That @DubA169 dude just pushed it. I was wondering how long it'd take for that racist Zionist false rhetoric that most Palestinians are vague Arabs and there is no such thing as Palestinians to pop up.

Zionist morons seem to think you need to have an established state to exist. I guess Kurds don't exist and neither did Croatians before the breakdown of Yugoslavia. And how did Israel come to exist and succeed to be established? BY FORCE AND EXPULSION OF THE PALESTINIAN ARAB NATIVES AND STEALING THEIR LANDS. They somehow seem to forget that many other countries were just territories and not nations before the end of colonisation by the colonizers. They somehow skip the history that Palestinian Arabs were promised their independence and self determination just like the other Arab countries and former colonies around the world were too. Supposedly Palestinians are just Arabs anyways. .oh well hey Mexicans are just Latinos anyways they might as well just claim to be Nicaraguan, or Costa Rican. oh why Mexico then do you have a state?

All along the Zionists here trying to argue no genocide and no ethnic cleansing yet they spew it themselves. Since the beginning Zionists claimed to establish a Jewish homeland for a people without land with a land without people... completely dismissing the Arab indigenous there as if they are invisible and have to this day. That is what Zionists teach their children. Huh Palestinians? They don't exist. Let's just keep occupying and killing them off and they'll get away one day so we can have our great Zion of a nation. This is because the basis of the establishment of a Jewish Zionist state had to uproot the native Palestinian Arabs to achieve its great vision and to get away with illegal occupation, crimes, and justify their oppression, let's deny Palestinian history and make them suffer. They get in the way of our great Israel. Let's wash our hands clean of them. So ya Palestinians. .. they don't exist and never did and never will.

Well. .we're still here, still resilient, still vigilant, and we will keep resisting the occupation. We've been fighting 70 bloody years. Palestinians are going nowhere and we will get the country you stole from us. Not your words, spewed b.s. propaganda, your superpower military can take us down. We will prevail to get our statehood one day.

I am Palestinian and I exist.
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So you think it's a good idea to have two separate threads where people can read/hear what they want... and not have to ponder the other side? this is healthy to you? whatever. enjoy the circle jerk and patting each other on the back.
This isn't a thread to debate. It was initially to discuss Palestinian charity, and now is to raise awareness about what's going on to the Palestinian people. A lot of the debate was good and healthy, but many pro-Israeli posters have just gotten redundant now.

Growing up in America, we've been forced to ponder only one side of this for a very long time with extremely biased coverage. Many of us still can't even discuss this openly without being labeled as anti-Semitic or ironically getting called supporters of terrorists. And for many of us, we've seen, heard, and read enough from unbiased and intelligent people (some of whom are Jewish or were born Jewish and even Holocaust survivors) that this isn't a debate anymore. There are people getting slaughtered while the world watches solely because of finances, politics, and lobbyists.

And stop with the immature circle jerk stuff. We're just providing facts and information. Just because it might not be the mainstream view, or might be opposing your view, and people rep good informative posts doesn't make it a "circle jerk."
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Israel is FAR superior militia wise. Israel may actually have the 2nd best army in the world.

What you don't hear is that Hamas is firing missiles in Tel-Aviv but Israel has the 'Iron Dome' technology to shoot down these missiles. Think about it, Hamas is firing missiles into Israel's most populated city...if Israel didn't have this technology thousands would be dead. Hamas is in a fight they can't handle. Israel is doing what they need to do to protect their country.

It's a war, Israel isn't going to just stand around, their taking action.

I have friends in the Israeli army, my good friend is a paratrooper. He's in land fighting combat as we speak right now. My step-sister lives in Tel-Aviv, she wakes up in the middle of the night from sirens going off that missiles are in the air approaching.

The people of Gaza elected Hamas, who is labeled a terrorist by USA, Canada, and the European Union. Their dedicated to the destruction of Israel.
Israel is FAR superior militia wise. Israel may actually have the 2nd best army in the world.

What you don't hear is that Hamas is firing missiles in Tel-Aviv but Israel has the 'Iron Dome' technology to shoot down these missiles. Think about it, Hamas is firing missiles into Israel's most populated city...if Israel didn't have this technology thousands would be dead. Hamas is in a fight they can't handle. Israel is doing what they need to do to protect their country.

It's a war, Israel isn't going to just stand around, their taking action.

I have friends in the Israeli army, my good friend is a paratrooper. He's in land fighting combat as we speak right now. My step-sister lives in Tel-Aviv, she wakes up in the middle of the night from sirens going off that missiles are in the air approaching.

