high school social status VOL. Don't talk when I'm talking I'm popular!!!!

Jan 26, 2009
Every school has them which were you, the popular crowd, jocks, geeks, or a nobody I went to three high schools before I graduated in 07 it's safe to say Iwas popular, hell me and my boys ran one of the schools I attended NT let me know about your high school days. Mine where piffery hot away with alot S_ LOL
i was part of the instigation crew. whenever there was some lil disagreement or mini argument. we would be in the back round hypin the whole thing up. withclassic phrases like:

"you gon take that. If it was me, i wouldn't take that. but i aint no B"
"you heard what he just said about yo momma."

if it was girls
"she said yo tracks is showing. wat u gon do bout that"
"she said yo cootchie is extra losse & extra stank"
I was the dude who was cool with all the popular kids, but not popular. Kinda like popular by association.
Originally Posted by ericberry14

i was part of the instigation crew. whenever there was some lil disagreement or mini argument. we would be in the back round hypin the whole thing up. with classic phrases like:

"you gon take that. If it was me, i wouldn't take that. but i aint no B"
"you heard what he just said about yo momma."

if it was girls
"she said yo tracks is showing. wat u gon do bout that"
"she said yo cootchie is extra losse & extra stank"
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]I was a cool person i guess....was antisocial but people knew me. Junior/senior year thou was a wild1[/color]
im known as one of the "baseball guys", and i'd say im pretty popular, with 2,500 students, everyone sort of keeps to their own groups at myschool so there arent too many people everybody knows.
Originally Posted by sneakaprince

Popular with Ease black kids in White Schools FTW

Yeah my boys and I was popular as hell at this white high school, that's the school we took over, it's was too much fun to bad they kick all of us outlmfao
I didn't care about popularity, but I liked attention. However, I basically knew everyone in H.S. and was comfortable around every corner/place on campus.A lot of people were popular, but when they graduated they weren't much anymore. I was one of the few who pushed myself beyond graduation and cared aboutwhere I was going to be and all that.
^^^ yeah I feel you on working hard and thinking about school, that was the difference between my friends and I even though we acted crazy and joked a lot Ialways kept up with my grades hell I was trying to get out the hood lol, now that I think about my good grades came in handy when I got suspended for fightsand stuff they really didn't hurt my grades
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