Flunking an exam unappreciation thread

Nov 25, 2005
so I just got my results for my mid term and I totally flunked it. And worst part is that I am in academic probabtion.

I am depressed..
been there, not a good feeling. meet with the professor, show that you really care about your grade. study ridiculously and do significantly better on the nextexam, paper, or final. you won't get an A, but you might save yourself from failing.
Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

so I just got my results for my mid term and I totally flunked it. And worst part is that I am in academic probabtion.

I am depressed..

no offense, but you shouldn't even be posting on niketalk if thats case
This is your future/ life on the line
I have my final research paper due in about 7 hours and im halfway done. I really don't care I'm getting a B+ or better in every class so far I thinkand this project is stupid.

I really only like doing things that challenge me somewhat.
Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

i am also in academic probation...

If I don't do good this semester I am getting expelled
Trust me when I say being academically dismissed is a TERRIBLE feeling.

If the worst does happens, apply for reinstatement and retake classes you KNOW you can get an A in over the summer to give your GPA some cushion.
I know that feeling smh it's worst when u study hard and still end up failing..
You just gotta study a lot more during your free time
lets hope i dont do that to the two tests i have tomorrow because i have to get As to keep As in the class
Man, I was doing good in speech when I made a 30 on my test.

You know how teacher's show the range of the tests. like from 30-98. I was that 30.

I really need to get it together.

dam professor only gives 5 problems in the exam and there is always that one problem you I understand that is going to cost me 30 points

i can still redeem myself if I somehow ace the finals, if that is the case I can still get a B

There is something wrong with me. I know I am not stupid, I just don't have any motivation for these kinds of things..
Fam u gotta put in that work, no chicks, and dont even click the google chrome/firefox/safari - its the devil, turn off your phone and get to work, If youlisten to music set up a nice playlist and study your %%* off
I get test anxiety all the time, especially when it can directly alter my grade for better or worse. Then I over-think things that are easy, I second guessmyself and usually always end up being one of the last to finish even if I knew everything..
Originally Posted by raburns04

been there, not a good feeling. meet with the professor, show that you really care about your grade. study ridiculously and do significantly better on the next exam, paper, or final. you won't get an A, but you might save yourself from failing.
yeah and meet with any TAs in the class. They'll remember your name, they always do. Then just bust your @#+ on the final because you knowyou have to nail it, everything should work out.
Originally Posted by ballinamillion1

Fam u gotta put in that work, no chicks, and dont even click the google chrome/firefox/safari - its the devil, turn off your phone and get to work, If you listen to music set up a nice playlist and study your +*$ off

every time I do a paper, I always end up going on the web looking up nothing rather than writin' the paper. SMH
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