Undergrad Major/Career Re-evaluation Vol. Can't Stop Won't Stop

Aug 10, 2004
What is everyone on NT doing career wise, I was working on my Bachelors in Chemistry but I feel like giving up, i feel it's too long and i've wasted mytime. I haven't been able to get over the hump with certain courses( OCHEM II, Physics, Microbio). I was hoping to apply to Pharmacy school but my GPAisn't great at all, and my chances are not to good anymore. I feel pretty down honestly. I wanted to know if anyone has been in my situation and whatcareer or major did you change to that you're happy with now.
Also what kinda money are you making with the career.
Thanks NT
Im feeling the same way. I'm a journalism major. I felt like a fool when boy's father brought up the point that you don't need a journalism degreeto be a journalist. Its an L that lingers.
Originally Posted by MrMoneyInDaBank

Im feeling the same way. I'm a journalism major. I felt like a fool when boy's father brought up the point that you don't need a journalism degree to be a journalist. Its an L that lingers.

That shouldn't really stop u... Even if u don't want to be a journalist there are still skills that u acquired that can be useful in allot ofjobs...Writing, research skills, people person, etc...
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