What has been your biggest failure or personal let down?

Mar 8, 2009
Everyone has that one big personal failure or personal let down that they think about from time to time or haunts them. Get it off your chest and let NT know what your biggest personal failure or personal let down is.

I have a couple, my biggest personal let down is that I have never told my parents that they were grand parents but my then girlfriend had an abortion because she knew I was going places and didn't want a child to slow me down or hold me down. Sometimes I catch myself daydreaming about how I would have told my parents that they're grandparents.

My biggest failure would have to be when I failed three out of five classes one spring semester. I got caught up in the college life partying, chasing girls and having fun. Class was the last thing on my mind that semester. I will never forget after I turned in my dynamics exam (half blank) I basically ran to my car, cried in my car and I called my father to tell him I was a failure and I was going to join the services. He left work right away and we prayed about the situation and devised a plan to bounce back from that spring semester.

NT say it with your chest and let us know what your biggest personal failure or personal let down.
I promised the one girl that I loved that nothing would come between us when she left for college three years ago.

Fast forward to 2012 and now were broken up for good. It's not even the fact that we're broken up that kills me, its the fact that I promised her she was the girl I would marry, she would have my children, and we would die together. And now I'm moving on today without her.

That *%+* will eat me up for the rest of my life
Originally Posted by LoveOfTheGame916

I promised the one girl that I loved that nothing would come between us when she left for college three years ago.

Fast forward to 2012 and now were broken up for good. It's not even the fact that we're broken up that kills me, its the fact that I promised her she was the girl I would marry, she would have my children, and we would die together. And now I'm moving on today without her.

That *%+* will eat me up for the rest of my life
So you made a lifetime commitment to a girl when you were 18? That's a bad idea in the first place, man.
most of them stem from taking care of my health way too late.

doctors make it seem like an operation is the end/all be all

then you realize there is PLENTY of research that says otherwise and they just did it for a check 

but, by the time your symptoms come back you have no healthcare and everything is insanely expensive, but still, I should have come out of pocket sooner.

I feel like a totally different person 
I should have never attended the college i did.  It was my fault i was uninformed on everything.  My dad wasn't in the picture and my mom had never been to college so she didn't know the whole process.  In my head at 18 it was "just take out loans and get a job and pay them back everyone does it...its not that bad".  I got approved every year for my 45k tuition with no co-signer.  (with aid i paid 30k per year).

Started out at 120k in debt just from undergrad.  I have been paying loans for 2 years now and im down to 95k.  I have put everything i possibly can into these loans and they go no where.  My interest rates are insanely high and most of my payments go toward interest not principal.  I have a job I love but 0 personal life because i never have any money.  This decision will haunt me forever. 
Not going to Columbia University. They wanted me to go there for Engineering really bad, but I didn't want to do Engineering. I then realized without any family or friends there I would have been by myself, in the biggest city in the US, with NO money outside of the half tuition scholarship they gave to me (they told me if I did well my first semester, they would probably be able to "work with me." I didn't like the sound of that.)

I couldn't do it... and every day I wonder what if.
Damn op how u bounced back?I came here to say my biggest L so far is failing one class (calculus I)I feel like I'm not taking school serious and Im just not about that' engineering life Being in a cc doesn't help either
not going to the right high school when i had the chance to transfer all bcuz of a girl. then not goin to the right college cuz of same girl. then not finishing college smh
Failed 2/3 of my first semesters at a community college.. I thought life was over after that, dropped out for 2 yrs and life was pretty much worthless.lost 2 yrs of my young adulthood doing nuthin, and trying to make a long distance relationship work, that soon failed.I don't let any of my past failures get to me now. Failure is no longer an option.
failing out of law school. sucks because i was doing study abroad and found something related to law i thought i could really be good at, and actually enjoyed.

Sucks even more because i needed a 75 to stay in, and ended the year with a 74.6.

but everything happens for a reason, and even if i had the chance, i don't think i'd change it.
Not going to Hofstra or Cloumbia because i wanted to save money on my undergrad
Bring lazy in college
Graduating and at my age having such a crappy job. This isnot what I envisioned when I graduated HS.
Getting married at such a young age only to get divorced.  I've since remarried and learned so much from that experience.
mine isnt that serious. but not coming out of my box and being shy for all of hs and most of my early college career. Its my natural personality, but I couldve been swimming in chicks ( it was super easy to get girls in freshman year of college, but I didnt take advantage).

