Diagnosed with a large brain cyst, may need brain surgery?

Reading threads like these make me realize that none of my problems are REAL ***** PROBLEMS.

Stay strong homie. Seems like you have been before :pimp:

If it medically doesn't interfere I say find you a nice strain too
Best wishes bro...remember you sharing your lung issue before on here...you can beat this too!
Keep your head up OP!

You made it through difficult times before and you can do it again
Damn, that's hard brosef, but you've beat this once before, just another page in your story

I remember in May they performed a Lumbar Puncture (Spinal Tap) to diagnose my eventual Dx of Multiple Sclerosis. They said just before the LP if the tests didn't reveal any abnormalities I would need a brain biopsy :wow: I literally pissed on myself as the needle went into my spine wishing it showed what was necessary to NOT need a biopsy

Good news=no biopsy, bad news = I have MS

I told everybody I was ready for anything they needed of me. It was for my own good

I know my story can't compare to yours but know we're with you man
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It's hard but stay strong and keep your head up fam.

The NT community is here for ya

Like many have said we all complain about little things in our life but this right here is a major one and I wish you nothing but the best.
Jimmy v speech is in my head

Keep ya head up and never give up...

Wish u the best bruh
Damn man sorry to hear this, stay positive and you will beat this. Good luck fam, I hope everything works out for you.
Arachnoid cysts are a congential condition and are typically benign.  Many people who have them can be completely asymptomatic, but there are occasions where the cyst may be putting pressure on a certain part of the brain resulting in seizures, hallucinations and sometimes partial paralysis or numbness on one side of the body (like it seems in your case).

What they'll probably do is a craniectomy, where they open up a portion of your skull to access the cyst and then drain it to relieve the pressure.  I'm an attorney and not a neurosurgeon but I'm actually handling a case right now where the guy had an arachnoid cyst.
You seem like a good dude, man, and I have a good feeling that you are gonna come out of the other side of this situation healthy and happy. I'm seriously going to pray for you, bruh, and I know that you're life is gonna improve tenfold after all this is taken care of. No fear! No worries! You're gonna be more than aight' you're gonna be on point! May a thousand Taz's Angels decscend upon you while you're on the operating table, twerking positivity and life!
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Stay strong. I hope you come out of this healthy and happy.

At the very least, you live in Belgium, which has an infinitely superior healthcare system to ours
Keep your head up OP!

You made it through difficult times before and you can do it again

For real. I was listening to ESPN radio this morning while they were doing the V-Foundation stuff.
They had a brain surgeon as a radio guest talking about new techniques with lasers that focus primarily on the issue without super invasive surgery.
New stuff that wasn't around 5-10 years ago. New techniques that allow chemotherapy to be more effective, etc.
Hoping for the best.
My co-worker 3 years ago discovered he had a cancerous brain tumor. He documented his daily thoughts, medical steps on a blog from the point he discovered it till about 1 year after his surgery. The things that run through a persons head not knowing whether you will be able to wake up the next day and see your wife, kids, family is a feeling like none other. I'll spare you all the graphic details throughout the whole ordeal, but he was only out for about 10 months before he came back to work. Today, he always tries to be in the best of spirits, but some days are harder than others. Hang in there man! Thoughts and prayers go out to ya!
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Damn, OP, you're a strong person. I'm over here complaining and hating myself about an issue I have, but not at all near your condition.. You'll pull through. Just keep spirits high, stay positive. NT will ride with you.
Don't have much info on the diagnoses.

All I can say is the power of prayer is stronger than we can imagine.

In the flesh prayer may seem impossible, but a faithful spirit can break down all walls.

In times like these, God wants us to come closer to him.

Stay strong in Christ my friend. The Holy Spirit can and will see us through everything in life.

Much love.
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