movie theatre etiquette vol worst movie experiences

Sep 17, 2006
high up on my list? people who bring toddlers to loud films...

went to watch Star Trek today on IMAX 3D... some idiot and his wife decided to bring a 1 year old, and 3 year old to the theatre with them

worst part... to keep him quiet they had a handful of straws that they let them chew on AFTER they got done pounding a sugary soda

(not to play the race/stereotype card, but it was a marine and his thai wife who didn't speak much english whom was then was told to take the kids outside by her husband)
I hate when people stare when I'm trying to get some play.
People who constantly push the back of your seat whether with their knee or foot.
Toddlers / babies
People talking
People who text (bright screen)
People who tried to predict what's going to happen next
Noisy eater/ drinker
People hitting my chair
People who like to put their feet up
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People who constantly push the back of your seat whether with their knee or foot.
And uckin teenagers, I just want to shrouyken when I hear them on the phone or yelling across the theatre
That's why I go during the week when no one goes
high up on my list? people who bring toddlers to loud films...

went to watch Star Trek today on IMAX 3D... some idiot and his wife decided to bring a 1 year old, and 3 year old to the theatre with them

worst part... to keep him quiet they had a handful of straws that they let them chew on AFTER they got done pounding a sugary soda

(not to play the race/stereotype card, but it was a marine and his thai wife who didn't speak much english whom was then was told to take the kids outside by her husband)
Yeah the only time I take my 2 year old daughter to a movie is if its a kids movie and even then we walk out and leave if she starts acting up.   I remember my wife and I went to go see a movie a few years back called The Last Exorcism and some morons decided to bring their toddlers and babies to see it. 
  Not only did the kids act up but they were shook during the scary parts. Then the  parents got mad at their kids for getting scared.   I was heated and just started mean mugging them.   Kids shouldn't even be allowed in a rated R movie that old.   
Yeah the only time I take my 2 year old daughter to a movie is if its a kids movie and even then we walk out and leave if she starts acting up.   I remember my wife and I went to go see a movie a few years back called The Last Exorcism and some morons decided to bring their toddlers and babies to see it.  :smh:   Not only did the kids act up but they were shook during the scary parts. Then the  parents got mad at their kids for getting scared.   I was heated and just started mean mugging them.   Kids shouldn't even be allowed in a rated R movie that old.   

smh, too cheap for a babysitter?? wait till it's on Netflix
Honestly believe you should bring kids to the movies unless its a kids flick cause it is annoying. Like why bring them to a Fast and Furious movie? Or any summer blockbuster with loud random explosions? Only movie I went to that everyone brought they infants to and they were QUIET the whole entire time...

The Avengers.

I was pleasantly surprised by that too
lol did you ask for your money back? i would have.

i don't think i've ever had a movie experience where i've had to leave or ask for a refund. if you tell people to shut up or quit kicking your seat they won't do it again. i'm pretty sure if you got a manager they would ask them to leave also.
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Toddlers / babies
People talking
People who text (bright screen)
People who tried to predict what's going to happen next
Noisy eater/ drinker
People hitting my chair
People who like to put their feet up

People who laugh at every joke or when somethings not that funny

Loud laughs
I'm a semi noisy eater.. gotta open dem packages.. a bag inside of a box ....
Was at a nice AMC watching Iron Man when 2 guys started smoking swishers for quite a long time and no one would call them out because they were either athletes or bouncers. Usher and security finally came in, asked them to leave and they simply laughed loudly while walking out. The crowd then started clapping during their exit and one of the guys yelled out that Tony Stark is a *****.
I literally hate everything about going to the movies. People who laugh at every ******g thing. People who clap during the movie. Babies who wont shut the **** up. This lady brought a ******g stroller to the movies once. I wanted to kick her and her baby down the stairs. People who leave to go to the bathroom or to get more food in the middle of a movie, like son you're about to miss the key part where are you going? Even worst when they're in your row and you have to get up.

I hate people in general
I literally hate everything about going to the movies. People who laugh at every ******g thing. People who clap during the movie. Babies who wont shut the **** up. This lady brought a ******g stroller to the movies once. I wanted to kick her and her baby down the stairs. People who leave to go to the bathroom or to get more food in the middle of a movie, like son you're about to miss the key part where are you going? Even worst when they're in your row and you have to get up.

I hate people in general
Just stop going to the movies.

Gon have an anyurizm while watching star treck.
I literally hate everything about going to the movies. People who laugh at every ******g thing. People who clap during the movie. Babies who wont shut the **** up. This lady brought a ******g stroller to the movies once. I wanted to kick her and her baby down the stairs. People who leave to go to the bathroom or to get more food in the middle of a movie, like son you're about to miss the key part where are you going? Even worst when they're in your row and you have to get up.

I hate people in general

seen two fights one was back in the day when i was watching 2 Fast 2 Furious at Arundel Mills in MD and the other was at Ford City theaters in Chicago. the one in MD caused the whole auditorium to be evacuated.
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Another thing.

Going to the movies with a ******ed friend or girl. I saw Inception with this girl I was trying to smash and every five minutes she's asking "Wait, what jus happened?"***** Wikipedia that **** when you get home I'm trying to watch the movie. :stoneface:
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