What are you thankful for, NT? vol. everyday is a blessing

Nov 2, 2006
Just got a washer and dryer off craigslist for $125. It damn near changed my world. I eliminated this mountain of clothes that was living in my room. I was never bout that laundry mat life. Now, I dont got to deal wit the hassle.

Its always important to appreciate the small victories/gains in life. Whats yours?
Everyday I wake up and thank myself that I'm still me. I spawned onto this earth at random, in the right situations, at the right time surrounded by the right people, and raised by the right parents......
All great stuff fellas. Keep it going. I find that I am always looking towards a better future, and thinking on what I dont have. But I neglect or dont fully appreciate the things Im currently blessed wit. Gotta stop and smell the roses more often.
waking up, being healthy, mom and bros are healthy, healthy nephews and nieces, having little food in the house, a roof over my head, clothes on my back, skateboarding bc it saved my life.
Lean and bud

but other than that I was bless in being 6'3 even though I prayed for 6'6 when I younger but happy my height was close enough
Just waking up everyday learning,growing and out here getting it,lol
Im thankful for my fam still being stable while I'm overseas. I pray each day that I won't lose any of them to my city.
That I'm not this guy http://instagram.com/ryanmahercomedy

Not sure how to embed instagram pictures
 dude was reaching 
good health, patience, insight, the drive to constantly learn and grow, having a family + the amount of love in my life from friends and family.
Everything I'm not, cause it's made me everything I am.

:pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

I'm thankful for ability to soak up information from anyone... Regardless of their credentials out background...

If you spit knowledge, I'll always pull up a chair. :pimp:
my drive and work ethic
all limbs attached I am not disabled in anyway, I couldnt imagine not being able to walk again
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