When it comes to scoring Durant > All

Mar 14, 2005
What do y'all think about this statement

Work on his game and get even better the next few years plus put some muscle on. With his size and his long range shot already the goods there ain't a D inthe NBA thats gonna be able to stop him

He's only 20
Originally Posted by Bigmike23


its no knock on him but better then everyones?


but, strictly scoring the basketball? There can be a case made for that soon. Melo would fall into that category, too

It's still LeBron and Kobe overall offensively.
i like him too but he stays on the perimeter..

He has trouble getting to the basket CONSISTENTLY...

If he can get stronger, so any bump wont knock him off balance...

Hes going to be a serious problem...
OP, what you mean is his SCORING skill set. in that case, i don't know if i'd agree but he's certainly up there and will only get better.
Durant is going to be ridiculous in a few years. 6'9" and shoots 42% on threes. Dude's going to be a taller Ray Allen. He's 20. 20 years old.Wow.
how can you not say that kobe is still the most dangerous offensive threat on the planet? Dude's J is wetter then Melo's...

I'll give it to marshMELO though his offensive game is close...but those of you saying melo>* everyone...just wait for KD...the kid's got somethingto proove and is hungry, I think KD might go down as one of the top offensive threats to step on the floor...he doesn't need to add too much strengh, butjust a little...he's already a matchup nightmare for other teams
I agree that KD doesn't need to add any weight.

Son is disgusting as is.

That jumper is only going to get wetter.
Originally Posted by SHUGES

I agree that KD doesn't need to add any weight.

Son is disgusting as is.

That jumper is only going to get wetter.
I know. 42% from distance @ 6'10
And he is only going to be a third year!

Give thunder some more time to grow, its going to over.

That is serious right there.
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