why do people say someone has it worse than you?

May 18, 2013
why do people say someone has it worse than you? it doesnt make sense because there are also people who have it better and i feel thats a copout excuse
I think it can help you put things in perspective and realize your problems might not be too serious. It can also motivate your to take advantage of the opportunities you are given and the privileges you have been born with.
Gloria Clemente: Sometimes when you win, you really lose, and sometimes when you lose, you really win, and sometimes when you win or lose, you actually tie, and sometimes when you tie, you actually win or lose. Winning or losing is all one organic mechanism, from which one extracts what one needs.
Whats your situation? That saying is to comfort those who are in a disadvantaged position. Be happy with what you got, cause it could be worse. Yes it could be better but what exactly is better? Stardom? Wealth? The population of wealth and status is less than 1%.
while you made that thread, a bum is pissing himself while he lays on cement hoping for a dollar bill of some sort
I think it can help you put things in perspective and realize your problems might not be too serious. It can also motivate your to take advantage of the opportunities you are given and the privileges you have been born with.

This is typically what I take from that statement. Though, I don't think that tells the whole story.

Having been raised in the United States I can't fathom what its like to be raised in south Sudan, let alone Buckingham Palace. I say that to say that its more likely that someone who grew up in poverty and later grew up to be a successful criminal lawyer(for example) will typically be more resilient when it comes to dealing with financial issues than say someone who's lineage traces back to french aristocracy who squandered all of his money on the stock market who then kills himself. Its all relative. So while its easy to look down upon someone stressing about having to eat beans and rice everyday when there are people who go days without eating, I don't think its that simple. I hope that made sense.
I agree...Every situation is relative. The phrase is not necessarily a cop-out though. They just don't know how to make you cheer up.
Because you as the complainer, are already implying someone has it better than you just by complaining. For example, you can say "I got laid off today" you are obviously stating amongst employed people, you have been laid off. Therefore, a person can say "well someone got laid off and have nowhere to live, at least you have family to stay with until you're on your feet" which brings the other light to the situation, that someone has it worse than you since you already established someone has it better. The "someone has it worse than you" statement actually has helped me, because it is true..Sometimes, I may complain about something minute and when I look at other situations I can honestly say I have nothing to complain about.
I can't stand when people are dramatic like that

I can't even say I'm tired in the morning without someone commenting and saying "you better thank God that he woke you up"
I can't stand when people are dramatic like that

I can't even say I'm tired in the morning without someone commenting and saying "you better thank God that he woke you up"


i think this is along the lines of what OP means.

sometimes it's just unnecessary. anger, frustration, sadness are natural emotions.

sometimes you just need to get angry or sad to motivate you. **** if someone has it worse...i have it bad and i don't like it so let me feel feelings so i can have a point of reference when i say i never wanna feel like this again. let THAT motivate you.
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I can't stand when people are dramatic like that

I can't even say I'm tired in the morning without someone commenting and saying "you better thank God that he woke you up"

That's an unnecessary situation to say it, but a lot of times when people say this it's just a nice way of saying "Stop b'in"
I can't stand when people are dramatic like that

I can't even say I'm tired in the morning without someone commenting and saying "you better thank God that he woke you up"

most of the time, its a polite way to say "stop complaining". Thanks to this thing called social media, I have found that some of the things people complain about is laughable. 
I can't stand when people are dramatic like that

I can't even say I'm tired in the morning without someone commenting and saying "you better thank God that he woke you up"

That's an unnecessary situation to say it, but a lot of times when people say this it's just a nice way of saying "Stop b'in"

i mean, this is true, but its like man F O H with that S!!!
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