Underwater BASE-Jumping Vol. Check it out!

Jul 26, 2008
A friend linked me to an article with this vid in it, and i thought I would share it with you guys since i know NT is into this kind of stuff.

it looks so surreal. Like slow-mo but in real time.

on a related note, if anyone can name the song playing in the vid, i would greatly appreciate it.

link to article:
It says on the youtube link:

Archive- You Make Me Feel, if you're still looking for the song.

Otherwise, interesting concept.
That was cool. I thought it was going to go deeper but then i realized he was holding his breath the entire time. Itd be cool if there was some more predators in there, makes it more exciting
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

That was pretty cool.  How the hell do people hold their breath for that long?

This looks like mad fun, but me + large bodies of water is always a disaster. I need one of those super-scuba suits with 2 gas tanks if i'm doing this.

That was ill, but there is no way in HELL I'm diving into a deep dark hole like that in the ocean.
I got queasy watching that for some reason though
That was pretty awesome.... 

 its fake tho... It says in the description "This video is a FICTION and an ARTISTIC PROJECT. "
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

No WAY he held his breath IN while doing that dive!

Something does not seem right here.
from the article:
He seems to fall through space, arms at his sides, hair flowing behind his mask, body silhouetted by the fading light above, until reaching what appears to be the bottom of the blue hole. Nery then springs upward and scales the sinkhole's walls like a rock-climber in zero-gravity, ultimately reaching the surface -- and stealing another breath -- after almost four minutes underwater.

The problem is, Guillaume did not reach the bottom and did not mean to imply that he did. (At least one report stated he did just that. Others suggested he and Gautier filmed this in one dive during actual competition.)

"I never pretended to reach the bottom. It's impossible and no one will ever do it," Guillaume said via email, emphasizing that the movie was an artistic creation -- "a fiction movie" -- that took four afternoons of diving "to get all the shots."

its still good nonetheless.
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

No WAY he held his breath IN while doing that dive!

Something does not seem right here.
they are people who do this competitively, it defies the limits of normal human physiology. The pressure + lack of oxygen=death for an untrained diver....not to mention a possible case of the bends if you don't go in a decompression chamber.
#@%... how the hell is he holding his breath for that long? ive been scuba diving before and i had trouble breathing with the apparatus... let alone just holding your breath. i'd be scared as hell to try this.
SMH at people asking all these questions when there is clearly an article linked in the original post. First thing i did after watching it was read the article.

Regardless, freediving never ceases to amaze me. (Exponentially more than BASE-jumping, for the record.)
(Exponentially more than BASE-jumping, for the record.)

one of my ultimate goals in life.

my gf hated my sky diving trip last year. too bad it looks like she's going to hate me more once we're married
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