what is your favorite N64 game

Jul 19, 2012
just downloaded an emulator and wanted to see what the peoples' choices were..

already downloaded:

mario 64

zelda ocarina of time

paper mario
Wrestlemania 2000, greatest wrestling game ever too
Between WWF No Mercy (the real best wrestling game ever lol) or Super Smash Bros
Super Mario 64 is up there too
forgot to mention, you cant save with the emulator so maybe some quick fun games
I know a lot of people prefer Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time over Majora's Mask, but of all the N64 games made, this one was the one I always found myself picking up time after time. So its Majora's Mask for me.
Probably that fighting game where you fight, and it said ultra, ultra!!!! When you pressed slot of buttons forgot What it was called.
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