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  1. kc24688

    Official Miami Heat (4) vs OKC Thunder (1) NBA Finals Thread - Miami Heat NBA Champions

    Anybody know how to reserve tickets for the championship celebration? I can't see it on nvm it is sold out.. anybody else going to the parade?
  2. kc24688

    2016 MLB thread. THE CUBS HAVE BROKEN THE CURSE! Chicago Cubs are your 2016 World Series champions

    I just voted for my all star ballot honestly just based on stats, standings, bias (Miami) and other knowledge. I haven't watched that many games. Would love to hear any opinions on who really deserves to go. Honorable mentions are players I truly had to think about. AL C Pierzynski 1B...
  3. kc24688

    What fun perks do you have at work?

    Now this is some motivation to take school seriously. Only perk I can really think of is getting a chance to go on the internet when it's slow.
  4. kc24688

    Realest Thing I ever heard about God/Religion...

    Got this after the Betrand Russell recommendation. "Religions that teach brotherly love have been used as an excuse for persecution, and our profoundest scientific insight is made into a means of mass destruction."Can anybody say global waming or terrorism? This guy is the freakin truth.
  5. kc24688

    the thread about nothing...

    sorry I couldn't figure it out
  6. kc24688

    TSA hiring "Pedophiles" to pat you down.

    I am conspiracy guy so let me just say this. I definitely believe the Constitution is largely ignored. Evolution of theory is being used as an excuse to change things without scientific proof.
  7. kc24688

    Official Madden NFL 13 Thread: Patch #4 Available 11/29; Details pg. 43

    Gut feeling tells me this year's Madden will be worth buying.  Also I would say that if ANYTHING happens to Calvin or maybe even Matt then the curse is real.  Hopefully the curse has nothing to do with Fairley's unfortunate run ins with the law.
  8. kc24688

    Think I just became a Miami Dolphins fan "Maybe"

    As long as Miami is located near numerous Spanish speaking countries we will always have more than just hot cheerleaders. Just sayin.
  9. kc24688

    Oklahoma City Thunder vs San Antonio Spurs - OKC WINS in 6, Congrats!

    People need to remember this Durant performance next time they want to cry about the computer making shots in NBA 2k or whatnot. How do you think the Spurs feel?!!!
  10. kc24688


    Rogan is good if you've ever done drugs, find MMA at all interesting and you are interested in reality.. the guy has had some cool experiences and met some interesting people. BTW I just started listening very recently but it was pretty good.
  11. kc24688

    1 in 2 new graduates are jobless or underemployed - Yahoo! News

    Technology is changing the world. As long as money rules most people need to realize there isn't so much time for fun and games. Lots of competition and the jobs aren't coming back. The elites knew this stage in evolution would come and that's why they're going for all the marbles in this...
  12. kc24688

    Concussion in Sports

    All these studies just came out so I don't see how you can prove that the NFL knew the dangers of concussions. I don't see how this lawsuit works in real life.
  13. kc24688

    John harbaugh Vol. Spygate

    Bruschi overreacted. Harbaugh is truthful when he says that people are taking it out of context. Fact is there's an asterisk because people are the judges of reality.  What I will criticize is that there are more important things to comment on than that.  Leave that for us to judge, you get...
  14. kc24688


    Sorry but coming from the Marlins fan I would tell you to expect nothing. Nobody wants to play for the Nets and I'm still wondering what's going to happen to Deron.
  15. kc24688

    John Wall is TERRIBLE

    He is a very good player but he doesn't have much room to grow. No matter what he will never scare anyone with his jumper and his brain is limited as well by character issues. I said this when I told some people on here I'd rather have Kyrie. I'm sorry but with the game on the line I will...
  16. kc24688

    Don't usually but who's ready to call her average?

    I am legit jealous that she doesn't love me instead.  Found her through T.J. Oshie in NHL cover vote.  Went to look him up as I was unfamiliar and then when I saw the autocomplete "girlfriend" I needed to become familiar.  Then I found this..
  17. kc24688

    Official Heat VS. Knicks Series Thread....Series Over...Knicks fans never learn....

    My mom was disappointed because I worked last night and she wanted to go to the game. I told her it's ok it won't be a close series. She said well you never know I said yea you're right, but this is the exception. It's a healthy big three with above average three point shooters and a culture...
  18. kc24688

    Is Carmelo Anthony Still Top 10? *Seriously??* 4/8/12

    My uneducated opinion that I would love to be corrected.. Top 5 scorer easily, if you disagree consider he needs help! (So in my mind no matter the conflict that is talked about the Knicks still need Lin to provide help, period). Not a bad defender, immature which leads to inconsistent effort...
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