I just see sheer athleticism a spin move and a few greatly timed blocks...... don't see "polish". Polish comes with playing the game against grown men that can do everything he just did in that video. It's easy for a highly gifted and athletic 6'7 kid to beast on other kids without his gifts. Could he be very good? Sure. Could he be a superstar in the NBA? That's up to him and how bad he actually wants it. The baseline is there with his gifts tho. I could go down a laundry list of kids I played with that were better all around then this kid in highschool and are coaching at your local kids gym and I can also can go down a list of kids that aren't even close to as athletic and dominant as he appears to be in this video and they play or played in the NBA.

I'd like to know what that laundry list because this kid is top prospect in the world right now regardless of class by virtually every reputable media outlet/recruiting service. Last person who held that honor wears #6 for the Heat right now.

Yeah like Wavy put in the other thread...Let me see this "laundry list" you speak of. And when you find it, filter it out for the Class of 2014. A basketball player can get A LOT better from the end of his sophomore year till the end of his Senior year.

For the record, I distinctly remember when Kobe was drafted in 1996. Yes he was a beast, but there were still plenty of detractors...he eventually proved them wrong though he still had some finishing/polishing to do before he became a superstar. This kid has the POTENTIAL to do so, though I will admit potential promises nothing.

BTW the spin move the way he uses it takes a considerable amount of skill and body control to pull off. Let's not act like that is a regular YMCA pick-up game move. Plus you see a little post game with that jump hook. That's also "polish"[/COLOR]
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dude is nice, but everybody is nice in a highlight reel. i got to watch kobe play in hs. dude was out of this world. kinda like how unreal bron was.

kid looks like he has some fire though.
Kobe was a young beast with old man game, very rare and hard to come by

This kid is nice, if he can get a post game or triple threat dwn than we might have a comparison
I don't see any reason why by next spring he won't be as good as Kobe was as a HS senior. Or at least very, very close. He's a once every 5-10 year talent.
it's a highlight reel, so of course, he's gonna look like "the next coming". has this kid done the same thing with bigger, stronger, faster college guys yet?
This is not just a highlight reel deal. He has significantly outplayed anyone he's gone up against and is the overwhelming best player in high school basketball. Injuries are the only thing standing in his way from being an NBA All Star.
it's a highlight reel, so of course, he's gonna look like "the next coming". has this kid done the same thing with bigger, stronger, faster college guys yet?

He did it at literally every camp he has played in, the LBJ skills academy, the FIBA Under 17 , Nike Global Challenge, etc. Kid is THAT good.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: @ the Laundry list

You can go down the list of players who fried your *** once upon a time but not ones who were better than Andrew
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This is not just a highlight reel deal. He has significantly outplayed anyone he's gone up against and is the overwhelming best player in high school basketball. Injuries are the only thing standing in his way from being an NBA All Star.

:lol: yeah he pretty much let the world know he was the truth this summer.
Kid is a freak. We were blessed with Dr. J then he got old & in came Jordan, then Kobe.

Now, we have Wiggins. Look out.
jamal crawford was better than kobe in highschool, as was tmac , and penty of other players.

it's about how much you grind after you develop into your body after 18 ....how much work

you put into your craft day in and day out when your in your in your 20's and have been a millionaire

for half a decade. it's about spending a entire summer shooting 2000 jumpshot's a day after just

winning a championship. it's about spending a entire summer working on a post move you might

use once or twice in the playoffs , but could be a factor come crunch time.... lot of intangibles 
[COLOR=#red]Ok...further research shows that the young man is a winner of the genetic lottery. Momma was an 100M sprinter for Canada and got a Silver medal for the 4x100 relay team in the Olympics. Dad used to play in the NBA...Mitchell Wiggins, once averaged 15 ppg.

Shut up EWD and stay on topic :smh:
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jamal crawford was better than kobe in highschool, as was tmac , and penty of other players.
it's about how much you grind after you develop into your body after 18 ....how much work
you put into your craft day in and day out when your in your in your 20's and have been a millionaire
for half a decade. it's about spending a entire summer shooting 2000 jumpshot's a day after just
winning a championship. it's about spending a entire summer working on a post move you might
use once or twice in the playoffs , but could be a factor come crunch time.... lot of intangibles 

:stoneface: go play in traffic
I understand people being apprehensive about prospects being overhyped but ****** just wanna go against the grain just because most times.

I'm sure people in here that were 2 when Kobe was in HS are making opinions about Wiggins not being as good as him at the same stage.

jamal crawford was better than kobe in highschool, as was tmac

T-Mac was more physically gifted than Kobe coming out of HS. Better? No.

Jamal Crawford wasn't even top 25 coming out of HS. Go have a seat sir.
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go play in traffic
ive never seen anyone better from a talent perspective in high school better than jamal crawford . i will stand by that , sir
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ive never seen anyone better from a talent perspectivein high school better than jamal crawford . i will stand by that , sir


Lebron James? Derrick Rose? OJ Mayo? Brandon Jennings? Stephon Marbury? Dajuan Wagner? TJ Ford? John Wall?

None of these guys?
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