Wizard fans -- taking it back to 2008 -- Read, WEEP, RESPOND!

Oct 17, 2000
I haven't done this on here in over 4 years, but I felt the need to get the ball rolling this one last time about "my" squad.

But, just in case you have yet to get word, or been living under a rock in the "DMV" area, Coach Flip Saunders is out in D.C.

And, it means nothing.

His replacement, Randy Wittman, is nothing more than a memory I have of a guy that was in EVERY single pack of my 1990-91 HOOPS basketball card packs!  I swear, when trying to get my collection going attempting to “hit it big” plucking stars like Michael Jordan and Charles Barkley,  I was stuck back then with 100s of Randy Wittman cards worth .01 cents!  The hell…


As an “Uptown D.C” native and avid supporter of this franchise since 1980, there is no shock the death of a respected owner (who was loyal to a fault, in strict basketball business terms), a #1 overall draft pick, new uniforms, and proven winning coach did little to change the culture of this organization.

The situation at hand stinks.  It has always stunk.

For us Washington Bullets/Wizards fans – Yes, me and the final 4 remaining – we possess the characteristics of person that has continually endured the emotional and physiological abusive of a long relationship:  We are numb to its effects at this point.

But, allow me to switch hats, and play Dr. Eyes of Hazel for a minute, and get you 3 remaining Wizards fans set on how this mess can be fixed in 3-4 seasons down the road.  We will end up the sorriest team in the NBA after this season anyway, so what the hell, right?

All I'm saying, as a fan of 30 years of this franchise, is to start (yet, again) from scratch.

Where is scratch?

Trade John Wall

Wall is suffering from the same effects we – the 4 remaining Wizards fans left – are suffering from.  Only thing is, just like with us, its everlasting.  As long as Wall remains in D.C., touting with the red/white/blue, he will be damaged goods.   And, in true Bullets/Wizards fashion, this is NO fault of his own.  Thus, trade the kid NOW for future lottery picks.  DON’T “KWAME BROWN” THIS TALENTED KID! (Note:  yes, being “Kwame Brown’ed” is an adjective to D.C. locals).  Give him the freedom to become the All-Star caliber player everyone knows he can be, before he becomes permanent damaged goods for his career.  Wall DESERVES it – He has done nothing but been a model citizen and player since being drafted by the Wizards.  Only us, the Bullets/Wizards, can have an organization in the booming gentrified Nation’s Capital, can draft two #1 overall picks in the last 10 years, obtain Michael Jordan during that stretch, and still only compiled a record of 340-497 as of January 24, 2012.  Yeah, here is another shameful fact – Juwan Howard, until further notice, will remain the lone Bullets/Wizards lottery pick in the last 30 years to achieve some sort of brilliance while in a D.C. uniform.  Yeah,  THAT Juwan.

 Trade JaVale McGee

Is this a young Wizard veteran with TRADE VALUE HERE?  When was the last time you heard such?  You mean we can rid a good young player for, er, another good young player (and not an old Otis Thorpe, old Issac Austin, old Mitch Richmond, old Bernard King, etc., etc., etc.)  You bet yo’%!!!   I know this is something outsiders don’t wanna hear, but I’m a tell it like it is – McGee is a McBUM to any organization playing sub .500 ball.  Not only does the kid think he is better than his actual skill set, but now he got his momma talking up for him.  He does NOT have the heart and drive and intelligence defensively of Tyson Chandler.  He does NOT have the motor of Andre Jordan.  He does NOT have the work ethic of, hell, Joel Anthony.  So what are we specifically holding on to here?  Face it:  His stats are more "swole" than “Big Poppa Pump” during his WCW reign – anyone who actually WATCHES basketball games can attest that fact.  He’s a live body, with no moves, who fails to show up as soon as you put a body on him, who immaturity always overshadows any decent play he makes.  Off’em asap.  His trade value won’t get any higher than it is RIGHT now.

Cut Andray Blatche

We have all heard of the saying “addition by subtraction” right?  We spent more money in past years paying dudes that were no longer on our roster (see Lorenzo Williams, for example), so cut your losses, and keep it moving.  I bet once this kat leaves D.C., he won’t be in the league more than 2 additional seasons.  If he spent LESS time in Stadium, and more in the gym, we'd be a .500 ball club.  What more can I say

Use ‘Amnesty Clause’ on Rashard Lewis

Hey Ernie Grunfield, just act like you never traded Gilbert Arenas.  You see what Orlando did to Arenas, right?  What the hell are you guys waiting on?  Lewis is a cancer on the this roster for multiple reasons, but I’ll only mention 3 out of 50.  One, everyone knows what he’s getting paid this season (22 million).  Two, everyone knows he won’t produce a 5[sup]th[/sup] of what his salary is.  Third, everyone knows he’s never been a “mentor” type player to younger guys.  I can go on and on like Erykah Badu, but, this is another “addition by subtraction” case here, something us Bullets/Wizards fans are used to dealing with with the team roster year after year.

