Nike Presto: Socks or no Socks???

Jan 14, 2007
Simple question. 
Do you rock socks with Prestos or not? Will I get blisters or will they start to smell nasty? 

Thanks a lot.

i don't wear socks in my prestos....i'm so nasty, but they're so damn comfy.

Honestly mine are so beat to death it doesnt even matter if i wear socks or not... theyre comfy either way
If you were running, I would wear socks... but if youre just casually walking or whatever, id say you're fine without
I remember when they first came out, I hated wearing socks with them. Takes away from the comfort. I'm a stickler for freshness, so funk isn't much of an issue
At first I wore socks but they were WAY too tight (wide feet and thick socks). I couldn't find socks that low cut so I started to wear them w/o socks and I like it much better. You just have to spray Lysol/anti-odor/fungal stuff in them after every wear.
I'm gonna pick up some spray and rock them sockless. I don't have any socks low-cut enough, plus these joints r sooo comfy I don't think I can help it
Depends on what you're going to do while wearing the shoes.

I had a pair of the retros which lasted me 4 months earlier this year (developed a rip after gym, threadmill, outdoor runs, ball, work...I damn near used it for every activity you can think of)

if you're going to do anything high intensity like playing ball (especially when you like "cutting"), wearing socks may actually cause some slippage inside the shoe. Yeah, it was dumb of me using it for ball but I thought it would hold up well enough like Jordan Trunners do.

Else, if you're going to use it for walking,etc then sockless is OK. I can't imagine the stank on those shoes if you have sweaty feet though.
Definitely wear socks if you're going to be sweating in them. I made that mistake once and needless to say the smell was tough to get out.
No socks leads to sweaty feet, sweaty feet leads to fungus, fungus leads to stinky feet, stinky feet leads to the dark side.
Sockless all day. Erry Day. Prestos and all running shoes.
Rarely does a pair get worn twice in a week/month. They have sufficient time to air dry and be free of all odors. If you're worried about odors simply throw them in the washer or in the freezer for a couple days.
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