Will video stores eventually become obsolete? Vol. Erols/Hollywood Video....

Mar 13, 2004
I know that blockbuster has something similar to Netflix, but do you think that they may close some of their stores? I mean, rental prices at places (for newreleases) like Hollywood or Blockbuster is around $5...if you get 3 movies with tax you are well over $15....that $15 can go A LOT further with Netflix....

[h1]Video stores getting crushed by Web[/h1]
Posted by Greg Sandoval


Video stores appear to be heading the way of the car hop and drive-in theaters.

Movie Gallery, which operates under the names Movie Gallery, Hollywood Video, and Game Crazy, filed for bankruptcy on Tuesday, according to a story by Bloomberg. The collapse of the country's second-largest video-rental chain is staggering when one considers that only two years ago, Movie Gallery's stock was trading at $33.

On Tuesday, the stock closed trading at 22 cents, less than the cost of a movie rental.

Netflix and video-on-demand services being offered by cable companies have cut deeply into the traditional video-rental business. Video stores can't compete with the convenience of the Web.

Sure, I'll miss the strategically placed ice cream and Junior Mints at the store checkout, but I won't miss late fees, out-of-stock titles or the hassle of driving there in the first place.

But companies like Netflix shouldn't be too quick to take a victory lap.

Netflix users order films on the Web and then the company delivers DVDs through the mail. The service may beat the old brick-and-mortar guys, but I wouldn't think twice about dumping it the second someone offers a wide range of films at a good price and then delivers high quality images to me over my Internet connection.

Yo Hollywood Video near me closed down right early Dec.

btw I LOVE NETFLIX. i dunno why people bother with blockbuster.
I know two of the mom & pop video stores within 10 minutes of me have closed in the last year.
if they are smart they will realize change is near and they will close all retail loctaions and become an all web service competeing with netflix, eventuallthe internet will take over everything even tv there will be no cable/satelite you will just plug an ethernet cable into your tv and your remote control justlike the wii remotes and be able to chose show and episode whenever you desire
With the declaration of bankruptcy in those companies, will we be able to like, scoop up a PS3 from them sometime soon for cheap?
I hope not, net flix does nothin for me when a chick is bout to drop by and wants me 2 rent a movie! But now that i think about it why do ho*s want to have amovie on anyways? We never watch em, i guess it makes the feel better that they can say they went to watch a movie and not just get the bizzzz...
I don't doubt it. I was just at Albertson's and there was this vending machine for renting dvds.
Originally Posted by eaglesfan581542

if they are smart they will realize change is near and they will close all retail loctaions and become an all web service competeing with netflix, eventuall the internet will take over everything even tv there will be no cable/satelite you will just plug an ethernet cable into your tv and your remote control just like the wii remotes and be able to chose show and episode whenever you desire

add music industry to the list.
^^^ exactly ....they know what time it is...also if that be the case they'll just have to settle for whateva is on cable or something from the dvdcollection

i been on net flix for a minute...i know i wouldn't rent anything if i had to go to the store to do it
damn, I just applied for a job at Game Crazy at my college town here yesterday

The Hollywood Video that my family used to go to back at my hometown also closed down last month.
Just dropping in to say that the Hollywood Video stores in my area closed as well. They have little stands out at the mall now selling their DVD's away forcheap.
I give it another 2 years before all video rental chain stores are done with. netflix is the way to go when it comes to renting a dvd movie.
I wonder how adult video stores stay open in the age of the internet & Google + SafeSearch off. I guess it's thetoys they sell and those "arcades" & preview centers.

Sucks for the rental stores though. I remember going to Blockbuster everyday with the special monthly pass to knock out the first 2 seasons of 24 & thesame thing for S2 and 3 of The Wire at Hollywood.
i dont like the idea of renting through the web tho. i would much rather go to a video store and get what i want right then and there
yeah a small movie place closed down by my house. they must not have been making enough money or something. i guess they really cant compare with internetstuff, it seems more of an inconvenience to have to wait for the movie to come after a few days instead of getting right there at blockbuster
uhh. not really.

I go to hollywood video, and I have the monthly pass thing, which cost like 13 bucks for unlimited rental. Who the hell rents movies individually now? Peoplethat spend like 50 bucks on movie rentals are straight up ******ed. You could just get movie rental passes. Same goes for blockbuster, you can just get a movierental pass.

However, if they somehow made delivery time alot faster, that def. will shutdwon video stores, since people don't want to get out of the house and wastegas.
Now that I think about it it's going to suck when everything is online.

R.I.P. Video Stores
HBO HD on demand is the truth.

i dont even need a HD dvd or blu ray player.. or even go out of my home to rent something.

Comcast is doing it big right there
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