The people of Gaza elected Hamas, who is labeled a terrorist by USA, Canada, and the European Union. Their dedicated to the destruction of Israel.
You clearly didn't read any of the first 15 pages. Everyone knows about the iron dome. I suggest you give yourself a cliff notes version of this thread and just read the repped posts on both sides of the argument. It'll still take some time, but it'll be worth it to learn about something that you have a strong tie to and opinion on.
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Israel is FAR superior militia wise. Israel may actually have the 2nd best army in the world.

What you don't hear is that Hamas is firing missiles in Tel-Aviv but Israel has the 'Iron Dome' technology to shoot down these missiles. Think about it, Hamas is firing missiles into Israel's most populated city...if Israel didn't have this technology thousands would be dead. Hamas is in a fight they can't handle. Israel is doing what they need to do to protect their country.

It's a war, Israel isn't going to just stand around, their taking action.

I have friends in the Israeli army, my good friend is a paratrooper. He's in land fighting combat as we speak right now. My step-sister lives in Tel-Aviv, she wakes up in the middle of the night from sirens going off that missiles are in the air approaching.

The people of Gaza elected Hamas, who is labeled a terrorist by USA, Canada, and the European Union. Their dedicated to the destruction of Israel.

Went over this a hundred times. People here don't like to hear the other side that Hamas isn't innocent and need to see more Israeli causalities for it to be fair.
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Israel is FAR superior militia wise. Israel may actually have the 2nd best army in the world.

What you don't hear is that Hamas is firing missiles in Tel-Aviv but Israel has the 'Iron Dome' technology to shoot down these missiles. Think about it, Hamas is firing missiles into Israel's most populated city...if Israel didn't have this technology thousands would be dead. Hamas is in a fight they can't handle. Israel is doing what they need to do to protect their country.

It's a war, Israel isn't going to just stand around, their taking action.

I have friends in the Israeli army, my good friend is a paratrooper. He's in land fighting combat as we speak right now. My step-sister lives in Tel-Aviv, she wakes up in the middle of the night from sirens going off that missiles are in the air approaching.

The people of Gaza elected Hamas, who is labeled a terrorist by USA, Canada, and the European Union. Their dedicated to the destruction of Israel.
Stop with the facts. People here don't like to hear the other side that Hamas isn't innocent.
These things have been discussed and debated and is the cause of the redundancy and going in circles that everyone in this thread has grown tired of
Israel is FAR superior militia wise. Israel may actually have the 2nd best army in the world.

What you don't hear is that Hamas is firing missiles in Tel-Aviv but Israel has the 'Iron Dome' technology to shoot down these missiles. Think about it, Hamas is firing missiles into Israel's most populated city...if Israel didn't have this technology thousands would be dead. Hamas is in a fight they can't handle. Israel is doing what they need to do to protect their country.

It's a war, Israel isn't going to just stand around, their taking action.

I have friends in the Israeli army, my good friend is a paratrooper. He's in land fighting combat as we speak right now. My step-sister lives in Tel-Aviv, she wakes up in the middle of the night from sirens going off that missiles are in the air approaching.

The people of Gaza elected Hamas, who is labeled a terrorist by USA, Canada, and the European Union. Their dedicated to the destruction of Israel.

Hamas denounced their destruction of Israel years ago and have wanted togo to the table to negotiate. But Israel in its allies just say no we don't negotiate with terrorists and do fake cover ups to pretend they're in talks when on the low they want to continue perpetuating their systematic ethnic cleansing and occupation.

Israel needs Hamas. Israel was doing just operations like this since Israel was founded.

Hamas fired rockets as reprisals to killings of teens in the West Bank in May and Israel taking all their men prisoners in the West Bank. Then the murders of the Jewish teens happens and then the revenge killing the Palestinian teen. Now they're both at it.

Sorry this onslaught of Palestinians is not Israel defending itself. Remember, Israel went crazy that Hamas did a unity government with Fateh. This is just all to further crush Hamas to further weaken them and try to ruin the Palestinian unity government between Fateh and Hamas. What they want is to keep them separate and become weaker to not stand against Israel.

Hamas' rockets are unjustified and sorry what your sister is going through. But just remember that Israelis live in luxury compared to Palestinians. these rockets are also very minimal in threat since Israel can stop them. After this, Israelis will go back to their nice beaches and shopping malls and clubs. Palestinians will continue to be subjugated to a brutal occupation, starving in poverty in destroyed villages and infrastructure living like caged animals in the world's largest open air prison. On top of that having much bigger death toll of civilians than Israel will ever see.

You cannot deduce and reduce all Palestinians as Hamas because they voted for them. This ongoing collective punishment is a war crime.
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 This ongoing collective punishment is a war crime.
The UN will pardon an Israeli brought up on those charges.

You cannot compare Native Americans/Mexico to present day Gaza Strip. You just cant. 

Israel is a made up state at the behest of our countries need for information in the Middle East.

