What's your current dilemma?

Jan 5, 2013
Just list em.

I want what I've already had but can't have any more. Then when I get it again, I'm back to not wanting it. :smh:

I'm putting off this big move because I'm content where I am.

These ******* keep putting me on Instagram. :smh:

I'm better at paying back than I am at saving.
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Hurt my wrist bench pressing a couple years ago and just this week I busted it again 

I dont save as much as I wish I did

Im getting more and more grey hairs (im 21)
Been working around 50 hours a week the last month... All in business clothes in this weather :x I have it easy compared to other people in the world though

what isnt right...lol

*laughing through the pain...*
Work leaves little time for anything.

Thats my main prob

Cant even have a dog because of it
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No air conditioner, car broke down, how to park it mad far away in the bronx, only a few dollars to my name atm
Work cut hours, gained 10 pounds of the 15 pounds I lost a few months back, and have been a little depressed. (socially, there's really only one buddy I hang out with often now. Other "friends" maybe once every two months.

Good news is I passed the PTCB exam last friday so a better job is in sight. Need more experience at my current job though. Perhaps one more month.
Been feeling better about myself lately. So the depression is not as bad.

I just want to the lose the weight I gained and then some. Gotta look good for my third try at college.
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Just list em.

I want what I've already had but can't have any more. Then when I get it again, I'm back to not wanting it. :smh:

I'm putting off this big move because I'm content where I am.

This. Aka my relationship with now ex gf

I haven't reach goal to get my first car. Btw very picky. Rather take the bus then drive a lemon.
Wanting to move to Florida/ anywhere but Philly.
Old ex gf trying to ruin my life. If I wasn't an *******, I'll have my sister knocking at her front door and give her a good beating.
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bank account stupid low living paycheck to paycheck and i have a good job. my dilemma is a find myself in a cycle with no way out because of CC debt. just an endless cycle smh :smh:
LOL @ dudes posting Instagram problems. I hope that's a joke.

I got hit by an SUV while biking six weeks ago. I broke my back (transverse process vertebrae) and my hand along with tons of scrapes on my face (warning: graphic)

So, after weeks of laying around, icing my whole body and having my roommate take care of me, I got the pleasant surprise today that I've been sent to collections for the damage done to the car. That hit me. Because I rolled through a STOP sign. I owe $2900. Better call an injury lawyer (Saul?) I guess.

That's on top of the rest of the crap that's happened in 2013: losing my job, heading to the emergency room with a cat bite (yes, a cat bite... it got infected...) and paying $800 in back taxes. And 2013's only half over. Damn.

Good luck to all you fellas, don't take anything for granted. I could be paralyzed or dead, but I'm walking around, feeling better and dating a hot little 21 year old that doesn't mind that my back gets stiff :smile:
Got hit with 2 big bills that I didn't see coming, and will take out a good portion of my savings, after I thought I was free and clear to kick my feet up. I ain't trippin though, could definitely be a lot worse.
Pretty much lost my zest for life would be one way to put it.
LOL @ dudes posting Instagram problems. I hope that's a joke.

I got hit by an SUV while biking six weeks ago. I broke my back (transverse process vertebrae) and my hand along with tons of scrapes on my face (warning: graphic)

So, after weeks of laying around, icing my whole body and having my roommate take care of me, I got the pleasant surprise today that I've been sent to collections for the damage done to the car. That hit me. Because I rolled through a STOP sign. I owe $2900. Better call an injury lawyer (Saul?) I guess.

That's on top of the rest of the crap that's happened in 2013: losing my job, heading to the emergency room with a cat bite (yes, a cat bite... it got infected...) and paying $800 in back taxes. And 2013's only half over. Damn.

Good luck to all you fellas, don't take anything for granted. I could be paralyzed or dead, but I'm walking around, feeling better and dating a hot little 21 year old that doesn't mind that my back gets stiff :smile:
no helmet
gained back most of the weight i lost smh, my friends with fcking criminal records and no job experience keep getting jobs over me( sound like a d1ck huh?) no cart, mom keeps telling me to move out so she can "travel"( wtf im only 18)
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