Wrestling Thread Jul 16-22 | 7/22 NT Money in the Bank PPV Prediction Contest Results Posted p19!

Yeah, I agree he hasn't been the primary focus.. but like Big Show just said.. "This company revolves around one man." I hope Punk turns so bad so we get some epic promos.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Though it likely won't happen, a good storyline is The Rock wins the WWE Title at Royal Rumble. John Cena then uses MITB to challenge The Rock at WrestleMania. I think this will make for a very compelling storyline coming off this year's match.

I would rather have Rock win the RR match and have Cena cash it in on whoever wins the EC. 
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Punk should not be proud of what he was doing a year ago compared to what he's doing now.  It's really sad actually.
Why shouldn't he? He went from being stuck in mid-card hell to #2 overall in the company after Cena...been putting on great matches with Bryan PPV after PPV. He's doing just fine.
Originally Posted by Agthekid

Why do I have a feeling they want the belt on Cena on the 1000 episode?
Either tonight or next week I'm expecting either World or WWE Title to switch hands.
Originally Posted by xJumpman23x

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

The person to beat Heath Slater (not GHIMSlater) may be Val Venis.

Spoiler [+]

Val Venis? He had a good gimmick going. I was thinking to myself last week if he would happen to make an appearance on RAW.
Originally Posted by hymen man

Yeah, I agree he hasn't been the primary focus.. but like Big Show just said.. "This company revolves around one man." I hope Punk turns so bad so we get some epic promos.
TOUT! about it and let WWE know how you feel.
Hearing the phrase "John Cena TOUTED earlier today" made me cringe 
Have these guys won a match since becoming #1 contenders? They lost clean last night. They've walked out of matches. Shocking that no one cares about them. And Titus O'neal sucks really bad. Young is alright.
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Punk should not be proud of what he was doing a year ago compared to what he's doing now.  It's really sad actually.
Why shouldn't he? He went from being stuck in mid-card hell to #2 overall in the company after Cena...been putting on great matches with Bryan PPV after PPV. He's doing just fine.

He elevated his career last year.  He was the talk of the pro wrestling world for a month or two.  Now he's just another guy on the WWE roster.  He went from cutting "shoot" style promos to saying "WWE Universe".  Since his title run has begun, the WWE Title has essentially become an upper midcard title.

He's secured a top spot on the roster, but he was in a far better place last year.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Punk should not be proud of what he was doing a year ago compared to what he's doing now.  It's really sad actually.
Why shouldn't he? He went from being stuck in mid-card hell to #2 overall in the company after Cena...been putting on great matches with Bryan PPV after PPV. He's doing just fine.

He's secured a top spot on the roster, but he was in a far better place last year.
Punk is just doing what faces do now.. he's so much more interesting/unpredictable when he's a heel. Everyone's going to be back on the wagon once he turns.
So PTP, the "#1 contenders", lose last night on PPV, then lose clean to the champs the day after...? It's WWE, makes sense to me.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Why shouldn't he? He went from being stuck in mid-card hell to #2 overall in the company after Cena...been putting on great matches with Bryan PPV after PPV. He's doing just fine.

He's secured a top spot on the roster, but he was in a far better place last year.
Thanks for taking the time to delete my reasoning AND responding with such a great argument of your own.
Re: Punk's face run

Punk's PPV defenses:
vs. Alberto Del Rio (November 2011), * * * ¾
vs. Miz vs. Alberto Del Rio (TLC Match, December 2011), * * * ½
vs. Dolph Ziggler (January 2012), * * * ¼
vs. Chris Jericho vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Kofi Kingston vs. R-Truth vs. The Miz (Elimination Chamber Match, February 2012), * * *
vs. Chris Jericho (April 2012), * * * ½
vs. Chris Jericho (Chicago Street Fight, April 2012), * * * ¾
vs. Daniel Bryan (May 2012), * * * * ½
vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Kane (June 2012), * * * ¼
vs. Daniel Bryan (July 2012), * * * *

Look at that list.. pretty damn good stuff there. And all of punk's matches have been good and made the other guy look good.
Yeah, I'm not complaining. (Even if he does say "WWE Universe" and is a bonafide babyface & not a tweener)

I didn't see any ROODE WINS LOL during his reign and he couldn't even win his matches clean. (No one was probably watching TNA yet) And I loved the Roode reign.

It's becoming really apparent that a majority or a very vocal minority (can hardly tell with the RNGs sometimes) just simply hate faces winning. I guarantee had Roode won at Bound for Glory, TNA watchers would've turned on him and I am waiting for Aries to be turned on now.

Smark on, brothers. I'm gonna enjoy my wrestling.
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