What the hell does this mean? Girl talk interpretation necessary PIC

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ur totally gonna get in, so even if ******** accepts me ill be sad and alone w/o u (well actually, i'll have *********.... but its not the same).
I met this girl at an interview back in September. Kept in touch somewhat since then. Might be going to the same school next year.

The second blocked out name is a girl she's friends with. Is this just a friendly note? I can't interpret !@#$ over the internet.
what the hell is there to understand...its not another guy so what does it matter?

now i see why they stay gettin on wit your girl problems...

doesn't mean anything. She's basically saying that she won't be so alone after all since her friend is there and you're not there. You stillgonna get the {}, don't sweat it fam.
be like maybe we should spend some time together before you go off to __________ (school shes going to)

and then you let what happens happen
Sneak up from behind her and hit her on the forehead with it...

Then she'll speak a language that you can understand.
First of al pm me pics of the girl.
Second, she looks 20 aren't u guys old enough to communicate it feelings openly

I was just confused. I've never even hung out with her. I've seen her one time in person. I guess I'll wait and see...
Originally Posted by spsfinest212

Originally Posted by ericescobar

First of al pm me pics of the girl.
Second, she looks 20 aren't u guys old enough to communicate it feelings openly
Really though?
obviously a typo, guy. you gotta do better than that
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