Wrestling Thread Dec 22-28 | Breaking News - Batista Has a Torn Hamstring - Out 6+ Months

Oct 15, 2000



Last week's Raw had it's ups and downs. The positives started with the furthering of Priceless with Orton being put over very strongly. Orton isquickly becoming one of the strongest performers in the WWE. You always knew he had the talent and he was always given the push, but it always seemed thatmaybe he wasn't 100% committed. Maybe it was his marriage and birth of his first child, but Orton really seems to have gotten his act together. Sure,he's still a little drab in the ring, but the overall package from look, to personality, to mic skills, to talent, everything is clicking right now. Ilove the way they are very gradually building Priceless instead of shoving them down our throats. It just goes once again to show how well long term bookingworks compared to booking on the fly each week. The end result will be a very strong stable with a elite talent leader.

I also like the interplay between Orton, Cena, and Batista. There are so many different ways they can go. Both Batista vs Orton and Batista vs Cena are stillfresh. And we haven't see Orton vs Cena in quite some time, so if they build it right, that would be a great match people would want to see. I suspect itwill all eventually build to Cena vs Batista at WrestleMania with a Batista heel turn involved. It should be a good four months of buildup.

I absolutely loved how Jericho came out and declared that he was above wrestling Jim Duggan. Jericho was in perfect character, and I like the way he is usingthe "Wrestler of the Year" award almost as a championship. Of course, Stephanie shot him down, but it was still great last week.

The Miz and Morrison beat Punk and Kofi. These four seem to have great chemistry together. I have no problem seeing them go again.

Now the bad.

First off, the Kane/Kelly Kelly angle is just awful. Kelly Kelly is a TURRRRIBLE actress. Watching her feign emotions certainly didn't help things. Butreally, do we need to see ANOTHER Kane love saga? Ugh. Make it stop. Actually, just make Kane stop in general. He sucks in every possible way.

Sim Snuka? I don't know about this one. First off, who the hell came up with the name Sim? Second, is he really joining Priceless? I hope not. Myideal storyline is they are about to induct him in, but it is a setup, and Dibiase Jr. returns to lay him out. Snuka has just jobbed too much as Duece to betaken seriously.

Mysterio and Mike Knox? I have not been a fan of Mysterio since his cruiserweight days in WCW. Constantly watching him take on giants week after week in theWWE is just so unrealistic. There is no reason Mysterio can't be involved in feuds with guys like Jericho, Punk, and HBK. We don't need to see himfight Kane, Big Show, and Mike Knox. Plus, Knox is awful.

So Stephanie announced last week that over these next two weeks, the number one contender for John Cena's World Title at the Royal Rumble would bedetermined. There will be four qualifying matches tonight, all eight men being former champions. And then the four winners will face each other in a fatalfourway next week to determine the number one contender.

Randy Orton vs Batista
I thought they announced on ECW or Smackdown that Batista would be out of action for an undetermined amount of time due to the punt he received from Orton lastweek. I am thinking they are going to stick with this story and since Batista will be unable to compete, Orton will receive a bye. I am also guessing thatBatista will remain out of sight, out of mind until the Rumble, where he will make a "surprise" return to win the thing.

Chris Jericho vs CM Punk
This match could go either way, but it should be excellent if they are given time. I will lean toward Chris Jericho just because he is the bigger star, andPunk is already the number one contender for the Intercontinental Championship.

Rey Mysterio Jr vs JBL
JBL needs to stop wrestling ASAP. He is a shell of his former self. I'm going to go with Mysterio in this one for reasons that I will get to in the nextmatch.

Shawn Michaels vs Kane
The same comments for JBL apply to Kane. Although Kane was never really any good. Anyway, I think that HBK will win this match. Then, JBL having alreadylost, will come out and take HBK's spot in the fatal fourway next week.

So next week's fatal fourway will be Orton vs Jericho vs Mysterio vs JBL. And my pick is Randy Orton to win and go onto The Royal Rumble to face (and loseto) John Cena for the World Title.

See you guys tonight.
they need to put the freakin mask back on Kane, everything he does w/o it is just stall

he's the Big Red Machine until he has to job to Cena or Batista
Seems like it will be a decent show then with all of these matches scheduled. And no heroes this week to distract me, so i'll be watching both hours ofraw instead of just the second hour. Although the second

hour is usually the better hour anyway
Excellent read as always. Now if DSK or Illoquent or whatever the hell his name is would just post the news and rumors, I would be set for Raw.
Source: PWInsider.com

SmackDown star Ron "R-Truth" Killings was detained at the Canadian border upon his arrival in Toronto this morning.

