Welcome to the new NikeTalk!

Methodical Management

Staff member
Dec 8, 1999
Welcome, everyone, to the new NikeTalk.com! Since the founding of our community in December of 1999, NikeTalk has outgrown or outlasted no less than three different software platforms in the course of our ongoing efforts to provide you, our fellow members, with the best possible experience. On behalf of our entire team, I'd like to thank you for your patience throughout the upgrade process.

This latest rendition of NikeTalk offers an array of new features designed to make our forums safer, more convenient, and more enjoyable. Yet, for all the changes, we've worked hard to make our revamped website feel like a natural extension of the community that so many of us have grown up with.

Whether you're a newcomer or a longtime veteran, we do recommend that you take a moment to review the guides we've prepared to explain how our new system works. Most functions should feel familiar to you, but there are a few differences to be aware of.

Here are a few of the guides you'll find here in our Site Migration Help section:

Adding a Picture Within a Post or Thread

Quick Guide - Your Account and Settings
Quoting a Post
Sending Private/Direct Messages, aka Conversations
Find New Threads/Discussions and Posts
Reporting a Post
Replying to a Post or Thread
Starting a Thread

If you have any questions, just let us know and a member of our team will gladly assist you.

In addition to our longtime staff members, whose daily sacrifices make NikeTalk possible, you'll also see HellaSteph HellaSteph , whose company Community Hired oversaw our community's migration and the development of our new website. Steph is joined by @sjhuddler, who led the support effort for our community during our last website migration five years ago, and @CvP, the lead developer for the project.

We can't thank them enough for lending us their talents to save our community - and we can't thank you enough for helping us build a community worth saving, no matter the cost.
Any chance we can get the old "smiles" back like :wow: :pimp: :smokin ? Or was that not part of the plan?
Is there an equivalent page to the "Subscriptions" page from Huddler NT?

EDIT: Found it :smokin. Forums > Watched Threads
Is there an equivalent page to the "Subscriptions" page from Huddler NT?

'Watched threads' from the main menu

If you're on iphone, once you reach that page, then bookmark it to your favorites and it should take you straight to your subscribed threads
Is there a setting to start off at the last unread post in a thread when you open it? Right now I'm seeing the "go to first unread" once I open the thread but before when I opened a thread it just started when I left off.

Think this platform looks great btw
Thank you to everyone who was involved in this transition. I can't imagine the hard work and dedication it took to bring us this new site. As with anything, we will get used to all of the changes and within a week, we'll all be used to it. I loved the old NT, but it's still the same site, just updated and modernized and I'm all for it. I can't wait to play around with the new features of the site.
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