The Treasury is putting a woman on the $10 bill

Seems like the rustlefest won't be as bad as I fought :smh:

Hamilton will still be on the bill, along slide the chosen woman

This is to commemorate the passing of the 19th amendment. So I doubt they will go with a black woman
Put Coretta Scott King on it.

She wasn't only a great civil rights leader and activist, but she was a rider.

Beautiful woman too.
Yahoo comments already crazy. Nothing but...."He was a founding father...derp derp derp"

If you thought the internet was bad with an African American president, just wait until Hillary takes office.

If you thought the internet was bad with an African American president, just wait until Hillary takes office.

I hate the fact that Hilary is going to walk right into the presidency. :smh: Genuinely angers me so much.

Seriously though, leave the $10 to Hamilton and kick Andrew Jackson!
Who even carries cash anymore, drug dealers and strippers? By 2020 even less people will.
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The funniest part is old white dudes on there saying "I'm a woman, but this makes me physically ill" Get the $!#$ out with that nonsense :lol: so pathetic to pretend to be a woman/minority on an anonymous message board so that you can get likes on your comments from other morons
And most important, if it is Rosa Parks or Harriet Tubman. This might go down as the biggest jimmy rustles in recent history for bigots.We may approach Obama 08 levels of rustle



bruh these bigots will stop using the 10 immediately. :lol:
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^ some dude on Yahoo wrote that he's gonna stock up on $10000 of $10 bills because of this :lol:
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