Quick lil gems on dealing with women.

Sep 23, 2008
Copied this from another forum. Even though I know NT is full of super alpha Don Juan's, you can never have too much knowledge.

You must always project strength and competence as a man. You do NOT deal with women as you do other men or expect them to deal with you as another man would. Expecting fairness and loyalty to be returned is going to have you looking befuddled. What women ARE attracted to is a feeling of strength, competence and safety. As a man, you will only be respected by a woman if you have more power than her. Women CHOOSE UP. The moment you give away your power and she perceives you as weak, she will be out the door. One thing you HAVE to understand as a man is that women don't respond to fairness. They respond to strength and ultimately how much they like what you do. Expect reciprocal behavior and you will become disappointed. Now, with that said:

1) Never profusely apologize. Keep apologies short and simple.
- If you did something wrong, state in a matter of fact manner with strength in your voice "That was my bad" and leave it at that. When you get to begging and whining on some I'm so sorry baby tip you will be looked at as weak and will get cold-shouldered. Crying, begging and whining is a no-go. It makes you look weak. If she keeps bringing it up, let her know, "We've moved on from that and you need to let it go." If she leaves, then you'll have to let her leave. At least you will still be able to maintain a dignified position. If you for SURE want her to leave and be disrespected in the process, get to crying and whining and apologizing profusely.

2) You must stay rooted in your opinions and decisions. Never change your opinions and what you stand on just because of how they 'make her feel.'
- You, as a man, are the one that is supposed to bring wisdom and knowledge. You are the one who has to know how to get things done. You are the one that is supposed to be rooted and established. You know what true strength is? Something that lasts throughout time. If your opinions and decisions are so weakly rooted that you will change them depending on how the woman you are with feels, that demonstrates a key weakness in your decision making ability and character. You have to firmly know what you are about and stay DOWN on that. The only thing that should cause you to change is the reality of the facts and the truth. Some of you guys will change because you think a girl is fine and she gets offended at some point you make, so you will change your opinion and what you're about in order to appease her feelings. Wrong move. You have to be established in truth and reality when making your decisions and stand on it. She may act all crazed and dazed about some of your choices, but if you KNOW you are right, you have to withstand that storm... for once it proves that your decision making was correct, it gives you more respect.

3) Like what you do and what you are about and your rules and principles more than any woman.
- You have to firmly know yourself and know which principles to stand on so that you will not be blown too and fro. The Bible states that a double minded man is unstable in all his ways. This is very true. You cannot base your actions upon what someone else wants because you can never know what they really want and secondly, YOU are responsible for your own life, not them. Now the reason you like your own principles more than any woman is because it is those principles that will eliminate A LOT of the nonsense in your life and keep you sailing straight ahead. Principles are established rules and a foundation on how to act which are rooted in truth. Your principles and how you live up to them will give you a certain CHARACTER. This projection of your character will in a large way determine how people, especially women, interact with you. If you come off as a weak guy who accepts a lot of nonsense, guess what kind of behavior you will receive from women? That's right, nonsense. Do NOT make exceptions for your principles. That tells you that you are not firmly rooted in them and that you are unstable in your ways. THIS is what is so tough. A lot of times you may meet a fine woman and you want to give her a lot more leeway. You give her that leeway and she takes it and does you dirty. Be consistent in your treatment of women and your treatment needs to be based on your principles. The more you let things slide, the more respect you lose and the more she will continue to push the boundaries. You have to firmly let her know her principles and if she violates them constantly, give her the boot. Repercussions for her actions HAVE to be real in order to be respected. You have to love being a man and upholding your manhood more than any woman or else you are going to let them disrespect you because you want to keep them around by any means necessary.

4) Be traditional and be dominant and do not be apologetic for that.
The traditional ways WORKED. These are ways that have lasted through centuries. This 'modern dating,' 50-50 trash is NOT new. It was something that didn't work and got revived because people always want to believe they are doing something new. There is nothing new under the sun. If you fail to be a leader that projects strength and stays in control, you will have all kinds of problems with women. Dominant means that you are the one in charge of the situation. You are the one who puts things together and leads. She feels weak in comparison to you and thus safe since you are the strong one that handles business. Dominant does not mean ordering your woman around and forcing her to do things against her will. It does mean to have rules that she will have to abide by and her respecting your manhood to allow you to make those decisions. If she cannot respect you being a man, get her away from you.