Fire Ernie Grunfield

Mr. Grunfield, yo’ time is UP playa!  All that glory you had while with the New York Knicks and Milwaukee Bucks front office has been washed away in D.C.  YOU are part of the problem.  Be gone jo!
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Trade Wall? Nah... you blow up this mess of a team while keeping him as the foundation. How often does a top pick/talent come into a great situation from the beginning? We were lucky to get him, build a team around him dont let him go.
Granted, I'm young but I've been a fan since I was born. So make it 5 remaining. 

As much as I hate to hear "trade John Wall," I honestly do feel bad for him. But I think once his contract up, he'd want to leave anyways. He's a winner and needs to win. I'd love for him to be a part of the team forever, but I know he'd go to a championship team if he could.

Get rid of Blatche, Lewis, Mason Jr., Mo Evans. I think McGee could really be something in one or two more years. I love Nick Young, but I feel he could really shine on the right team too.
Andray BATCH needs to be cut ASAP.

I feel you on the Wall damaged goods argument, but I am not ready to throw the towel in on him just yet. Although I feel his development has been stymied somewhat here and he could be putting up better numbers somewhere else.
I mean I agree with everything except Wall.... At least not yet... I think doing everything else in the post will change the culture and hopefully give Wall a change to thrive like we all believe he is capable of. Other than that though great post and I would love to see all of the other points happen by the 
All-Star break.
I agree with you on certain things, but I would keep Wall and McGee as part of the Wizards foundation. Yes, they need a new GM and coach. They should have never traded that 5th pick which was the wizards biggest mistake. They could of had Rubio or Curry at the 5th pick. Look at Foye and Miller they ain't doing much and look at the 5th pick Rubio playing welling in his rookie season. Also this team is missing some shooters, no one on this team can shoot besides Nick Young.
use amnesty to cut Lewis, then trade blatche and young for a veteran leader. Blatche is at the club every week! lol.. Wall and mcgee are good young players, they just need a veteran leader to come in and push them to work hard and set an example for them. right now they just have a bunch of young, immature players out there throwing up shots and most of them are only shooting 30-40% FG. Fire Grunfield too.
I agree with everything except trading Wall and McGee... and to be quite clear.

Javale Magee > DeAndre Jordan.

Don't let him playing with an experienced (and best PG in the league) Chris Paul have you fooled. McGee IS averaging 12 10 and 3 blocks a game... its not like we have a league of dominant centers anymore.
agree with cutting blatche. aint no team in the nba gonna give up anything for him except for a first 30 protected 2nd round pick.

like DoubleJs said, shard is off the books, so, no real point in amnestying.

but definitely dont trade wall. i dont wanna give him for a a couple lottery picks in the hopes that we find a player that has as much potential as Wall still has.
RamZs8906 wrote:

Javale Magee > DeAndre Jordan.

Don't let him playing with an experienced (and best PG in the league) Chris Paul have you fooled. McGee IS averaging 12 10 and 3 blocks a game... its not like we have a league of dominant centers anymore.
And this is where STATS mean NOTHING.  And I was waiting for someone to throw up McGee's, and I quote, "swole" stats up here.

Do you watch the games?

Dude is a fluke.  Bottom line.

His blocks per game are [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]fraudulent[/color], UNLIKE DeAndre (who, BEFORE Paul got there, was doing the same thing, which is reason he got contract matched from GS, BEFORE Paul even was considered to be a Clipper, HELLO ANYONE, lol).

Dudes for the Wiz get BEAT on the offensive end, ALL the time.  McGee's blocks are 90% "recovery" blocks, 8% "weak side" blocks, and 2% one-on-one blocks if someone his size or bigger is posting him up (he'll foul before getting a straight up block most of the time from anyone bodying him up).

And with those numbers, where we don't  "have a league of dominant centers anymore", why isn't this kat even MENTIONED as a possible All-Star, even on a bad team (i.e. Kevin Love last year)?

Because people WATCH the games too.  Not just stats.

Trade 'em.  He ain't nothing to build a foundation on.  I don't miss A game, either live or on tv.

He gotta go.

His demeanor, his body language, his attitude, and his drive STINKS. Put Jordan on this team, and the atmosphere would be different.

JaVale still acts and plays like a rookie more than 60% of the time.  Bottom line. 