Killings was refused entry into the Canada and sent home as a result. He obviously won't be appearing at tonight's Raw/SmackDown television taping inToronto.


Can't wait for tonight.
Batista winning the Rumble would be so lame on so many levels. I'm praying that doesn't happen.

RAW sounds good though. I'll be posting along in this thread as usual.

Source: PWInsider.com

SmackDown star Ron "R-Truth" Killings was detained at the Canadian border upon his arrival in Toronto this morning.

Killings was refused entry into the Canada and sent home as a result. He obviously won't be appearing at tonight's Raw/SmackDown television taping in Toronto.

My dude Ron...
Hope it wasn't because of anything serious..I really wanna see dude succeed in WWE.
I know it probably won't happen, but I really hope Orton wins the Rumble and faces Cena one on one at Mania. The atmosphere from the crowd would be amazingfor that match.

I really don't want Batista to win another Rumble and the only reason I'll be content with Cena vs Batista at Mania is if Batista turns heel beforethen.
Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Batista winning the Rumble would be so lame on so many levels. I'm praying that doesn't happen.

RAW sounds good though. I'll be posting along in this thread as usual.

Source: PWInsider.com

SmackDown star Ron "R-Truth" Killings was detained at the Canadian border upon his arrival in Toronto this morning.

Killings was refused entry into the Canada and sent home as a result. He obviously won't be appearing at tonight's Raw/SmackDown television taping in Toronto.

My dude Ron...
Hope it wasn't because of anything serious..I really wanna see dude succeed in WWE.

--Ron Killings was not allowed into Canada today so had to fly home and won't be on the Smackdown show being taped tonight. Killings does have a criminalrecord so that is most likely the problem.
news and notes in a lil bit

EDIT: something real quick i just read...there's been a lot of rumors as to why MVP is on this streak, it's basically been a culmination of thingshe's done (botched moves in championship scramble match, making fun of the piss test guy, etc.)...so the backstage heat he was getting from that plus:

As I reported last week, MVP started doing the tremendous amount of jobs because of backstage heat. I was told that MVP had "superstar syndrome" where he was acting like he was bigger than the business and the decision was made to humble him. The losing streak has now been turned into an angle so I wouldn't be surprised to see it come to an end in the near future. Obviously MVP is viewed as an asset by the company, however, they have sent a pretty clear message that he is not bigger than the business.

...is the reason why he's on that L streak.
Batista is not at the tapings tonight.

- Batista is not at the RAW tapings for tonight in Toronto so it appears his match with Randy Orton is off, asspeculated before. Orton will likely receive a "pass" and get an automatic spot in the Fatal Four-Way on RAW next week.

Jim Ross hinted earlier in the week about Batista missing RAW and it looks like he's being kept off to sell the punt kick to the head from Randy Orton onlast week's RAW. WWE really couldn't have Ted DiBiase miss months of action from the punt kick, even though he's filming a movie, and have Batistareturn the next week from the same move.
Originally Posted by thacamel

Excellent read as always. Now if DSK or Illoquent or whatever the hell his name is would just post the news and rumors, I would be set for Raw.

News & Notes

In case you missed it...

The full story on the decision to give Jeff Hardy the title; Edge originally supposed to hold the strap until Backlash.

WON reports that it was WWE Chairman Vince McMahon, the same individual who had once taken a strong stance against giving a top belt to a wrestler at risk of suspension, who made the decision to crown Jeff Hardy WWE Champion.

According to the story, McMahon made the call at a creative meeting two weeks before the Armageddon event. While the initial plans called for Edge to hold the belt until Backlash, at which point some sort of "twist" would be scripted to heighten interest on the SmackDown! side, the decision ultimately came down to McMahon and creative seeing more short-term value in a Hardy championship reign.

Those in favor felt that fans would rather watch Jeff Hardy keep the belt in the face of constant adversity from Edge and Vickie Guerrero than see Edge sneakily retain the belt due to assistance from Guerrero, a storyline which has been heavily used in pro wrestling.

Regarding the example set by giving the belt to someone with Wellness Policy suspensions under his belt, Stephanie McMahon voiced her opposition to Hardy title reign. Vince addressed her concern by noting the value of the title victory if Hardy handled the opportunity well; his argument was also bolstered by the fact that WWE has not been shy about publicly suspending those who fail drug tests; WWE's history of following the policy assures that people will not start taking it lightly.

