Anything I need to know before or after getting my wisdom teeth removed?

Jun 17, 2006
I have a appointment at 12:30 P.M. for the removal of my wisdom teef'. I'm kinda' scared. :wow:

Any advice and tips, fellers?
I got 4 teeth cut out, followed by all of my wisdom teeth, in 1 year.

Heed my words.
The doctor is going to make you keep a gauze in your mouth to soak up blood. You're supposed to change it often, and rinse with salt water, and spritz this stuff on the opened areas.


If you don't, this bump kinda thing will swell up over the hole where you got the teeth cut out and it'll feel like a piece of bubble gum is stuck in your mouth and it's REALLY annoying.
Also don't eat rice... at all.

Other than that if you have a girl or something to take care of you its fun fam. You'll be sleep from the time the surgery starts till the end. And then you'll be tipsy for like 4 hours (depending on weight). I got home, got help getting up the stairs, fell over on my bed and was out cold from 1-5pm. Think of it as a short term drunk spree.
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The aftercare is crucial. Like Jayzz said, be diligent about rinsing with warm salt water and applying it to the sore areas - that may sting early on, but it'll help with the swelling.

Even just opening your mouth after the surgery will be a chore and chewing will be the last thing on your mind, so stock up on yogurt, shakes, ice cream and that kind of stuff.

Good luck.
Don't make the mistake of thinking you're tough and attempt to eat a straight up full meal 2 hours after.... blood everywhere
I got 4 teeth cut out, followed by all of my wisdom teeth, in 1 year.

Heed my words.
The doctor is going to make you keep a gauze in your mouth to soak up blood. You're supposed to change it often, and rinse with salt water, and spritz this stuff on the opened areas.


If you don't, this bump kinda thing will swell up over the hole where you got the teeth cut out and it'll feel like a piece of bubble gum is stuck in your mouth and it's REALLY annoying.
Also don't eat rice... at all.

Other than that if you have a girl or something to take care of you its fun fam. You'll be sleep from the time the surgery starts till the end. And then you'll be tipsy for like 4 hours (depending on weight). I got home, got help getting up the stairs, fell over on my bed and was out cold from 1-5pm. Think of it as a short term drunk spree.
yeah man. I had that same swelling bubble gum feel on a bottom tooth. Eventually I stuck my finger in there and popped it. It was pretty foul. I thought it was from smoking. :lol:
General anesthesia.
Hell no.

Stay awake for the extraction.  It's awesome.  I was shook before my extraction, but as soon as that sweet air hit me I was having the time of my life. 

The extraction is actually the fun part.  Everything after sucks.

Besides, the oral surgeon will probably be more inclined to be rougher if you're completely under.  Every person that I know that went under general anesthesia came out with bruised cheeks.  
I had mine taken out at the dentist office(all 4) so I didn't get put to sleep, just numbed up. My pain threshold is pretty high but I didn't really experience any issues afterwards. Main thing is keeping the gauze in until the bleeding stops and rinsing your mouth after the clots form. Try to gently swish to keep from dis-lodging the clots for a few days after the bleeding stops. I will say after a week or so, I had this tingling pain in my front teeth but the dentist said it was most likely due to my teeth adjusting? I just popped some aspirin to control that. I'm about 3 weeks removed and I'm fine, I still rinse my mouth after every meal b/c the gums haven't fully closed yet.

Hope that helps some. Good luck man.
I only had 1 removed while awake. The dentist didn't numb me enough it was crazy. Shes there getting it out and I can't talk cuz the clamp has my mouth open but it's hurting a little, a single tear went down my face like Denzel in Glory and she asked me if I needed more numbing. I thought I was good after it was done, drove myself home all that but then the med wore off. The pain was OD after. I got percs but that made me feel so crazy. Just have yogurt and other soft foods like apple sauce. Hopefully you have someone around to assist you and baby you cuz that pain gonna have you mad grumpy.

Good luck bro, after a few days you will be back to your regular self.
I only had 1 removed while awake. The dentist didn't numb me enough it was crazy. Shes there getting it out and I can't talk cuz the clamp has my mouth open but it's hurting a little, a single tear went down my face like Denzel in Glory and she asked me if I needed more numbing. I thought I was good after it was done, drove myself home all that but then the med wore off. The pain was OD after. I got percs but that made me feel so crazy. Just have yogurt and other soft foods like apple sauce. Hopefully you have someone around to assist you and baby you cuz that pain gonna have you mad grumpy.

Good luck bro, after a few days you will be back to your regular self.

This post got me shook. :stoneface:
This post got me shook. :stoneface:

If you aren't getting put to sleep..just make sure they poke/whatever when they are numbing you. And if you feel ANYTHING, tell them. If they have the gas, use it, It may calm you down some. It did nothing for me lol. And when they send in your prescription in for your meds, get them asap so you can pop a perc on the way home(assuming you have someone to drive you). I only needed them for the first day and I was good on pain after that. The main thing is getting through the soreness after everything wears off, but like I said if you have your meds available to take when you get home you should be fine bro.
It depends on how your wisdom teeth grew, but if they are out of the gums then it should be simple. If they are impacted, then go with the user above said, general anesthesia! 

The pain killers are a must and get ready to eat a lot of ice cream and yogurt! 
This post got me shook. :stoneface:

If you aren't getting put to sleep..just make sure they poke/whatever when they are numbing you. And if you feel ANYTHING, tell them. If they have the gas, use it, It may calm you down some. It did nothing for me lol. And when they send in your prescription in for your meds, get them asap so you can pop a perc on the way home(assuming you have someone to drive you). I only needed them for the first day and I was good on pain after that. The main thing is getting through the soreness after everything wears off, but like I said if you have your meds available to take when you get home you should be fine bro.

Oh okay.


robotea robotea Mine grew out the gums.
General anesthesia.
Hell no.

Stay awake for the extraction.  It's awesome.  I was shook before my extraction, but as soon as that sweet air hit me I was having the time of my life. :lol:

The extraction is actually the fun part.  Everything after sucks.

Besides, the oral surgeon will probably be more inclined to be rougher if you're completely under.  Every person that I know that went under general anesthesia came out with bruised cheeks.  

You're sick :lol:

Nothing fun about having a tooth extracted, bruh.

I was in/out of the office within 45 minutes.

Simple process, and just make sure to follow the dentists' orders about treatment following the procedure.
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