Legit Check on MCM Bag?

Dec 27, 2014
Can I get a legit check on this Medium Cognac MCM bag? Someone who has a MCM bag or knows a great amount would be a good source. My first advice buying a MCM bag so any advice would be great. Thanks.
Your better off just buying it at an MCM licensed retailer bro.

If you can't afford to purchase it at the store, then you probably shouldn't be buying it. Not trynna be condescending, just telling you the truth that your peers probably won't tell you. I've been through it all, fam. I've made tons of purchases I regret.

Don't buy this bag, man. Invest in stock. Let your money work for itself
Gold spike things in 2015?

Would be alright if it wasn't for those and those black diamonds. Kills the whole look and makes it cluttered and juvenile.
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U got yo nerve flyny trynna tell someone how to spend responsibly. U was just trynna cop a Jacob Jesus mold for 1000 bro like 8 mths ago. And op just go to neimans homeboy stop balling on a budget.
You could wear this on our girls night out.
Its fake bro!
They spelled LV wrong all over the bag.
Don't cop


What are you even talking about? You can't be this dumb to really think this is a LV backpack. It clearly says MCM in the title. Maybe if you read it the right way you wouldn't be posting dumb stuff like this.

See.... I can be sarcastic too :lol:
you gonna get robbed on a fake bag, then someone gonna rob you for said fake bag...you basically taking 2 L's off break with a potential 3rd coming. 
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