What does Kobe's "rape" case have to do with his talent?

Jun 20, 2008
I'm so sick and tired of people bringing this stupid case up. Like what the *$#* does the case have to do with his talent as a basketball player? Peopleact like females don't deliberately have sex with famous people and then sue them for money. Three things you mainly here from supposed Kobe haters:
1. Kobe has a bad attitude (meanwhile LeBron storming off the court and not shaking hands after the game. And MJ was a complete a-hole)
2. He can't do it with out Shaq
(NO ONE HAS EVER DONE IT BY THEMSELVES ...NOT EVEN MJ. Shaq didn't doit with out Wade)
3. He is a rapist (S.T.F.U.)

-The Juice
Nobody I know brings it up, it is almost like it never happened. White people in Denver would though I am sure.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Nobody I know brings it up, it is almost like it never happened. White people in Denver would though I am sure.
Man I have been in like 5 arguments with 5 different people since the Lakers won and all 5 brought up the dumb "rape" case.

-The Juice
only time it gets brought up is on here by "fans" and when I go to games at Pepsi Center theres always a few No Means No chants
Gets brought up in convo's ALL THE TIME with my friends and I. Gets pretty annoying
Word. I'll argue that Kobe is better than a player i can not name, and they're quick to say "atleast this player doesn't rape!"
i just
and say that doesn't have to do anything about BASKETBALL PLAYER
Originally Posted by de PHX Jose

Word. I'll argue that Kobe is better than a player i can not name, and they're quick to say "atleast this player doesn't rape!"
i just
and say that doesn't have to do anything about BASKETBALL PLAYER

EXACTLY my thoughts.
Some people aren't just fans of the athlete.

For some people, the talent an athlete displays on the court/field/ice AS WELL AS who that athlete is off of the court/field/ice is why they are a fan, or whythey can't stand a person.
This post is a candidate to get locked, but I will say that it's amazing how he repaired his image. Time heals all wounds, but wow. This dude had to bewalkin' with the Lord.
Its the same exact thing with a former Hawaii football player by the name of Colt Brennan. Attended Colorado and got in a sexual harrasment case, many thoughtit was rape, which it was only him having a few to many drink and trying to convince his Ex girlfriend to get back with him. Many still hold that against, hewas kicked off the team, attended a Juco and now is one of the best College football quarterbacks in history. Explanation, no one I mean no one should bejudged for there off the field issues. Everyone has them, but Talent should not have anything to do with Rape or anything of that matter.
Not that this hasn't been gone over numerous times on here, but to answer your question. The case has NOTHING to do with his talent. It just becomes the"ace in the hole" for people that don't like him or don't have anything to refute what KB has done on the court.

It's really just comes down to people either like him or hate him like the commercial says, countless athletes have had issues with infidelity (MJ, Magicto name a few) but they (and/or the media) lent themselves to by likable and sympathetic figures. Kobe has never really done that and it turns people off tohim, it didn't help him for a while that the media constantly portrayed him as the villain in countless situations (whether justified or not). As time hasgone along, the realizations have come forward that he wasn't always the bad guy he was made out to be.

It is remarkable that he's been able to repair his image back to the point it was before the Colorado incident took place, I mean he's the most popularplayer in the NBA again, tops in jersey sales, etc. and now a champion again. I know a lot of people who couldn't stand him at the beginning of the decadethat have turned to appreciate his greatness and even like the guy, so it's just a matter of giving him a chance, some people choose to separate the playerfrom the person and some don't.
if anything you gotta blame the NBA for the way they marketed him, they pushed him as their "Perfect Son" and as soon as Colorado and the whole Shaqfiasco broke it gave every insecure, hater an avenue to bash the NBA's "Golden Boy"
Rape? what rape? he was never found guilty because the dumb broad was lying and the case was dropped.
Absolutely nothing...but what makes me sick is companies like ESPN/ABC painting a picture of Kobe as a great family man....doesn't take anything away fromhis greatness on the court, but in all fairness I dunno if I have ever seen anyone recover from a fall from grace like Kobe did.
Kobes rape case..

Beef with shaq (got shaq traded)..

"He aint better then Jordan"..

Are all the reasons why I can't argu basktball w/ anyone anti Kobe/ laker people. Annoys me that that's what people how to resort to discredit the man.I swear Laker/Kobe haters are on a whole nother level with their hate.
stupid question.

the rape case doesn't have anything to do with his skills.

but it does have to do with his image, which is prevalent both on and off the court.

some people look for more than skills, they want to embrace the entire character of an athlete. some people can't embrace a rape case, guilty or not.
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