All Red XI's?

O boy. Retroing every style in a red base. Not gonna lie, I'm probably gonna buy :lol:
It needs hints of black though and even grey. That is why the Toros looked so good. This looks too red and going to look like some clown shoes.
Man, JB doing everything in red lately! Oh well, even though I'm a little sick of everything red that JB is doing, these are still super dope. Will def cop.
No thanks, I'm just not a all red shoe type of person. Oh well more for you guys.
I would definitely cop! A million times better 11 retro+ cw compared to those garbage gammas set to release this holiday season that's for sure. Smh
I really don't get the love for the all red look. Way too much IMO, need something else to break the colors up.
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