Israel declares War - Destruction of Gaza / Growing conflict in Middle East

May 9, 2004
Feel like this might fly under the radar as there's perpetual conflict there but this is looking bad.

Can someone dumb this down for all of NT (me)
Today the worst attack in decades just took place in isreal.
It’s an ongoing event, but in short, dozens of Hamas soldiers from Palestinian stormed into Israeli civilian neighborhoods and started killing and kidnapping Israeli civilians and soldiers. They also started fire missiles at Isreal. Over 250 people are dead.

Isreal has officially declared war on Palestine, and begun retaliation efforts and has started firing missiles at Palestine. In this war, they will both have little disregard for each others civilians.
The timed this with the last day of the Feast of Taberbacles. Hopefully they take it easy on grandma.

Today the worst attack in decades just took place in isreal.
It’s an ongoing event, but in short, dozens of Hamas soldiers from Palestinian stormed into Israeli civilian neighborhoods and started killing and kidnapping Israeli civilians and soldiers. They also started fire missiles at Isreal. Over 250 people are dead.

Isreal has officially declared war on Palestine, and begun retaliation efforts and has started firing missiles at Palestine. In this war, they will both have little disregard for each others civilians.

I’m sorry, I know what’s going on, I wanted the why?

My question wasn’t clear.

Like what’s the beef, this seems like a major attack and I keep seeing on the news but no one is explaining why.
I’m sorry, I know what’s going on, I wanted the why?

My question wasn’t clear.

Like what’s the beef, this seems like a major attack and I keep seeing on the news but no one is explaining why.

Essentially, both sides think the land (Jerusalem) rightfully belongs to them. Israel is always doing f***ed up stuff to Palestinians though and they have the world powers backing them.
I’m sorry, I know what’s going on, I wanted the why?

My question wasn’t clear.

Like what’s the beef, this seems like a major attack and I keep seeing on the news but no one is explaining why.
Not sure if there’s an exact motive for the incident that just took place this morning, but the back-back story is that the Gaza Strip (which is geographically an enclave of isreal but is a free state of Palestinian) is indirectly controlled by Israel. Gaza has their own established government and military presence under the greater Palestine, but because it is geographically surrounded by isreal, isreal largely controls everything that goes in/ out of gaza.

See the map below for reference. Gaza is its own state, but it is completely surrounded by isreal (and to a smaller extend Egypt) including waters that are controlled by isreal. They’re a country locked by isreal in every way, and this has created major conflict between the 2 countries for decades.
Like what’s the beef, this seems like a major attack and I keep seeing on the news but no one is explaining why.

Nobody knows yet.

Recent developments may give some indication regarding the motivations of the attacks though:

Saudi Arabia and Israel are getting close diplomatically, mainly because both countries fear a growing Iran.

Hamas and Hezbollah (which is active in Lebanon) are supported by Iran.

For decades, Palestinians have relied on the support* of Arab countries to advance their cause, so one could see how SA and Israel getting cozy could be a disadvantage for them.

Israel has been internally weakened by Bibi's shift towards religious hardliners and his desire to control the Israeli judiciary. Members of the IDF have expressed a lack of support for the current Israeli administration, as seen by their participation in antigovernment protests.

There has also been a significant increase in illegal Jewish settlements in the West Bank resulting in daily violence against WB Palestinians, which have been supported by members of the current Israeli administration.

I've also read (not verified) that the Biden administration was planning to support the SA-Israel rapprochement in exchange for concessions for Palestinians in the Gaza strip (would have taken place next year). This sounds true because recently, the Biden administration has been able to exchange free travel throughout Palestine/Israel for Palestinian-Americans in exchange for no-visa travel to the US for Israeli citizens.
Thank you all for trying to clear this up for me but I’m simple.

You bomb us we bomb you.

You have resources we want I bomb you.

You get too big and make me uncomfortable I bomb you.

THIS just isn’t registering.
This is not a declaration of war when it has been a war since 1948.

Hamas' attack was not unprovoked and is in response to continuous ethnic cleansing, land theft and dispossesion, violence, expulsions, imprisonment, etc. taking place daily under Israeli occupation and apartheid of the Palestinians.

Remember, it's the Palestinians that are occupied and oppressed without the right to self determination and sovereignty.

Netanyahu is a corrupt war criminal and has warrants out for his arrest. He came back to lead the Israeli government with a far right government that was intent of purging the Indigenous Palestinians. For them, curbing the independence of Israel’s judiciary is just one way to facilitate their real agenda: the creation of a Jewish state from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea by settling much of the West Bank, snuffing out Palestinian national aspirations, and “encouraging” the Palestinians to relocate to other Arab countries, including neighboring Jordan.
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