Wrestling Thread Nov 23-29 | 11/27 Smackdown - Undertaker vs Jericho, Batista vs Kane

Oct 15, 2000


Survivor Series was a good show, nothing great, nothing especially memorable, but as a stand alone show, it was pretty good.

Team Miz d Team Morrison - Miz, Sheamus, McIntyre survived. I think all five heels should have survived, but this was the right move. It looks like Sheamusis ahead of Swagger in the pecking order now. It must be nice having HHH as a friend. Ziggler really seems to be in the dog house.
Batista d Rey Mysterio Jr. - This was supposed to be a heel angle where Batista wouldn't stop destroying a helpless Rey, but they forgot to factor in theywere in Dave's home town. The fans went as far as to chant 'One More Time' after Batista hit a spinebuster on a steel chair. It looks like thisfeud is over and Mysterio is going for his surgery now.
Team Kofi d Team Orton - Kofi survived. The match was somewhat dead in the early part, but picked up at the end. They are pushing the fact that Kofi defeatedtwo previous heavyweight champions in a matter of about 6 seconds. Kofi was booked correctly here.
The Undertaker d Chris Jericho and The Big Show to retain the World Championship - The match was fine. Another match that really didn't pick up until thefinal sequence. The Undertaker retained. As I said last night, I don't know how The Undertaker is going to take part in a TLC match.
Team Mickie d Team McCool - Mickie and Melina survived.
John Cena d HHH and Shawn Michaels - To me this was really the only match that had the "big match" feel. Shawn's superkick on HHH to start thematch was great. We'll see what happens with DX tonight. My guess is they'll laugh it off in about 15 seconds and then proceed to shell more crappymerchandise. Cena retained and I have no problem with that. We'll probably be seeing a rematch anyway.

The TLC PPV is only 20 days away. Nothing has been announced for tonight, but all three brands will be involved in tonight's show. They will need to getthe main events established for the PPV. See you guys at 8.


Jesse Ventura has announced that tonight we will have matches between wrestlers who have never been the heavyweight champion (does ECW count? .. probably not). The winners of these matches will face off in a Breakthrough Battle Royal to end the show. This will determine the #1 Contender for John Cena or TheUndertaker at TLC (both Raw and Smackdown wrestlers are involved).
A few years ago you would have had the Divas dressed in short, skimpy outfits playing in pie.
i was a austin fan for years,still am. its a shame his carrer didnt go any longer...i hate to say it but i blame owen hart
@ Grizz

I think they should go with a new, fresh WWE Title contender tonight.

But that's easier said than done when it comes to RAW.
Tonights show should be pretty good. Since it's a 3 hour show maybe Cena will defend the title tonight.
Pushing Rikishi was one of the biggest wastes in history, along with pushing Billy Gunn in 1999 and the five hundred pushes Test got (RIP).
I'm just glad Survivor Series actually had quite a few team matches, for awhile there it got to the point where there was only one "TraditionalSurvivor Series Match." It's a little thing, but I liked it.

Also, aside from both champs retaining, the most important thing last night was Kofi. I think 4w said it last night, in which he hopes they don't kill hispush just because "they needed something to do with Orton" cause this guy has taken the ball and still running with it. I hope he and Orton get somesort of stipulation match at TLC where (if booked correctly) Kofi will be knocking on the door of Royal Rumble/Money in the Bank opportunities win or lose.
I might make that HBK Sweet Chin Music on Triple H at the beginning of the match my new avy
I thought the term 'pro wrestling' was banned in the WWE

Already with these matches; Ventura has been the best host so far! OH MY GOD this is already the best RAW ever FRESH MATCHES what world is this?!?!

And 4w, I kinda hope Kofi gets close to winning the battle royal only to have Orton screw him. It adds to their fued, continues to push Kofi, and STILL gives afresh face a title shot.. However, Kofi winning straight up would be cool too.
The reason why Randy Orton is the best in the business on RAW. He is giving Kofi the rub of his life. Kofi is getting the biggest push and Orton is gettinghim over big time. A la Kurt Angle and Nigel urghh Desmond Wolfe
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