Was Tupac's death the worst thing that has happened to the black race in the last 20 years?

Jun 5, 2006
With the anniversary of Tupac"s death coming up we were talking about him and this today at work, and I really couldn't think of a reason to disagree. 
Like it or not, the most influential people to the young generation have become the people in the media, mainly musicians and rappers. Yes Tupac had some derogatory lyrics and rapped about questionable topics, but he was also the son of parents who were Black Panthers... and it seemed like he had an understanding that coming together as people was the best thing for the black race. It almost seems like the East Coast/West Coast beef was put in place to kind of deflect attention off of what Tupac really wanted to rap about, and could have ultimately been the cover up for the real reason he was killed. He had the young generation ready for whatever. 

With Tupac dead that opened the door for flashy rappers and "gangster for no reason rappers" to have the platform all to themselves, and there has not since been a rapper who had that kind of following who had the "military mindset"  for the purpose of bringing black people together. So basically this whole generation has grown up to follow rappers with no substance and no purpose, which has had a direct negative effect in our youth. 


I'm not saying this is definitively the worst thing that has happened to black people in the last 20 years, but I do feel like it is an interesting perspective worthy of consideration. 

And you if you disagree, what is the worst thing that has happened to the black race in 20 years? 
Didn't read. Didn't have to.
I'm sure the people in Africa were more worried about various civil wars and child soldiers and deeper poverty than America has ever known.
I'm also pretty sure the Rwanda Genocide was worse anyway.
Come at me bro.
When you say black race, do you mean black Americans? Cuz I'm sure there's quite a few predominantly black countries that can care less about Pac.
Not sure if you're even close to serious.
Originally Posted by 6dollaBURGER

When you say black race, do you mean black Americans? Cuz I'm sure there's quite a few predominantly black countries that can care less about Pac.

Yes black Americans
+1 on Hurricane Kat - The national stereotyping that followed was pretty bad and was a definite set back -
oh wait you serious 

Michael Jackson>>>>>>>>>Tupac 

and i DARE someone to come at me...bro
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