_anyone just have horrible handwriting?

*raises hand*
Whenever i have to sign or write somethin down at work i smh before i even start because i know its goin to be awful
. i used to trick myself like "if i really wanted to i could write cleanly". Ive recently came to conclusion thats false. So if somethinneeds to be written i jus ask my ma or a/my girl at the time
my handwriting used to be really neat but i stopped caring so its not great but definitely more than legible.

None of yall eff with my johnny hancock though
My handwriting is better than most girls. My brother's on the other hand is
. He is going to be a college freshman and writes as if he isstill in 3rd grade. Step your penmanship game up baby bro.
Originally Posted by damnTHOSEjs

Originally Posted by ATMOSquare

I do I got that norman bates serial killer script. take a look (click for ninjahood)

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cot damn, and I thought mine was terrible.

You made my handwriting look like it's type written...seriously

Thanks, Lol I'm proud of my handwriting so I'll take that as compliment!

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

sloppy writing makes you seem down right unintelligent

Now your REALLY reaching there because although there are some indicators in handwriting, such as health issues, morality, past experiences, hidden talents,mental problems-- to name just a few, intelligence is not one of them. Graphology is the science of handwriting analysis, you can look it up.
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