The Holocaust happened; yes. But how can you defend a country doing the very thing that was done to them and turn a blind eye.

Native Americans, despite the internal issues with living situations on reservations, took their misfortune and "took" what land was given back to them and screwed the US out of taxes, jurisdiction and into a billion dollar gambling industry. 

Jews own media, they're the propaganda makers who demonize Arab nations. Religion has been the driving force of all occupation since the beginning of time. Just because you dont agree with the beliefs of Palestinians doesn't make it ok to bomb innocent children and citizens.
Israel seems like it's winning this war. The Palestinians should just give up and work on a peaceful response instead of shooting bottle rockets and getting owned by airstrikes in return.

My question, what tactical/strategic purpose do the Hamas rockets have other than provoking a violent response?
Land should've never went to the Jews after the holocaust of the lost idiotic things just take land from people and expect them to deal with it
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The country wasn't fought far. It was terrorized, murdered, raped and stolen for. It was written in history, dating back to 1940 with the Lehi and Irgun Zionist terrorist groups (which eventually transcended into what partly represents the IDF today) taking out civilians by the thousands.
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The country wasn't fought far. It was terrorized, murdered, raped and stolen for. It was written in history, dating back to 1940 with the Lehi and Irgun Zionist terrorist groups (which eventually transcended into what partly represents the IDF today) taking out civilians by the thousands.
Land should've never went to the Jews after the holocaust of the lost idiotic things just take land from people and expect them to deal with it
regardless of the past, Israel is militarily superior to Palestine. So why does Palestine use military force? What are the tactical/strategic goals of the rockets?
Israel seems like it's winning this war. The Palestinians should just give up and work on a peaceful response instead of shooting bottle rockets and getting owned by airstrikes in return.

My question, what tactical/strategic purpose do the Hamas rockets have other than provoking a violent response?

Actually this will be a blow to Netanyahu and Israeli government too. It's a lose lose situation. We will see what Hamas having taken the Israeli soldier will do now and if it'll shift this war. Israeli soldiers dying even in this number is a big blow and now Israel is even more tarnished in the eyes of the world because of its onslaught and killing of Palestinian civilians. So let's wait and see how this ends and what each side will get.

To retort to your last question, Hamas sees it as they are provoked because Palestinians keep getting murdered and the Gaza siege hasn't been uplifted, they also want release of prisoners and the borders opened. Gazans are struggling economically, politically, socially, etc. How about Israel ends the siege, stops the occupation, killing Palestinians, torturing them and oppressing them? Then maybe you will not have rockets pop off?

What do you expect of people living in an occupation to do? Why do you think the oppressed take arms when all other options are exhausted? Why do you think militant groups like Hamas have formed throughout history as a violent response to oppression?
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Israel seems like it's winning this war. The Palestinians should just give up and work on a peaceful response instead of shooting bottle rockets and getting owned by airstrikes in return.

My question, what tactical/strategic purpose do the Hamas rockets have other than provoking a violent response?
why should slaves try to escape because when they get caught they'll get hung

Sometimes things might be staggered heavily to one side but you should always fight for what you believe. Palestine isn't in the wrong and they shouldn't cave to Israel cause all they will do is **** them over some more. Israel don't even treat people inside their own country right. The mistreatment of other jews that aren't a product of Eastern Europe is alarming. Just sad the US is more concerned about what Russia is doing and turning a blind eye to Israel. I know Obama gave a warning but he won't do ****. 

and people kill me with "I know so and so in Israel" like that's suppose to justify what they're doing. 
  I send my blessings to Palestine though
The country wasn't fought far. It was terrorized, murdered, raped and stolen for. It was written in history, dating back to 1940 with the Lehi and Irgun Zionist terrorist groups (which eventually transcended into what partly represents the IDF today) taking out civilians by the thousands.
Land should've never went to the Jews after the holocaust of the lost idiotic things just take land from people and expect them to deal with it
regardless of the past, Israel is militarily superior to Palestine. So why does Palestine use military force? What are the tactical/strategic goals of the rockets?
see last post 

but to add .....that's a dangerous mentality to have because if they wave the white flag Israel will not treat these people fair......these folks are starving literally and figuratively and Israel has always taken measures to make it worse instead of making it better.

but real ****....w/ life in general NEVER wave a white flag because someone has more "power" than you .....especially if you're the one getting mistreated.....
You guys are mainly giving reasons that Hamas/Palestinians are so angry because of how they are bring treated and the effect Israel's oppressive policies have on the civilian population.

You failed to even attempt to answer the actual question.

My question, what tactical/strategic purpose do the Hamas rockets have? Or a you guys saying that the rockets are political?
You guys are mainly giving reasons that Hamas/Palestinians are so angry because of how they are bring treated and the effect Israel's oppressive policies have on the civilian population.

