The Russo bro's speaking about Cap 3, along with the process of working with Marvel. Marvel has certain things that they want to touch upon in a film, but it's up to the writers on how they go about it. This kinda explains all the clashes we hear between directors and Marvel.

"If you’ve been talking to Kevin [Feige, President of Marvel Studios] the title has been in place probably for ten years in his brain," said Joe Russo. "It’s all part of the road map that he’s laid out, and it’s all part of the bigger plan." Asked if they were building towards Captain America 3 in The Winter Soldier, Joe explained, "Yeah, I think the way Kevin does it is there are big pieces that he knows he wants to build towards, but the way that you get there is open to interpretation and improv a little bit." He continued, "That’s defined by who gets involved with the project, the writers and directors involved in the project. The big thing we knew we had to deal with in Captain America 2 was the fall of Hydra. Similarly there is a very, very big idea at the center of Captain America 3. But how we get there is all up to us. And I think why Marvel has been so successful is because it’s been such a clear plan, that everything is interconnected and they’re building emotional capital with each movie that you can then trade off of in the next film." 

I read that and think more and more there was no real plan for the Iron Man movies at all. Just bank off what RDJR does best after the first one since the origin movie was an experiment. They know that his strength is the actor playing him and his suits, his villains suck, and since they're not doing more of his dark stories the other ones suck too (I mean really Whiplash?). So after the monumental success of Avengers, they probably just said do w/e for IM3 with this new director but just don't show a stereotypical Asian named the Mandarin (so they butcher Extremis to be fire/lava ppl that are basically bombs).

They could've easily went with IM2 being the armor wars and IM3 being demon in a bottle :smh: but alas they went safe.

You can see the clear differences in how they approached it. Even though the Thor movies could've been better they still used as much as they could with his world. They clearly went hard for Cap in his sequel going in to the whole espionage action thriller tone. IM just gets more improv.
Yeah they dropped the ball with IM2 and IM3. It would've been perfect to do Demon In A Bottle after Tony dealing with the existence of aliens. Perfect reason. They could do it if he feels guilt from creating Ultron, but I don't see it. I think they have things under control now though. I have faith in Thor III, and IM4 will bebe better than their predecessors.
The Russo bro's speaking about Cap 3, along with the process of working with Marvel. Marvel has certain things that they want to touch upon in a film, but it's up to the writers on how they go about it. This kinda explains all the clashes we hear between directors and Marvel.
"If you’ve been talking to Kevin [Feige, President of Marvel Studios] the title has been in place probably for ten years in his brain," said Joe Russo. "It’s all part of the road map that he’s laid out, and it’s all part of the bigger plan." Asked if they were building towards Captain America 3 in The Winter Soldier, Joe explained, "Yeah, I think the way Kevin does it is there are big pieces that he knows he wants to build towards, but the way that you get there is open to interpretation and improv a little bit." He continued, "That’s defined by who gets involved with the project, the writers and directors involved in the project. The big thing we knew we had to deal with in Captain America 2 was the fall of Hydra. Similarly there is a very, very big idea at the center of Captain America 3. But how we get there is all up to us. And I think why Marvel has been so successful is because it’s been such a clear plan, that everything is interconnected and they’re building emotional capital with each movie that you can then trade off of in the next film." 


Actually writing the story before they start filming unlike IM 2 and 3 - "plan"

Find it hard to believe if the Cosmic Cube was meant to be an infinity gem the entire time that the Gauntlet would already have the gems inside. But I guess they had to explain why they are going after the casket of ancient winters when the the Infinity Gauntlet is right there.
Yeah they dropped the ball with IM2 and IM3. It would've been perfect to do Demon In A Bottle after Tony dealing with the existence of aliens. Perfect reason. They could do it if he feels guilt from creating Ultron, but I don't see it. I think they have things under control now though. I have faith in Thor III, and IM4 will bebe better than their predecessors.

Downey: No Plans For Iron Man 4
I used to think a planet hulk movie would be stupid hard to pull off execution and budget wise. But then I saw GotG. There was a lot of cgi in GotG and their budget was par for the course for a comic book movie. So I have a little hope.

I think the circumstances surrounding why Banner got shipped off would have to be a bit different. Would kinda be out of character for his fellow Avengers to voluntarily ship him off to outer space. Would be kinda dark and non - Disney like.
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I used to think a planet hulk movie would be stupid hard to pull off execution and budget wise. But then I saw GotG. There was a lot of cgi in GotG and their budget was par for the course for a comic book movie. So I have a little hope.

I think the circumstances surrounding why Banner got shipped off would have to be a bit different. Would kinda be out of character for his fellow Avengers to voluntarily ship him off to outer space. Would be kinda dark and non - Disney like.
Yeah, he's not as destructive as he's portrayed in the comics, so it'll probably be an accident or something. Maybe Hulk would feel betrayed. I don't know.
There seems to be a lot of buzz behind this rumor. They can't stop there. If not the whole team, I'd like to see Gamora.
Yeah they dropped the ball with IM2 and IM3. It would've been perfect to do Demon In A Bottle after Tony dealing with the existence of aliens. Perfect reason. They could do it if he feels guilt from creating Ultron, but I don't see it. I think they have things under control now though. I have faith in Thor III, and IM4 will bebe better than their predecessors.
I'm not looking forward to a IM4 at all and kinda hope they don't make it for a long while.
Encouraging robot on robot violence would be extremely insensitive smh
All robots are evil and deserve to be scrap metal though so it don't matter.
:smh: such a robophobe

I aint scared of them. Just want them to stay in their place and never achieve any form of sentience.
Ok somebody who is fimilar with the MOVIE plot school me. I've read the comic a few times and don't actually understand how their gonna pull this movie off.

No wolverine and no invisible girl means no time travel to kill the "Past" Hank Pym AKA Ant Man AKA Ultrons Creator.

So no time travel back means no time travel foward to battle Ultron in the future? Or will they just flat out ignore the time travel back??

Not to mention no Spider-Man so that means they can't have him saved in the beginning of the movie from humans that trade heroes to Ultron.

Someone please enlighten me cause I can go on and on with the people they are missing that are neccesary to actually make this movie work.

P.S.- did they replace she-hulks role with the actual hulk?? If so that's dumb cuz hulk dies in the beginning then.
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