What does it mean to be a hippie?

it's living a life that isn't revolved around the pursuit of the almighty dollar, but rather the pursuit of happiness. They may not be able to afford ovens, so let them boys microwave
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Originally Posted by NinerFaithful

-being free from the shackles of "the man" ie. consumerism, getting a 9-5 job

I think now the hippie movement evolved and branched off into different subcultures, like crust punks for example.

look like they smell horrible. 

Word. My nose cringed just looking at them. 
Originally Posted by soltheman

To add to what's already been said; actually taking action for the things one is passionate about.

The biggest thing that people tend to overlook about hippies of the past and modern day "hippies" is that in the past, hippies would actually do stuff. They protested, they would chain themselves to trees while bulldozers revved their engines, and they supported the local causes in their area to create change on a grand scale. Many people lost their lives during the hippie movements of the past.

Now a days, most people are self proclaimed hippies so that they have an excuse to smoke weed every day and not shower. Those are just my observations, though.




This is just proof that these people are nothing but posers buying into an image, not living a lifestyle. 
lol I'm only a hippie in the social liberal sense, but these people look like they haven' showered in WEEKS
The hipsters in my area look like the trash in that pic. And when you are coming up on 'em walking down the street, you can most definitely smell them coming. Hang out in the park all day, begging for change and playing guitars.

To me it seems like the original hippies have 2 stereotypes... those from wealthy backgrounds, did the drug/love thing, went back to college when the fun was over and got jobs and enjoyed that inheritance money. The other type are the ones that became too caught up in the drugs and became street bums or those freaks driving around in/living in those busted up vans you see at the parks.
The CIA inadvertently created hippy culture through their MKULTRA drug experiments.
CIA drugged up Ken Kesey with LSD > Kesey forms the Merry Pranksters, advocating"mind-expanding" LSD > Rise of the modern hippy > World becomes smellier
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