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Rocket Raccoon cried when he was called a vermin, cried when Groot was in the midst of sacrificing himself and cried once he saw Groot was in thousands of pieces....

Rocket Raccoon fired a gun when they were trying to escape from the jail.... And........and........ Um...... Howard the duck was in it too!

Spiderman cried based on something from the source material. Something that was he was very distraught from in the comics SOMETHING THAT CHANGED SPIDERMAN COMICS, MARVEL COMICS AND COMICS IN GENERAL FOREVER...No big deal, we just saw one of the most defining moments in comic book history played out on the big screen. Show me Peter Quill dancing in The Guardians comics and Rocket Raccoon crying in the comics so we can end this. Wait, that's not how their characters are in the comics? Really?? Oh.

Clearly there are a lot of people that don't know squat. But I promise you there are only 7-8 people in this thread who knew who the Guardians were before the movie was announced. Then you have people who never heard of Thanos before the end credit scene in Avengers, but I digress. Let Disney put y'all on game cause many are lost.
Relax bro we all know how significant Gwen Stacy's death was and that's not what I'm talking about. I haven't seen the movie in a while but I'm pretty sure Peter cried when Gwen told him she was leaving new york and dude barely held it together when he reunited with Harry Osborn. Also doesn't AS2 use The Amazing Spider-Man as source material? If that's true then in the source material did Harry Osborn turn into a mutant Green Goblin? or did Electro look like he was part of the blue man group? 

For the record I don't hate AM2....I just think GOTG is better IMO.
 Originally Posted by GhostManQ  

Only people truely aloud to bash the mcu movies are true marvel fans that been reading comics and watching cartoons and all that there hole life...
If you just watch the movies and give ur opinion you don't no squat simple as that..
What? So only people that know the source material can tell whether a movie is bad or not? Come on man, no one should have to be a "true marvel fan" to say Spider Man 3 sucked, just like no one has to be a "true DC" fan to tell you Green Lantern was horrendous. 
Spider man and green lantern aren't mcu...
I don't care for the first 3 spidey movies
Don't care for green lantern
Don't care for ghost rider think it could of been great think we all think it could be done right in the right hands
Y I brought up ghost rider I have no idea
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winter soldier best marvel movie to date. it isnt even close. lulz at comparing gotg to ws.
Some of the things said in here has got to stop.

To say Capt 1 is good is a slap in the face to how actually great TWS was. The reason why TWS is so good is because how bad the first was. If TWS was the sequel to say.. Iron Man 1, it wouldn't be held as highly as it is because Iron Man 1 is great in itself. Listen.. Going great to great is meh. No one cares if Lebron does 28/7/6 because he's been doing it. Going from bad to great gets attention.

People are saying Captain America has better films than Iron Man.. Stop it! The First Avenger is arguably one of the worst films in the MCU. I've said this before, the movie was completely rushed and was squeezed in right before Avengers dropped. Story lacked, poor directing, poor special effects. First half was detailed and second half was completely rushed. To respect and love captain is to understand his importance. Now they did a nice job building him up to the point where he became Capt but after that, what? It was just all rushed. Just flash sequences. If they had taken the time to deliver the second half of the film like the first, it would've been a much better movie. Best thing the film had going was Hayley Atwell as Peggy. I liked Hugo as Red Skull too.

Also, I don't understand why people don't get Iron Man 3. It's really simple.. Is Iron Man the man or the suit? Take it all away and is Tony still Iron Man? He had no suit. He thought he was done. He reminds himself (with some help) that it's he who makes the suit not the other way around. That's why at the end of the credits it says "Tony Stark will return" not Iron Man will. My boy said it best "Iron Man 3 is the movie version of Eminem's album 'Recovery'". With the PTSD and anxiety it's clear this film is about finding himself.

Recovery sucked too though
Recovery was average, didn't have much replay value

But at least it showed growth in Eminem as a person.

After everything in iron man 3, the literal next time we see him is in avengers 2 and he's back in the ironman suit and back doing irrational things because he's shook. No character growth at all
After everything in iron man 3, the literal next time we see him is in avengers 2 and he's back in the ironman suit and back doing irrational things because he's shook. No character growth at all
This is one thing that bothered me about Avengers 2. It would have been nice to know why he returned as Iron Man.
something i noticed when rewatching AoU last week, tony's blue iron legion robots at the start of the movie are voiced by james spader

cool explanation to why ultron got his voice, it was just the voice file the system was currently running 
Lamekilla really needs help man.

I cant imagine waht would have to be going on in my life to get charged up about Rocket Racoons fidelity to source material.:lol:
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Eminem's best songs are from my high school days...so anytime before 2003 lol

I used to know so much of his songs by heart man
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That's why I can't rock with any argument with dude about that.

I knew from the jump GotG would not be faithful to source material. Let alone have a story matching source material. The title is just everywhere and not that concise. So it's not surprising that Gunn made them misfits that band together with Quill being the only Earthling when it's not that way in comics at all.

So talking about Rocket Raccoon being one of the oldest Marvel characters like he's ever meant anything to Marvel until the movie is stupid :lol: It's a talking raccoon and you mad he cried when he thought his friend died :lol: :smh: Drawing comparison with Rocket and Peter.
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i mean comic writers create new adaptations of characters all the time, you could easily take MCU tony stark and complain about how he is nothing like any number of the different versions throughout history. But at the end of the day what we got as ironman in the movies is perfect for the world they created. Do what's best for the story, rather than doing things just for the sake of sticking to the source material. 

comic book elitism makes no sense. 
i mean comic writers create new adaptations of characters all the time, you could easily take MCU tony stark and complain about how he is nothing like any number of the different versions throughout history. But at the end of the day what we got as ironman in the movies is perfect for the world they created. Do what's best for the story, rather than doing things just for the sake of sticking to the source material. 

comic book elitism makes no sense. 
Totally agree 
Going into any adaptation of a comic book and needing the character(s) to be a certain way is setting yourself up for a bad time.
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