5) Place a high value on what it takes to be 'your woman' and with that should come high rewards

A lot of guys are giving AWAY their exclusivity. Wrong. Exclusivity in your dealings should be won. I'm not saying to go sleep around. I'm saying you should talk to a lot of women and not only deal with one until she has passed a rigorous examination of character. That which is not easily obtained is highly valued. You must be NO NONSENSE.
A lot of fellas will make exceptions and rush to be in a relationship wiht a woman. Wrong answer. If she doesn't meet up with your criteria, don't let her in. You will save yourself a ton of drama in the long-run. All of that cutting corners and compromising will have you forgetting what you originally stood for. Do NOT accept relationships where she wants to keep all her guy friends around, where she wants to still club all the time, etc. You need to have high standards for your relationships and if she can't live up to them, then it's a no go.

6) Be decisive and always have an answer for something that comes up
"Baby what do you want to do" or "what do you feel is right" should NOT be in your lingo. Let's go here and let's do this SHOULD. Now you don't have to make every decision, but you always have to be in control of the decision-making process... aka "I want you to decide on a nice restaurant tonight... somewhere interesting that we haven't been before" and not "baby, where do you want to go?" But YOU should be the one choosing 8 times out of 10. If she asks you a question, you should be able to formulate an answer. This solidifies your leadership as a man... being able to make sound decisions and distribute reasonable advice at the drop of a dime. Also, do NOT be a 'do what you want to do' negro. Know what you do and do not want and what you will and will not accept from a woman beforehand and do not be afraid to communicate her because you might 'hurt her feelings.' KNOWING what you want from a woman, communicating that and standing on that is crucial. This is part of being decisive.

7) NEVER do things to emasculate yourself
Being sensitive, crying, wearing extra tight pants, trying to 'act sexy' and a host of other things is what you should NOT do. Allowing a woman to paint your fingernails in fun or dress you up as a woman as play is something you do not do. Do not even emulate being a woman for fun. Some of ya'll negroes be allowing a female to emasculate you as a joke, not knowing she is clowning your butt behind your back. Never sacrifice your dignity and manhood for a laugh or anything for that matter.

8) Don't be afraid to demand things from your woman as a man
- Women like to serve and do things for a man they actually really like and respect. Don't be apologetic and afraid to tell your woman to do things for you like go to the store or get you something to drink. This helps solidify your manhood and ability to command. A woman that cannot do something simple for you and looks at follwing your directions as 'degrading' or some such nonsense is one that is not to be dealt with.

9) Never give up your power and control and allow yourself to be 'owned'.
- The moment you do this is the moment you will be highly disrespected and the moment she will either leave or the moment you will be in a relationship you absolutely hate. Do NOT get into power struggles with women. If she cannot move out the way and let you be a man, do not deal with her. You are going to save yourself a ton of headaches in the process.
Agree with most points. But these teneants and actions are either innately a part of your personality repertoire, or it isnt. Very difficult to change the crux of who you are as a person.
Agree with most points. But these teneants and actions are either innately a part of your personality repertoire, or it isnt. Very difficult to change the crux of who you are as a person.

I somewhat agree. You don't have to switch up your ENTIRE personality, but you can use some of these tips to fine tune and make some adjustments to your personality.

Feel free to add any gems you have picked up along the way during your dealing with women. I'm sure we can all learn from each others mistakes and successes.
I'm usually the first one to condemn any list that tells men what they should and should not do around women because let's face it, women are non-sensical creatures and their actions are based on their moods (atleast a lot of them). You'll find some women from time to time that stand outside the realm of women that need to be controlled but it's been a long time since I found one of those.

All in all that's a pretty good list up there. I always say a dude should be like a rock and always hold their positions steady. Sometimes you have to change but YOU gotta be the one to make that decision for yourself.
This is all key info but I would think it is common knowledge also. We all know how much power lies between the legs of the female species but as men we can not let that be our weakness. Believe it or not but women are attracted to you more when you show less interest and exhibit less thirst.
I somewhat agree. You don't have to switch up your ENTIRE personality, but you can use some of these tips to fine tune and make some adjustments to your personality.
Feel free to add any gems you have picked up along the way during your dealing with women. I'm sure we can all learn from each others mistakes and successes.

