Why is it that women think they can....

Dec 29, 2006
Wear slutty clothes in public....then get upset if you stare or make a comment
I just don't get it....
me and my boi were talkin about this the other day. he said if a broad wants to walk by with their chest all stuck out or some lil @!% pants on why not look,then like them right in the face
. whats the worse that can happen.they'll get mad who cares. dont wear the shh then
I don't mind the stares and comments but I can't STAND the touching like grabbing my wrist or waist etc.
But I don't think I dress slutty...just sexy.. maybe gys see it another way though
I have this conversation with women all the time. They want to wear revealing clothes but they don't want people to respond to them. If you don't wantthe attention than don't do it.
It's like a gazelle walking in front of a lion's den and not expecting to get chewed up. You dress in something thats gonna attract the eye then expectattention(positive or negative.)
They asking for the attention dressing like that...
they know that...
Like jawny said....
#@!$%#$ are stupid....
i was never the type to stare straight up or make some silly comments............

for the most part chicks dont like that at all...........slutty looking or classy looking.
I've never had a women get mad, they usually catch me looking, we make eye contact, and they smile or something. Only time I had a female get mad was whenI was trying to use the 6'1 height to eagle eye down her shirt, and she just rolled her eyes at me. It's not like I'm committing some crime.I'm sure if my penis was 99.5% exposed, %++@%%% would be looking at that too.
nothing wrong with staring or commenting IMO... but some of yall dudes come mad disrespectful with comments that would make a nudist blush
I see girls dressing slutty everyday at my job, and all the dudes will stop what they are doing and gawk openly.
I don't understand them getting mad. They wore the outfit to get attention and that is what they are getting
[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]It's nothing wrong with staring, everybody be it man or woman that getsdressed to go out wants someone to stare at what they have on. That's the reason you wear good clothes. But you cat's that stop what you doing and hitthe girl with the "hey ma, lemme get that, that body looking right tonight" and just get mad aggressive for no reason need to chill. Acting like yallaint seen a stitch of ... in your entire life.[/color]
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]It's nothing wrong with staring, everybody be it man or woman that gets dressed to go out wants someone to stare at what they have on. That's the reason you wear good clothes. But you cat's that stop what you doing and hit the girl with the "hey ma, lemme get that, that body looking right tonight" and just get mad aggressive for no reason need to chill. Acting like yall aint seen a stitch of ... in your entire life.[/color]
Exactly. Also if a person is dressing "slutty" as in you know you shouldn't wear that but do anyway, they obviously want attention. All you fools staring and oogling at her are playing right into the trap. Then when she says "eww, get away" YOU look like the fool. Stop actinglike you haven't ever seen a woman before and you won't have to deal with that.
My coworker got a dinosaur booty though, thing is gargantuan! Every time she gets up from her seat, I just rubberneck and watch her walk over to the copier,shredded, in and out the room, or whatever the case may be. You'd assume I get jaded at some point from seeing it 100s of times a day, but every time isstill like the first and I still get the
face. She doesn't try to dress slutty though and wear tight jeans or anything, she just has a body that makeseverything fit on her @*! like that.
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

My coworker got a dinosaur booty though, thing is gargantuan! Every time she gets up from her seat, I just rubberneck and watch her walk over to the copier, shredded, in and out the room, or whatever the case may be. You'd assume I get jaded at some point from seeing it 100s of times a day, but every time is still like the first and I still get the
face. She doesn't try to dress slutty though and wear tight jeans or anything, she just has a body that makes everything fit on her @*! like that.
no pics no proof.
Changed my mind. You'll just have to take my word for it. Why would I lie about a coworker's booty anyways? It's not like I'm claiming Ismashed on the desk during lunchtime or something far fetched, which by the way I did. Office Sex > *

But you have to see that thang walking. Oh my God, reminds me of Cherokee, her whole build.
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