Which team's fan base do you hate the most?

Jun 10, 2004
Chicago Cubs.

based on my experiences and after this past weekend....these people have officially supplanted Boston Red Sox fans as the biggest collective group of douchebags ever (only because the Red Sox have actually won a world series recently.)� i've been to Wrigley as a visiting fan and have been to Reds' homegames against the Cubs and Red Sox.� Cubs fans are worse when they're actually in your ballpark than they are when you're at Wrigley.








95% of the Cubs fans on this board are cool, but as a whole, these people suck.� however, they're great "fans."� they travel well, sell out theirown ballpark every game....so props to the organization for maintaining such a large fan base w/o winning a championship in a century. but I'll be damnedif the majority of Cubs fans became fans because they actually care....or they jumped on the bandwagon when they won (
.)� they became fans because it's the cool thing to do.� but win or lose,they have fun....did i say win?

the actual die-hard are apprecited tho.

who ya got?

They have acheived nothing of relevance in the last 14 years but fans seem to think they are a lock for the Super Bowl every pre-season because of their"talent" and "pro bowlers" while bashing the rest of the NFC. Your team sucks until they prove otherwise. What yall did 14 years ago hasnothing to do with who's on the team TODAY!!!!


I just hate the bandwagon Laker fans who know nothing about the history of the Lakers and jump on them once they are in the Finals.
*waits for the typical Raider hate*


-Cowboys fans IN California.

-Lakers fans from the Bay

-Broncos fans

-Red Sox/Yankees fans (I've been to games at Fenway and Yankee stadium, lets just say my suspicions based on their actions at A's games were cemented)
Cleveland Browns (sorry outacontrol)
anything Ohio State
Michigan football
Red Sox

...and not only do I hate their fan bases, but the teams themselves also.
Originally Posted by JoeClear

Wake Forest basketball , Skip Prosser made them delusional and ignorant

you mean because they never get past the 2nd round, or 1st round this year, yet the tie dyed morons think they are Final Four locks each year?
I do not really hate any baseball teams fan base because the only people who are really D bags are generally drunk guys skipping work, college kids who aredrunk and the stans. Most teams loyal and long time fan base are filled with people who first and foremost love good baseball, I have developed a lot ofrespect for some of the baseball people on this forum, even though alot of them are fans of teams I hate.

Packers fans drive me crazy because of the years of blind Favre worship.
Vikings fans because every year they are supposed to be some dark horse favorite and they generally just suck.
Lakers fans.
-raider nation
-boston fans
-cowboy fans
-sf giants fans
-cleveland Lebron fans
-the 2007 playoff warrior bandwagon fans
-those kobe fans who think he can never do wrong

-those jordan fans who think he can never do wrong
--I dont hate any group of fans per se, I hate people who act like fans. I can respect people's fandom for their particular team.
--What I meant by people who act like fans: My friend brought some dude to my house for Game 5 of the Lakers/Rockets series. Dude starts cheering for theRockets. I ask him if he's a Rockets fan, he says no but I like Yao and Tmac. When the Lakers proceed to wallop the ROckets in that game, dude proceeds tosay...Cleveland is gonna win it all anyway. So I ask him again: so Cleveland is your team? He says no, he actually doesnt have a team. Cant respect that. Toldmy boy not to bring haters in my house during the postseason. LOL.

--Being a fan/having a team > being a hater without a team and still having the nerve to have an opinion. hahaha
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