originally Posted by WearinTheFourFive

What are people's cases for him becoming a legit NFL quarterback? I just doooon't see it.

There are none.

As we talk about Quarterbacks in this draft he's the best leader, a very good work ethic, and dare I say he's a winner?...Because he is

i think Favre, Jim Kelly and Marino did much worse...

anyone know what jamarcus scored? he prob either scored really low or extremely high.
Dan Marino and Jim Kelly both got 15, Donovan McNabb got 14 so its not a huge deal if he did below average, it just looks bad for him
Eh wonderlic type tests are used in many career paths, I think you can perhaps put some stock in them, but very little in the grand scheme of things. Just one of many factors to determine is someone will be an effective employee
Originally Posted by North Dade Represent

Tebow never seemed like the brightest guy in the world. He knows football and God, nothing else.

Isn't that everyone in the state of Texas though as well?
Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

Originally Posted by North Dade Represent

Tebow never seemed like the brightest guy in the world. He knows football and God, nothing else.

Isn't that everyone in the state of Texas though as well?

Anyway, these scores aren't that big of  a deal.
Oh...I should mention that I meant the football/God part. Not the intellect level of Texans. Wanna make that clear.
Originally Posted by High Class Scum Bag

i think Favre, Jim Kelly and Marino did much worse...

anyone know what jamarcus scored? he prob either scored really low or extremely high.

I think he ate the paper and got an incomplete. 
I hate Tebow as much as everyone, but a 22 isn't that bad. And VY didn't get scrutinized because he was black, it's because he got a freaking 6 on his first try and a 15 on his 2nd.
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