Also managing my money better. Im not broke, but I want stuff and I say nah its too expensive. Then I go and waste money on something stupid and meaningless when I couldve bought said item
thought this was the thread about nothing

my let down has to be not taking enough risks in terms of my education. I played it very safe. I applied for like 2 scholarships, got rejected on both and kinda quit applying because I didn't like that rejection feeling.
Not getting into the University of Michigan Ann Arbor. That was a serious let-down, I was so ready for that campus and to be with all of the friends I'd already made there. Just applied again a few months ago though, and got in
Too bad I'll be going to MSU instead, for personal reasons. Just made me feel really good that I accomplished that goal, though.

I also look at high school as a let-down. I had a 31 ACT score with a 3.3 GPA... there was basically no reason why I shouldn't have gotten above a 3.5. It was me being young and immature, and not taking anything seriously. Sometimes people don't realize how much HS can make or break you, because that decides if you're going Ivy league or community. I'm actually glad that everything worked out the way it did now because my overall life is a lot better off, but at the time I was really crushed when I realized how many opportunities I'd squandered by not taking HS seriously. To all my NTers struggling academically: Keep pushing. Establish goals for yourselves and actively monitor them and meet them. Never stop working and don't be afraid to put yourself out there for those opportunities.
Originally Posted by Jking0821

I should have never attended the college i did.  It was my fault i was uninformed on everything.  My dad wasn't in the picture and my mom had never been to college so she didn't know the whole process.  In my head at 18 it was "just take out loans and get a job and pay them back everyone does it...its not that bad".  I got approved every year for my 45k tuition with no co-signer.  (with aid i paid 30k per year).

Started out at 120k in debt just from undergrad.  I have been paying loans for 2 years now and im down to 95k.  I have put everything i possibly can into these loans and they go no where.  My interest rates are insanely high and most of my payments go toward interest not principal.  I have a job I love but 0 personal life because i never have any money.  This decision will haunt me forever. 

I hope your situation gets better but i've never understood this. My brother went to an small HBCU for accounting while his counterparts went to big names GWU, Georgetown, UT, etc.. He was top of his class studied his butt off everyday (I shoulda did the same
) eventually passed the CPA and is caked up. No loans to pay back or anything. Also got friends to went to hood colleges out of state paying close to 25-30k a yr only to drop out 2 semesters before they were suppose to graduate and back in the hood smoking and drinking everyday. I understand you want a quality education but money is real out here, gotta stay within your means when dealing with education too.
I wish I lived my 20's better. Stayed in a relationship that failed late in my 20's and I feel like that should have been my time serial dating.

Also I regret not taking school seriously and excelling at my talent when I had it. It sucks I have to take jobs just to get a paycheck.
Messing around and not taking school seriously my freshman year. Got kicked out of UCF. Stopped showing up to 3 classes last spring semester and got F's in all of em. Destroyed my GPA and lost my Bright Futures scholarship and my Pell Grant. I was basically getting paid 1400 a semester to go to school. Now I'm bumming it at a community college tryna get my GPA back up to a 2.0 to get Financial Aid back. Definitely learned my damn lesson.
Just wasting a good chunk of my early 20's working dead end jobs when I knew I was more then capable of doing way better then that.

I've been making up for lost time the past few years tho
Having my head up my **+ in high school and college not knowing how easy it was to smash everything I crossed paths with.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Having my head up my **+ in high school and college not knowing how easy it was to smash everything I crossed paths with.

THIS. Girls was basically putting the p in your hands too smh. If only I knew what I knew now i'd be +20
not joining track my early years in high school, instead of only senior year. i could have gone far
Originally Posted by Jking0821

I should have never attended the college i did.  It was my fault i was uninformed on everything.  My dad wasn't in the picture and my mom had never been to college so she didn't know the whole process.  In my head at 18 it was "just take out loans and get a job and pay them back everyone does it...its not that bad".  I got approved every year for my 45k tuition with no co-signer.  (with aid i paid 30k per year).

Started out at 120k in debt just from undergrad.  I have been paying loans for 2 years now and im down to 95k.  I have put everything i possibly can into these loans and they go no where.  My interest rates are insanely high and most of my payments go toward interest not principal.  I have a job I love but 0 personal life because i never have any money.  This decision will haunt me forever. 
giving an 18 yo kid a 45k loan w/ no co-signer? %!@?
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