He also said that WWE would not be afraid to fire Champion Hardy, if necessary under the Wellness Policy, which would serve as a big message to talent about the seriousness of the drug policy.

Miz and Morrison slated to have long reign as Tag Champions.

- The decision to give the Tag Team Title win to John Morrison and The Miz at the WWE live event in Canada last weekend was made the previous week. WWE officials have decided to do what it takes to elevate Morrison and The Miz to main event status. This is why you will see them brag about the Tag Titles and their Slammy Awards. The feeling is that they're in for a long reign as Champions.

Contrary to recent reports, Tomko's injury not as serious as once believed and he is NOT expected to be released.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]According to our sources, Tomko's injury is not as bad as is being reported on some websites. WWE requested that Tomko get an MRI last week and he did once he returned home. The MRI revealed a tear in the back of his Deltoid. It could require surgery but for now he'll just be doing rehab for the next 4-6 weeks. The pec injury initially happened a while ago during a match with Abyss.

The Deltoid tear happened during the early part of his dark match with WWE last week. Tomko made an in-ring 'audible' where they went to the finish of the match due to the injury. That is also the reason for a missed spot.

Tomko and WWE officials talked after the match and they are well aware of the current injury and the rehab time needed.

More speculation on Christian returning to WWE.

- New WWE developmental talents Chris Cage and Ryan Reeves began training with Florida Championship Wrestling yesterday in Tampa, FL. Cage received a new ring name, which should add to the speculation that Christian Cage is headed back to WWE in 2009.

New WWE TV show to debut in April 2009.

WWE and WGN America, based out of Chicago, Illinois, announced today a new TV show, WWE Superstars, taking the name of the former syndicated show.

The show is scheduled to debut as a one-hour prime time show in April on WGN America. The time slot was not announced, nor was the format announced.

The original version of the show ran from 1986 until 2001. It was the flagship show until the debut of Monday Night Raw in 1993.

Update on Mr. McMahon and his TV return.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]» There's a feeling in WWE that the Mr. McMahon character is played out and the longer they keep him off TV the better it will be when he does actually return. The current plan was to have Shane and Stephanie's program on RAW lead to Vince's return although that may have changed since then. I'm not sure how long they are going to go with the Shane/Steph storyline as it has changed more than once in recent weeks.[/font]

TNA re-signs Homicide and Hernandez to new 3 year deal.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]TNA announced via their mobile text service that Homicide and Hernandez have re-signed three-year deals with the company. They are now under contract through 2011.

Hernandez wasn't happy with his previous contract and was demanding double what he was previously making. I'm not sure what they ended up giving him, but one can only assume that he must have received an offer he was happy with. Believe it or not, the duo never seriously considered WWE. They told friends that they heard too many negatives about the politics in the company.

There was some talk of working independently for Ring of Honor and in Mexico if they didn't strike a deal with TNA.

WWE offering controversial long term contracts.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]WWE has been offering long-term contracts to several big starts with clauses that strongly favor the company. WWE has offered Rey Mysterio a 5-year contract and Randy Orton a 10-year control, where they barely provide any ways out of the contracts for the wrestler, bit are filled with out clauses that would let the company out of the deal.

For example, if there is a three-year contract, WWE could break it at any time with just 90 days notice. Some top starts have enough leverage to broker better deals, but the company still is strict about protecting themselves with out clauses.

In Mysterio's case, they company would be protected if Rey suffered another injury or Randy Orton had a serious meltdown and the company wanted out of the deals. In the case of an injury, WWE merely pays the downside guarantee, so there is incentive for the wrestlers to continue working. The policy was put in place in response to various wrestlers who milked WCW's guaranteed contract system. This leaves the performers with very little leverage.

If the talent is locked in for a long-term deal, but the company can opt out at any time they please, it's basically a no lose situation for WWE.

Update on Rey Mysterio and WWE.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]» The only update we have on Rey Mysterio's WWE contract status is that both sides are still negotiating. WWE wants to lock up Mysterio for 5 years while Rey would prefer a 3 year deal.[/font]

Does Triple H have a chance to star in Thor?

