Working Towards Your Dreams Appreciation

May 4, 2009
Man after years and years of frustration and complaining (but never giving up, just *****ing about it and kept on trucking) I'm seeing progress. For me it's my music, so hopefully ya'll will be banging my +#$$ soon enough (and best believe Ima change my s/n 
But this is for everyone who just keeps on grinding and the progress they're seeing. Whether it's school, losing weight, or going for those lofty goals that others will always doubt you for. 
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

My dream/ambition is such an uphill battle, but I will pursue it to the death.

what's your dream? and what're you doing to get there/what's your current progress? 
the first day of the schooli laid eyes on this girl in my Physics class and i told myself I will pull her by the end of the semester. She's now my girl and I couldn't be happier.
One dream that I failed to achieve was getting admitted into UC Berkeley. My rejection letter came two days ago. I had been working at it since my elementary days. It's a tough truth to accept.
Man that feeling you have when you're making progress is the best, my goal right now is to get a job (no emails/callbacks yet
) but i'll keep trying!

any tips for a teenager on how to get a job? (not to threadjack)
I'm making progress towards my dream, but it's not set in stone yet until I actually accomplish my goal.. Real main dream is to have a successful job with a good life, wife, kids and take care of my parents.
“Now I can let these dream killers kill my self esteem-or use my arrogance as steam to power my dreams!
It's bittersweet...because the goal doesn't come easy. I'm trying to get this Civil Engineering degree and I'm about a year away from the degree.

So I'ma give it all I got because I'm so close.
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