Only thing I can add off top, is to not underestimate the effect of honesty in setting the tone of a relationship(of all scope). Especially in the early going when you likely have a females full focus. All attention wanes eventually(on both parts).. but at the end of the day.. if you can be seen as a pillar of sorts..or sounding board, its rare that youll totally lose respect and therein-the attention we all desire.
don't be afraid to say NO to a girl..its just a word

don't give preferable treatment to girls bc of their looks, treat a pretty girl same way you'll treat an ugly girl..end of the day they all have a vagina

have a life outside of her...livelyhood, hobby, etc..dont be THAT guy that goes MIA bc youre dealing with a female..you can have a girl and still hoop with the homies on thursday or have 5 on the burn session mon night..a girl should be a supplement to your life and not encompass the whole thing

talk with your hands mouth and more importantly actions, be a man of your word

don't be afraid to piss her off

be comfortable and confident in your own skin

have a mysterious side

don't be afraid to make her work for stuff..challenge her both physically and mentally

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No nonsense at all...inconsistent behavior is a red flag.

Why rush into a relationship to be treated as anything less than a king?

I settled once in my life...never again.
don't be afraid to say NO to a girl..its just a word

don't give preferable treatment to girls bc of their looks, treat a pretty girl same way you'll treat an ugly girl..end of the day they all have a vagina

have a life outside of her...livelyhood, hobby, etc..dont be THAT guy that goes MIA bc youre dealing with a female..you can have a girl and still hoop with the homies on thursday or have 5 on the burn session mon night..a girl should be a supplement to your life and not encompass the whole thing

talk with your hands mouth and more importantly actions, be a man of your word

don't be afraid to piss her off

be comfortable and confident in your own skin

have a mysterious side

don't be afraid to make her work for stuff..challenge her both physically and mentally

Strong post. I can't emphasize the bolded part enough. They are just another person. There's no reason why you should hold them in high regard like they are holier than thou.
& welcome to the facts of life you lil' nters

lets try to keep the "relationships" threads toa good % from here on out :lol:
Simply put, be a cocky funny jerk, no so cocky your annoying and arrogant so balance it with some funny so chicks always wonder if your serious :pimp:
This was written by someone single. Guarantee it. These rules will help you as long as you just want to deal with jumpoffs and stay single. Even if you have a main girl, and you're not in any hurry to settle down/move in, it's fine, but it all changes when you're married. I agree that you want to establish your beliefs, your opinions, and speak up when you want to about the things you want and want to do, but all the extra posturing isn't gonna work in the long run. You're just gonna end up with a girl that's too insecure to decide things for herself. Women are fickle enough as it is, you take a really insecure/submissive woman and dominate her like that, she'll eventually get fed up, and then after you're married for like 10 years you find out little Julio jr. should have been little Malik Jr. and his afro is not from shorties great grandpops. Take it all with a grain of salt.
This was written by someone single. Guarantee it. These rules will help you as long as you just want to deal with jumpoffs and stay single. Even if you have a main girl, and you're not in any hurry to settle down/move in, it's fine, but it all changes when you're married. I agree that you want to establish your beliefs, your opinions, and speak up when you want to about the things you want and want to do, but all the extra posturing isn't gonna work in the long run. You're just gonna end up with a girl that's too insecure to decide things for herself. Women are fickle enough as it is, you take a really insecure/submissive woman and dominate her like that, she'll eventually get fed up, and then after you're married for like 10 years you find out little Julio jr. should have been little Malik Jr. and his afro is not from shorties great grandpops. Take it all with a grain of salt.

:smokin great post.

These lists are always fun to read but for every girl ive dealt with that is ok with you being the "dominant alpha" ive had a girl who instantly stops talking to you as soon as you pull that card.

It all comes down to feeling out the other persons personality and seeing if it fits with yours. Some times i like when a girl is assertive and says what she wants to do other times id rather be the decision maker. It is all relative
I'm usually the first one to condemn any list that tells men what they should and should not do around women because let's face it, women are non-sensical creatures and their actions are based on their moods (atleast a lot of them). You'll find some women from time to time that stand outside the realm of women that need to be controlled but it's been a long time since I found one of those.

Perfect post OP. Couldn't have said it better myself. 
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