You failed to even attempt to answer the actual question.

My question, what tactical/strategic purpose do the Hamas rockets have? Or a you guys saying that the rockets are political?
It's the same reason why any one would attack.  TO destroy, to CONQUER.  LOL.

While some people try to find justification and etiquette in war, they do not understand the fact that there is none.  They can try diplomatically resolve this peacefully, but that doesn't seem to be the case.  
why should slaves try to escape because when they get caught they'll get hung

Sometimes things might be staggered heavily to one side but you should always fight for what you believe. Palestine isn't in the wrong and they shouldn't cave to Israel cause all they will do is **** them over some more. Israel don't even treat people inside their own country right. The mistreatment of other jews that aren't a product of Eastern Europe is alarming. Just sad the US is more concerned about what Russia is doing and turning a blind eye to Israel. I know Obama gave a warning but he won't do ****. 

and people kill me with "I know so and so in Israel" like that's suppose to justify what they're doing. 
  I send my blessings to Palestine though
Actually this will be a blow to Netanyahu and Israeli government too. It's a lose lose situation. We will see what Hamas having taken the Israeli soldier will do now and if it'll shift this war. Israeli soldiers dying even in this number is a big blow and now Israel is even more tarnished in the eyes of the world because of its onslaught and killing of Palestinian civilians. So let's wait and see how this ends and what each side will get.

To retort to your last question, Hamas sees it as they are provoked because Palestinians keep getting murdered and the Gaza siege hasn't been uplifted, they also want release of prisoners and the borders opened. Gazans are struggling economically, politically, socially, etc. How about Israel ends the siege, stops the occupation, killing Palestinians, torturing them and oppressing them? Then maybe you will not have rockets pop off?

What do you expect of people living in an occupation to do? Why do you think the oppressed take arms when all other options are exhausted? Why do you think militant groups like Hamas have formed throughout history as a violent response to oppression?
The point is valid enough, in that people will respond in their own ways.  As suggested by some, including myself, I think you just have to let them fight it out.  You can't condone any particular party for doing what they're doing, but is it the U.S.'s job to police every single government in the world?  The US has already pledge $40+ million in aid to that area (recent ticker).  But look at our own US history as well.  This situation is no different, although it has been magnified significantly due to many factors.
Jon Stewart (aka Jon Leibowitz) is one of my biggest influences politically, I wish he'd use his influence and tackle this issue harder though. I guess it's understandable why he doesn't.

On tonight's episode he said that questioning Israel's effectiveness and humanity isn't the same thing as supporting Hamas.

He also asked Hillary Clinton on a show last week, "Can we at least agree the humanitarian crisis in Gaza is overwhelming and that the world must do more for the people who are trapped in this conflict?"
The point is valid enough, in that people will respond in their own ways.  As suggested by some, including myself, I think you just have to let them fight it out.  You can't condone any particular party for doing what they're doing, but is it the U.S.'s job to police every single government in the world?  The US has already pledge $40+ million in aid to that area (recent ticker).  But look at our own US history as well.  This situation is no different, although it has been magnified significantly due to many factors.
U.S. is a known supporter of Israel. Israel can do NO wrong in their eyes. It's always "They deserve to protect themselves" when they're the ones to strike first, and cry foul when Palestine reacts.
U.S. is a known supporter of Israel. Israel can do NO wrong in their eyes. It's always "They deserve to protect themselves" when they're the ones to strike first, and cry foul when Palestine reacts.
Yes, and from analyzing and looking at this w/o filtered lenses, wouldn't you bring your enemies to their knees?  I am just looking at it from a ware fare approach.  People can market this to any way they want, compare death tolls, but the truth is, you kill or be killed.

The US - Israel thing is always gonna be part of this discussion though.
To the people calling this war, it's not war. And the Palestinians don't want war, and haven't wanted war.

Here's something I posted earlier (since many of the points being brought up are repetitive, there's no point in writing up new responses)

According to unbiased intellects on the subject, there's been legit offers of peace on the table many times that the Palestinians wanted. But instead of choosing peace and security, Israel always goes with expansion and the inevitable fighting that's going to come with it...We live in a country where there's a justice system of innocent until proven guilty. 3 Israelis died in an illegally occupied settlement, nobody knows who did it, and innocent people who are guilty of nothing are getting their homes destroyed and are getting killed and having to bury their children.


The killing of the 3 Israelis happened...However, Hamas never claimed to do it, and it doesn't make sense that they would. They've been in political and financial crisis since Egypt got a new regime that doesn't support them and blocked off their entrance into Egypt. Actually they even tried to work out a reconciliation agreement with more peaceful parties in Palestine that even the U.S. accepted, but of course Israel rejected.
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