Why do HDTV's have that UnNatural "Motion"???

May 24, 2002
Maybe it's just me but it's kinda hard to get used to, i have a 1080p 240mhz TV and watching blu-ray movies you get that Un-Natural Motion, I knowit's not just my TV because my friends TV is the same, not that it's bad it's just kinda hard to get used to
I noticed it in the newer HDTV's especially the Samsungs, I hate it.

I like my older HDTV, owned it since 06'.
The new motion will become the standard motion in a couple of years from now. We just have to get used to it.
The motion where in some movies, like war scenes, it looks like you're on the set?

It bugs me out too.
I'm glad someone made a thread about this. I always try to explain this to people but never could. Are you talkin about when in a scene the camera moves ina certain way and it makes everything look odd...I can't explain it.
i prefer it that way. much more crisp and smooth picture..... it's the future.
Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

I'm glad someone made a thread about this. I always try to explain this to people but never could. Are you talkin about when in a scene the camera moves in a certain way and it makes everything look odd...I can't explain it.

Yes, from what I gather it's called Un-Natural Motion in googling it
This is why I prefer plasma>LCD & the new OLED TV's .

And I'm coming from a Sony XBR series LCD tv before.
i am unsure if i like it or not - if im watching something light like a comedy, ill probably leave it on and make it feel like i was there

but if im watching something serious like the dark knight, then im turning it off - to get that movie feeling..

if u have a samsung, you can most likely turn it off - go look at the manual
Originally Posted by ConcordFlightXI

i am unsure if i like it or not - if im watching something light like a comedy, ill probably leave it on and make it feel like i was there

but if im watching something serious like the dark knight, then im turning it off - to get that movie feeling..

if u have a samsung, you can most likely turn it off - go look at the manual

You can turn it off? didnt know that......are you sure?
It just trips me out.

I got a Samsung 240 Hz, too.

I got a question, when I was watching Public Enemies on Blu-Ray, some suits worn in the movie, most grey, at certain angles, looked shiny, as if their suitswere made of aluminum or something. Anything I can adjust in the settings to fix this?
i hate this too. You guys can just turn it to a lower setting, or even totally off in your tv's picture settings
I like it, I saw a TV playing Transformers 2 at the store and it had this effect and it was actually pretty cool, almost 3D-esque. Its got a more"real" look into it.
yeah, it took me awhile to get use to watching movies that had that home video type feel to it
yeah not all hdtvs are like this

youre tv is 240hz so you get that motion. with smaller tvs, 240hz wouldnt be available. usually smaller tvs only come in 60hz, and you wont get that motion

i believe 120hz and up, youll get that "unnatural motion"

personally i think its kinda cool.
It's the refresh rate of the Television screen.

Yes it's going to be the standard in a few years, but do you have to get used to it? Hardly.
The older TVs would only refresh at ~60Hz or less. Putting this into perspective, that's about 60frames per second

HDTVs introduced a faster refresh rate on LCDs because you would get a lot of ghosting/lag when you watch sports because the LCD could not project the image asfast as a Plasma, because of the technology used.

So they introduced 120hz refresh rate, which essentially doubled the frames per second.

Now they are introduced 240hz which is hardly needed...
You notice it as unnatural because it is a lot different than what you used to watch. Your picture is moving 4 times faster than when you had your older TV.

You have the option to turn down/off the feature. I only use it for sports where it is most needed.

Since TVs have started becoming bigger, the increased refresh rate helps the image project evenly and at the 'speed' that it is 'supposed' tobe at with higher refresh rates.

I used to sell TVs so holla at me
just play with the settings. alot of people get motion sick when watching this feature. you have the option to turn it off.
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