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]In recent months there has been speculation on who will play the lead role for the upcoming "Thor" movie, which is scheduled to be released in 2010. Speculation has centered on Daniel Craig (James Bond) and Triple H. However just this past week, Craig said he's not interested in taking the role, saying bluntly, "it doesn't interest me at all." The other potential candidate to take the lead role of Thor is Kevin McKidd, who was in the 2005 film "Kingdom of Heaven". Director Kenneth Branagh said today, "There's been lots of talk [about casting] -- I sound like a politician -- but we are too early at this stage. We're getting the story and the visual effects together and all of that is very exciting. Someone sensational is going to play the part but it is early days." It should be interesting to see if Vince McMahon allows Triple H to take time off from the road for several months to work on a non-WWE Studios film.[/font]

More on Snitsky's firing and what's next for him.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]-- There's no real story to Snitsky's recent release from WWE other than he just couldn't get over with the fans. He was given multiple chances with huge pushes that at times seemed like they would never end, as Vince McMahon was a big fan of his size and look. After everything from winning streaks to appearance changes failed to get him over, and with WWE looking to cut costs, dropping Snitsky's large contract was a no-brainer.[/font]

- Regarding recently released WWE star Gene Snitsky's future prospects in wrestling, they don't look too good. Snitsky probably would have gotten regular in Japan in another era due to his tremendous size, or perhaps even in Mexico, but the foreign groups are employing few Americans these days, so his odds aren't good. As Tyson Tomko can attest to, he returned to the states because he was having trouble finding regular work in Japan. For foreigners to get work in Mexico these days, they either have to be particularly talented or have some really good connections as the regulars don't like them coming in and taking their jobs. Regarding TNA, there doesn't appear to be much interest him there unless someone influential in the company such as Jeff Jarrett or Kurt Angle strongly pitches for him. Snitsky will probably just wind up on the U.S. indy circuit and doing appearances at various wrestling conventions.

Kelly Kelly wants to follow the career of Trish Stratus.

- WWE Diva Kelly Kelly tells the new WWE Magazine that she wants to follow the career of Trish Stratus. Kelly says she's watched a lot of old Trish matches and picked up on some of her in-ring mannerisms. When asked about being named most improved Diva of 2008, Kelly noted that she's watched tapes of Trish and Stacy Keibler.

Evan Bourne wants to come back next month.

- WWE Superstar Evan Bourne is recovering from his ankle injury well and is now walking a bit without wearing the protective boot he was given. Bourne has wrestled with his ankle feeling worse than it does now and he's hoping to get back in the ring within the next month. Bourne is still doing daily therapy on the ankle. On a related note, Bourne is living in Tampa, FL so when he's ready to start training at FCW, it's right there. Bourne shares a home in Tampa with WWE's Scotty Goldman and ROH's Roderick Strong.

William Regal interview; talks about Santino's wrestling, his career and more.

he Sun out of the United Kingdom has a new interview online with WWE Intercontinental Champion William Regal. Below are the highlights:

Thoughts on Santino Marella: "I think what he does, the entertainment aspect of it, is brilliant. I try and help him a lot because obviously his wrestling is not where it should be - but he can get there. He's been thrown in the deep end straight out of wrestling school and he does a great job at what he does. I think he's got a great future but you can only get by doing so much comedy."

The current state of his career: "I've just turned 40 and now I feel everything's come into place where I can be a top man and get a run with it. There were bits I wasn't confident with before, you know, I'd second guess myself. Little things. It was easy to fall back on being funny. And there was a time I didn't realise my heart was funny. I just didn't have the go in me. I didn't tell anybody but my legs would just go, then they found out I had that heart problem and put that right. Since I've had that put right people are saying that I'm moving better as I'm getting older - and it's because I've got more go in me."

Regarding his book: "People would have liked it more if I'd have dished more dirt. But I set out with a plan not to incriminate anyone but me. I did that because I don't care what people think about me or know about me, but far too many people their families don't need to know about them. I'm not so happy with a lot of those type of books. I don't blame them for doing them but there's no need to say things about people that no one needs to know. They wouldn't have know otherwise."

What he'd like to do now: "I'd really like to make this intercontinental title into what used to be. It was the top belt for a while."

Click here to read the full interview.

Former WWE Diva Cherry upset about release and talks about walking away from wrestling.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Former WWE Diva Kara "Cherry" Drew issued a statement to a fansite on her, www.Cherry-Web.org, updating fans on how she's doing nowadays. Drew, who was released by World Wrestling Entertainment this past August, is still reeling from her untimely firing from the organization as she "lost her dream."

