What's the worst injury you've ever had???

Jan 5, 2003
I've been lucky. The worst I've had is a dislocated finger, bruised ribs, and a concussion. Probably the worst physical pain I've ever gone throughwas when I quit my anxiety meds cold turkey (I was very, very addicted) and I thought my brain was melting. Constant poundingheadaches/nausea/lightheadedness/"brain spasms"/you name it for more than a week, I had to lay in my bed for days. I tried driving with the headachesbut I ended up swerving like a drunk so I had to stop. Horrible.

I know that my story pales in comparison to some of the stuff out there, so come on NT, tell me your tales of personal injury.
[color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]got both ankles slit by glass at age 8 was bleeding bad ...nothing serious since[/color]
Vase thrown on my foot= 7 stitches
Dog bit my foot= 5 stitches
^^Before 10 years old
Hyper extended my knee= Rehab
^^^When i was 19, Im 21 now
-I was riding my BMX and my right foot slipped off the pedal while jumping onto a side walk. The pedals has those medal spikes..... they went straight throughmy jeans and punctured my shin.

- My ankles have been twisted so many times that whenever I twist them while playing bball it dosn't hurt anymore
Torn ACL, shattered meniscus.

My ACL is overtightened and I lose 5 degrees of bending now...
Hairline fractured of my Fibula back in the 6th grade. Running down a wet hill after throwing water balloons at this lady I know and her kids and my left legslipped and my right slightly bent and cracked. I heard it and have not been comfortable on wet grass since for real. Well if I'm playing football thenI'm cool. Huh karma.

I got like 6 weeks out of school though which was great when I wasn't fending to go outside.
Despite years of basketball, surfing, kayaking, kendo and other sports, I have had no truly major injuries as a result of those activities. I have merely hadthe the usual rolled ankles, smacks to the nose, knee to knee smacks and a few elbows to the torso.

My greatest wound was not incurred during any game or expedition, it was self inflicted, it was cardiomyopathy. A short but intense period of cocaine usepushed my heart muscles to the brink of the point of being damaged beyond healing (at that point your heart keeps expanding, the muscles beyond less and lesselastic and your heart eventually cannot pump blood well enough to keep you alive), in fact, that was what the initial prognosis was. Luckily, with meds andexercise and relatively healthy living, my heart's muscles have all but completely regenerated, regained their pre-cocaine elasticity and strength and Ifine now. The combination of will and technology never cease to amaze.

The muscles of your heart being degraded is not the most physically pain full injury but one of the most grave.
Sprained Ankle- Summer League Basketball
Chipped tooth-Playing Tag

Various Bruises and Soreness- Football (thank god no one touches DBs).
heirline fracture on my left ankle - basketball, 8th grade
laceration on 2 parts of my knee, lacerated top and bottom left side lip, broken teeth, broken left hip... steel rod inside...19 inch scar from it, heirlinefracture to the left ulna, broken right arm with steel bars... 6-7 inch scars on inside and outside of my forearm.. - car accident.
Originally Posted by musicjunky05

heirline fracture on my left ankle - basketball, 8th grade
laceration on 2 parts of my knee, lacerated top and bottom left side lip, broken teeth, broken left hip... steel rod inside...19 inch scar from it, heirline fracture to the left ulna, broken right arm with steel bars... 6-7 inch scars on inside and outside of my forearm.. - car accident.
[color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]cott damn Steve-o!![/color]
Not a physical injury, but withdrawing from Oxy is the most pain I've ever been in. Several times.
Torn meniscus in both knees - required 2 surgeries (obviously).
Broken nose twice - surgery
Now that I think of it, I've been pretty lucky when it comes to injuries. Worst one I can think of is a sprained ankle
herneated disc. had to have surgery to remove a piece that was lodging into my nerves. it would cause me major discomfort and was not able to walk straight
KL9 wrote:
Torn ACL, shattered meniscus.

My ACL is overtightened and I lose 5 degrees of bending now...


well for me, the worst was a rolled back ankle and a hip injury...walking wounded that week to school
Was playing basketball...about to go up for a dunk and I tore a ligament in my knee...
My actual knee was pulled up about 4" and a bone was sticking out from where my knee was SUPPOSED to be...
I didn't realize it til someone pointed it out to me...then I felt the pain AS SOON AS I saw my knee
When I go the the hospital...the doctor informed me that I had also fractured my wrist...
I was so focused on the pain from my knee that I didn't notice my effin wrist was fractured...
collapsed lung? does that count. was in the hospital for a week.

had stitches under my right eye from a car accident.

broken both wrists.

and some fingers.
Stitches between my eyes when I was 2 or 3
Broke my left arm when I was in the 3rd grade (freshman in college now)
Broke my ring finger on my right hand freshman yr. basketball season (still played)
Sprained ankle 11th grade yr. - basketball
Twisted left knee senior yr. - basketball
Right now broken left thumb from basketball - the worse thing is when you hear that "CRACK" I knew that was it when I heard it. The first thing Idid was grab it and hold on to it. It was hurtin and purple lol
nothing too bad...when i was younger i stayed in the hospital because of chronic asthma and allergies. but overall i was a pretty healthy kid. i drank a lot ofmilk and never broke anything...so far and ive fallen off of a moving ryder truck, fell out of a tree, and fell on cement when i went up for a dunk. (i slippedon the sand coming down out door playgrounds ftl). the worst would probably be more recently when i pierced a knife almost all the way through my finger andsevered some ligaments about a month ago. 5 stitches cleaned me up. oh and i got stitches in my head for something my dad said...meh i dont remember.
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