!!!! What the hell did Kanye West just do!!!?

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

anyone who defended kanye for this stunt just proved their ignorance, childishness, and d riding skills at the same time with their responses.

QFT. Those of you saying he made us look bad are ridiculous. People that don't like black people don't didn't need Ye's help. They didn'tlike us before and it would still be the same if he didn't go up there.
Thing is Why Kanye even care about some Stupid MTV Video Awards..... I wouldn't even being showing up at these things if im him.
That could of been a fatal blow to Kanye West's career.... Everyone will have to distance themselves for the forseeable future... but as long as Kanye putsout good music all will be forgotten.
Originally Posted by shoepacalypse

Originally Posted by cjb23

I wanna see someone jump out in the middle of a kanye speech or kanye performance and just absolutely go off on his $$%

- your last 2 albums were completely wack
- what happened to the old kanye that created soulful music instead of this new faux electronica rap
- you turned your back on the fans that supported you when you were an unknown mixtape producer
- you turned your back on consequence and glc
- you havent evolved- you sold your soul

Thats what i dont get about kanye haters one minute he is a sell out the next he is ignorant and a %#*%$!#@% etc.. If he was a sellout uncle tom house N, he wouldnt have did what he did he wouldva ****ed out and kept how he felt inside and said nuttin. Yall kill me one minute he is like byron gumble the next moment yall make him out like he odb. Which is he... i mean it aint me so i dont care about whether u love hate the man. Just keep the reason yall hate the man consistant.

i think he was referring to selling his soul from a music standpoint? not making good music, etc.
^^For bursting on stage when Taylor Swift was on??? RLY?? I dont think so....not like he stormed on during the MJ tribute and complained that they were doingit wrong
Brilliant Overlord wrote:

that's all?
y'all need to chill
Originally Posted by YouMadYouBad

Get the Reynolds wrap because Kayne's career is wrapped up. .

Are you serious? You honestly think his career is over? Don't be so niave this is just more publicity for him. Can't wait for a new single
Originally Posted by Biggie62

Originally Posted by blacklion23

Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

Originally Posted by blacklion23

Staged? I don't think so. Reason. MTV made Kanye look worse by giving Beyonce the vid of the year award. What's funny about that is if Beyonce won vid of the year, why didn't she win female vid of the year? Makes no sense. They gave B the award to make Ye look stupid.
nah, ye made MTV make B win the award.

Ummm, I think that's what I said. If Ye didn't do what he did, B would not have won. How do you win for overall vid but not for female vid?
It happened before. Check some past award winners. I'm pretty sure, just off the top of my head, that when Madonna won for Video of the Year for "Ray of Light" she didn't win the female version. I'm not guaranteeing that it's true, but I'm 75% certain. But there have to be more artists that achieved this.
lol.. seriously?
MTV gave Beyonce the award b/c of this?...

forget the fact that they actually have the people vote for the awards.
I thought what Kanye did was total d-baggery, but it's not gonna ruin his career. Maybe a small dent. Y'all know they still play Chris Brown songs onthe radio, right?
@ The blacks on this board caring how white people view us...they don't care how we look @ them so why is this an issue? SMH @ some of you for real.
Like I said in the other thread, this was clearly staged like the bruno/eminem thing to generate more buzz for mtv.
I hope Kayne loses fans not only because of his douchebagery. . . But also because his music went straight down the drain after Late Registration. .
funniest thing ever... son was tipsy too
... I would admit that it was wrong though..

edit: that !+%@ wasnt staged.. i guess lil mama was staged too
Originally Posted by Enlightened Thought

shoepacalypse wrote:
cjb23 wrote:
I wanna see someone jump out in the middle of a kanye speech or kanye performance and just absolutely go off on his $$%

- your last 2 albums were completely wack
- what happened to the old kanye that created soulful music instead of this new faux electronica rap
- you turned your back on the fans that supported you when you were an unknown mixtape producer
- you turned your back on consequence and glc
- you havent evolved- you sold your soul

Thats what i dont get about kanye haters one minute he is a sell out the next he is ignorant and a %#*%$!#@% etc.. If he was a sellout uncle tom house N, he wouldnt have did what he did he wouldva ****ed out and kept how he felt inside and said nuttin. Yall kill me one minute he is like byron gumble the next moment yall make him out like he odb. Which is he... i mean it aint me so i dont care about whether u love hate the man. Just keep the reason yall hate the man consistant.

i think he was referring to selling his soul from a music standpoint? not making good music, etc.

I was just speaking in general about the views ppl have about kanye. One minute he is some seersuit wearing yes sir no sir yes massa type N. Then he isignorant childiesh stupid and a reflexion on an entire race of ppl. I just dont see how 1 person can be like tiger woods and malcolm x all at once. At the endof the day anybody can be a batch and feel something, think something and be phony and hide behind they feelings.Anyone can follow the norm and do whateverppl, rather be job society say u should do/act like. It takes guts and balls to get up and say what u have 2 say whenever u feel the need 2 say it.

Was it tactfull tastefull in the views terms of what most ppl in society say ppl should act speak behave NO.... But if he wanted to follow protocol and be ayes man, hed be like the majority of americans and have a regular job where he has to speak act dress conduct himself how his employer/society tells him to orhow they say a person should be.

This reminds me of how ppl dress act conduct themselves in a certain manner different at work or certain races of ppl then they normally would act so they dontbe depicted as ignorant or a disgrace to there race.
Kanye is a grown man and a lot of kids/people look up to him. Sometimes you just gotta man the %@!+ up. I don't care what people say about him being him.It takes more balls to be a man than a whiny, little girl. Especially when you're disrespecting another artist who's also only 19. Pretty much ruinedthat moment for her.

The award doesn't even involve him and Beyonce probably could care less about the award. Judging by the vid I think Taylor Swift actually cared about itand Kanye was a douche by pulling that stunt.
Originally Posted by Enlightened Thought

Originally Posted by shoepacalypse

Originally Posted by cjb23

I wanna see someone jump out in the middle of a kanye speech or kanye performance and just absolutely go off on his $$%

- your last 2 albums were completely wack
- what happened to the old kanye that created soulful music instead of this new faux electronica rap
- you turned your back on the fans that supported you when you were an unknown mixtape producer
- you turned your back on consequence and glc
- you havent evolved- you sold your soul

Thats what i dont get about kanye haters one minute he is a sell out the next he is ignorant and a %#*%$!#@% etc.. If he was a sellout uncle tom house N, he wouldnt have did what he did he wouldva ****ed out and kept how he felt inside and said nuttin. Yall kill me one minute he is like byron gumble the next moment yall make him out like he odb. Which is he... i mean it aint me so i dont care about whether u love hate the man. Just keep the reason yall hate the man consistant.

i think he was referring to selling his soul from a music standpoint? not making good music, etc.

glad someone got it - listen to kanye from 5-8 years ago compared to now - its like 2 completely different artists = gone are the soulful/r&b beats andnow its this electronica type stuff;
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