"Since being released from the WWE, I've had a hard time dealing with losing my dream," Cherry wrote. "I have been very lucky to work for some independent shows, where I am to still able to talk and perform for some of you. I really appreciate the support that I've received in regards to my release. But to be honest with all of you, I really miss being able to entertain and connect with you on a much broader scale. I also miss competing and performing with my nearest and dearest friends from the WWE."

Cherry added that she was 'devastated' when she found out she was being let go from WWE. She also touches upon internet reports regarding the reasons for her departure from the organization, which have greatly upset her.

"In addition to that, two other reasons were leaked out as to why I was released. Although, I know what happened, it's very hurtful to hear these things being said. I've had my struggles getting to the WWE, and being able to maintain my position as a Diva. It is an extremely competitive career in more ways than anyone can imagine.. It really messes with someone emotions when people want to say such hurtful things. I am not a cartoon character; I am a real person with real emotions."

As reported last week, Cherry is taking a break from the wrestling business to focus on her education. She was scheduled to appear at a women's wrestling indy show next month, but informed the promoter she was taking a break from the wrestling business at the end of 2008. Her decision to put wrestling on hold for the time being is due to three reasons.

When Cherry was released from WWE, a report surfaced online regarding her dismissal from the company. A reason wasn't really given, but it was reported that Cherry was said to not be a favorite among the higher-ups because they didn't think she was thin enough to be a WWE Diva, and that she only got her spot in the company because she fit in well with the Deuce & Domino act in Ohio Valley Wrestling. Also, most of the women in WWE are there for either bikini spreads or because they wrestle well, and management thought she didn't fit either category particularly well.

Since her departure from WWE, Cherry has made a number of appearances at wrestling conventions and indy shows meeting the fans. However, a number of these fans continue to bring up her physical appearance and correlate it with the reason for her dismissal from WWE when meeting her, likely due to that original online report. While the fans mean well, the constant comments regarding her weight have caused her emotional stress. As a result, it's one of the reasons she's pulling away from wrestling for now.

"This brings me to my decision to put wrestling on hold for now. It has become tremendously hard for me to continue knowing the comments about my weight are being recognized. I have to look at myself everyday in the mirror, and just being a girl, I am hard enough on myself! Meeting the fans and taking pictures or signing autographswas such a special thing for me. Lately, it has become emotionally stressful because so many people, meaning well, have continued to bring up my physical appearance and directly correlate that with my release from WWE."

Another reason Cherry is putting wrestling on hold is because she believes she isn't viewed as a wrestler.

"Another reason was that I wasn't viewed as a wrestler. Let me tell you something, I've had years of experience and came out of the best WWE training facility learning from the top trainers in this entertainment industry. Please don't believe that "Cherry" didn't know what she was doing when she entered that squared circle. I learned more and more each day. I never stopped learning. I had the greatest advantage of having an amazing wrestler in his own right, Fit Finley, willing to allow me to monopolize his mind of knowledge as well as so many other talented wrestlers at the palm of my hand. I am truly grateful for having that opportunity. I live, talk, dream, and breath wrestling. But these obstacles need to be addressed if I want to ever continue."

Regarding her third reason for leaving wrestling, Cherry offered some cryptic comments apparently having to do with some behind-the-scenes issues. It would appear that the people she thought were her friends wanted to do more than just "business" with her. This made it difficult for her to continue her wrestling career.

"The other reason being that I feel betrayed by people who I thought were my friends. I turned to them in my time of need to try and continue wrestling but it was turned into a childish petty way of doing business. It made it very hard for me to continue. Business is business until someone tries to make it something other than that.....WEIRD!"

Cherry adds more insight on why she's leaving. "Although, I find the daily struggles I have need more attention and I need to start dealing with those things within myself," Cherry wrote. "It has been truly a tremendously hard decision. There is nothing more that I would want to do then to continue performing in the greatest ring for the greatest fans. Like a very great friend of mine once said, "You can love wrestling with all your heart, but it won't always love you back."

Tomko vs. Paul Burchill Dark Match on last week's RAW.

Notice how Tomko had a chant going and a pop from the crowd with the win...with the right push, he could go over either as a heel or face.

Oh yeah and as expected, Trish is at tonight's RAW taping so she will probably make an appearance on TV.
Scrotus Region

You know I love you more than anything else in the world, but right now you need to uh....SHUT UP YOUR FACE!!!

i've never paid for sex but i'd spend $5 just to stare at Kelly Kelly's hot box and another $2.99 to touch it
I really can't believe that they're going along with this storyline

"If he gets another win, It will put some money in his pocket"
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