Want to look like you're down for the cause...any cause?

Aug 12, 2008
I know for a fact some of y'all do. Look no further. Cliffs in bold, since I know the last thing anybody who answered "yes" wants to do is read.

Step 1- Find a cause. It doesn’t matter what it is, whether it actually affects you or not, or whether there are similar and equally, if not more important issues closer to your home than you like to think about. It just has to be discussed a lot right now. As I mentioned before, there’s plenty to choose from. There’s always an illness or an evil dictator to go all Two-Minutes’-Hate on. Anything involving race usually makes waves…make sure you’re one of the first web surfers you know on it. Point is, you get to choose your own bandwagon ticket, so pick a trending tribulation and go for it.

Step 2- Don’t educate yourself too much. Otherwise, you might find out what you’re talking about and develop your own opinion. You don’t want that…there’s a chance you might disagree with most other people and you won’t be as popular. As you likely have a personality that most people like a lot more as long as you say what they say and nothing else, that’s not a gamble you’re in a position to take.

Instead, find out just enough about the topic to make a broad but easy-to-digest generalization about it, maybe draw a vague parallel to something that’s kinda like it and also bad in the opinion of many people. Perhaps learn and repeat a cute little slogan…that’s an easy way to get a few likes. Hell, even if you don’t know a damn thing about it, don’t let that stop you from breaking the ice with the subject…you’re probably dense enough to do it.

Step 3- Show your role, don’t shut your mouth. This is the fun part for most people, this is where you get to really be a part of something, like chanting “defense
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I'm pretty sure I'm onto what your agenda is for posting this.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]*exits thread*[/color]
"how to make a cause all about yourself" thread in the open?
Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I'm pretty sure I'm onto what your agenda is for posting this.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]*exits thread*[/color]

You are. I just can't with the fraudulence and tomfoolery...
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

*sadface+hoodypose* facebook pic

Dude...I saw a picture of dudes in a circle hanging their heads like a Bone Thugz album cover huddled around a"chalk body outline" made of Skittles. I saw a club flyer for the "Justice for Treyvon" party advertisng their drink specials, lingerie lounge, open wing bar, and free admission before 11 with a certain candy wrapper. There are bedazzled t-shirts. This knowledge must spread.

Originally Posted by iYen

Your guide made me chuckle.
Keep up the good work.

All I wanted...it will now take 10 nega-.gifs or TL;DRs to offset this. Thanks man.
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