Toy Story 3 Trailer!!!!!

I will definitely see this when it comes out. %!$$ being 21. Toy Story is awesome. Being a kid for at least one more day FTW.
Originally Posted by JPZx

Originally Posted by Lrrr

is the Mrs. Potato Head the voice of George Costanzas mother from Seinfeld?
Yep, Estelle Harris.

When this gets released in 2010....Toy Story 2 will have been released for ELEVEN years. It doesn't seem like it's been that long.
That's surprising, seems like it was released more recently.

I need to nab all the Pixar moves on DVD, I'm slacking.
SOOOOOO watching this, and Ima find a chick to bring with me, this is gonna be that get at her on the sly type movie
The best! The 1st and 2nd were great. Hopefully they can tie in the trilogy well....unlike Shrek.
Originally Posted by DownyBoy

can we get the blu ray of Toy story 1 already!?

later this year. Theyre gonna rerelease Toy Story 1 and 2 in digital 3D in Nov/Dec. The Blu rays will coincide with that.
i been wishing for the past couple of years that i could have a hand in making this movie.

i dont care if im just the guy that puts the staples in the scripts, or sweeps the set. cuz i know this movie is gonna make so much money.
Holy crap thats so far away...

Funny side story, I heard about the release a while ago,m aybe like 5 months ago, and I said it to my girlfriend and she was like "we'll go see ittogether."

We broke up.

I've never bought tickets in advance for any movie like Star Wars, the Passion, or anything big. I'll be buying months in advance for TS 3. Justturning 21 and going to see Toy Story, FTW.

Hmm.. Bruins are done... Who wants to make a Team Toy Story sig?
I'll try, but I suck at these things.
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