The difference between the two is that DeAndre Jordan isn't a complete moron and knows his role. You don't see him trying to lead fast breaks or trying to jump over people from 10 feet away. He knows what he's good at: Attacking The Rim with no fear, Boarding, and blocking shots.

Javale McGee thinks he's some sort of hybrid of Magic Johnson and Shawn Kemp.
Originally Posted by eyes of hazel

His demeanor, his body language, his attitude, and his drive STINKS. Put Jordan on this team, and the atmosphere would be different.

This. and Deandre dont have his moms telling him different either. 
As an employee for this team.. believe that EVERYONE talks about everything you mentioned.. besides the Wall trade.. but its on Grunfeld or Leonsis to make a move.

But Leonsis dont really care about the Wizards honestly.
we cant trade wall..
as for cuttin Blatche 

dude gets booed more at home than away arenas 

I say give sam cassell a chance at the head coachin job 
Originally Posted by JordanPP30

 But Leonsis dont really care about the Wizards honestly.

Wasnt it that Leonsis only bought the caps because he really wanted the wizards? 
Keep Wall and see if they could add J.R. Smith as soon as China lets him go. Get a decent 3 and keep McGee. Add some rooks to the bench and let them play. The team is young and need to be together to jell and make some noise.

But we all know that most of these dudes will be gone next year.
Originally Posted by codeIVC

Originally Posted by JordanPP30

 But Leonsis dont really care about the Wizards honestly.

Wasnt it that Leonsis only bought the caps because he really wanted the wizards? 
Yea maybe in 1999. His purchasing of the Wizards was not for the team but to become the majority owner of the Capitals, Wizards, Mystics, Verizon Center, Patriot Center and creating Monumental Sports & Entertainment to basically be the BOSS. His influence on the Wizards team is NONEXISTENT.

My view of him and the Wizards is that of a bandwagon fan.. waiting patiently, with no influence on the team, then if we magically get good you'll start seeing him get more involved.
Originally Posted by Mr Fonzie

Keep Wall and see if they could add J.R. Smith as soon as China lets him go. Get a decent 3 and keep McGee. Add some rooks to the bench and let them play. The team is young and need to be together to jell and make some noise.

But we all know that most of these dudes will be gone next year.
Yes...that's EXACTLY the type of character we need to add to this current group. 
Originally Posted by JordanPP30

Originally Posted by codeIVC

Originally Posted by JordanPP30

 But Leonsis dont really care about the Wizards honestly.

Wasnt it that Leonsis only bought the caps because he really wanted the wizards? 
Yea maybe in 1999. His purchasing of the Wizards was not for the team but to become the majority owner of the Capitals, Wizards, Mystics, Verizon Center, Patriot Center and creating Monumental Sports & Entertainment to basically be the BOSS. His influence on the Wizards team is NONEXISTENT. 

My view of him and the Wizards is that of a bandwagon fan.. waiting patiently, with no influence on the team, then if we magically get good you'll start seeing him get more involved. 

That's not the impression I get. I don't know if he's as hands on basketball wise as Abe was but in the past couple of years he's done a good job at establishing a relationship between ownership and the fan base. He seems to be following this modern owner's model of establishing a presence in the public eye (like Cuban). With the open Q&A he did w/ the fans a couple years ago and other comments he's made since then...it certainly seems like he "cares". Whether all that was for show or not...I don't know, but he certainly hasn't come off as someone who doesn't care that much about the team. He seems intent on re-designing the team's identity the same way he did w/ the Caps and that would only add more $$$ to his pockets. Rome wasn't built in a day and considering the state of the team was in when he purchased it...I'm not sure what people are expecting from him this early on. I'd have like to see him clean house with the Front Office but I can't fault him for at least giving them a shot. They failed...so I'd like to see Grunfeld out next. 
Leonsis cares a great deal for the team.... He is at every single home game... As minority owner, he convinced Abe Polin to get Jordan to be GM of the team.... thought it would be a good look for the city...On his blog teds take, he is always commenting on his teams... 

In my opinion, John Wall is a near bust for the Wizards... I feel like he did not work on his game over the summer and his shooting percentage is proof on that... What can improve his game? Maybe getting a better cast around him... Thats why Grunfeld needs to go....  I can't believe we have nothing to show for the 5th pick we had a couple years ago...

Blatche and Mcgee have so much potential...... sad thing is we will never see their upside as a wizard/bullet...

My idea is to get a veteran coach to teach this young group the basics... My preference would be Jerry Sloan (I know he's old)... we just need to find a malone for our wall/stockton... Lets get the pick and roll going...

Our city needs a winner.... tired of living in loserville....
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