Whatever happened to the NTer that started a hedge fund??

Jul 20, 2012
This is 10+ years ago, he was in the investment thread heavy

smart as hell
UofM dropout
Started a hedge fun (I think)
Had a blog with a whole bunch of investment **** I couldn’t understand

we were Facebook friends, but I don’t know why happened to dude. Wondering if he’s a billionaire by now (so I could hold a $20)
I would also love to know. Per the internet, his fund got shuttered.


Seems like all of his funds/firms got shuttered.

I feel like that thread exposed him and he wasn't telling the truth but who knows. Going from retail to doing any of these things is a crazy jump.
Warbucks Capital? Really? :lol:
Ehhh the amount of successful funds that have stupid names will blow your mind. Half the game of naming a fund is making it something that's easy to remember/it selling the appearance that it makes money.
somebody needs to hunt down the exposed thread. I remember "his house" was in his daddys name and he was just stuntin'. NT detectives got him good
That was a great thread. One of the best threads ever. Remember it like yesterday when they exposed him to be a car salesman for an exotic car dealer (or rental - I can’t remember). That explained all the bentley’s and exotic cars he always used to post.
I forgot the name of the other member that was caping hard for Gold ST Capital.
Also remember dudes posting photos of his house. Dude lived in like regular splanch style home. I don’t think he was banned. NT just ran him out, out of pure shame. Man that truly was a great thread.
idky ppl get online lying like that especially when they attach their face to their. l've been watching ppl getting doxxed in worldstar comments for years. I thought they were troll post at 1st, but nope. They were exposing everything about said troll. Some of those losers were damn senior citizens trolling racism & other weirdo ****. Those dudes even doxed a mod like 2 weeks ago :lol: :smh:

Anyway, may one of you link that thread? I have nothing better to do atm.
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