are you an introvert or extrovert?

I'm an extreme extrovert. Sometimes I hate it but people bring me joy.
I understand......but sometimes extroverts can appear too needy for friendship and attention.

It can totally shun away us introverts at times.

I've learned this from working in several socially enclosed overseas environments.

I worked with several extroverts....who drew to me because when I am social I'm very fun and interesting to be around.

Of course they always crossed the comfort zone...

For example going to the gym......

Extrovert: Hey lets go to the gym together workout partner?

Me: Ummm no thanks bruh I prefer to go alone and work out alone, its a way for me to meditate and block out work and everything here work/co worker wise when need be.

Extrovert: Ohhh..ok bra...well wanna hit lunch together?

Me: No thanks I prefer to go grab lunch alone again its also a time a value to enjoy my food and be alone without unwanted conversation from others while I can focus on and enjoy my meal.

Extrovert: Damn bra you don't F with nobody here like dat huh?
i can indeed confirm that @beh235 is a complex individual, a conflicted soul...a humble innocent upbringing mixed with the lure of the streets can make a warm heart turn cold.
I've gotten INTJ on every test I've taken. Unless I have common interests with my coworkers, work can be draining as hell.
Everyone should take this test to better determine personality type: Briggs Myers Types

You'd be surprised to discover who you really are.

I always get INFP meaning I'm Introverted, INtuitive, Feel way too much, and highly Perceptive.
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Introvert. I don't mind spending time alone, in fact I find it enjoying. I also enjoy going out, partying, ... but it's not a necessity for me.
I can have just as much fun at home by myself as I would at a bar or nightclub with some friends.
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Introvert. I don't mind spending time alone, in fact I find it enjoying. I also enjoy going out, partying, ... but it's not a necessity for me.
I can have just as much fun at home by myself as I would at a bar or nightclub with some friends.
Exactly my case as well.

I can also get along with anyone just fine, but I'm highly detached and selective on who I let close to me. I love talking to people, but I don't trust the intentions of all of them.
i recently took a behavior assessment at work and everything points to me being an extrovert, esp in my line of work but if you ask me ili tell you im painfully shy. I don't have a problem meeting new people or interacting with anyone but i also appreciate my space and time alone. 
I'm an extreme extrovert. Sometimes I hate it but people bring me joy.
I understand......but sometimes extroverts can appear too needy for friendship and attention.
It can totally shun away us introverts at times.

I've learned this from working in several socially enclosed overseas environments.

I worked with several extroverts....who drew to me because when I am social I'm very fun and interesting to be around.
Of course they always crossed the comfort zone...

For example going to the gym......
Extrovert: Hey lets go to the gym together workout partner?
Me: Ummm no thanks bruh I prefer to go alone and work out alone, its a way for me to meditate and block out work and everything here work/co worker wise when need be.
Extrovert: Ohhh..ok bra...well wanna hit lunch together?
Me: No thanks I prefer to go grab lunch alone again its also a time a value to enjoy my food and be alone without unwanted conversation from others while I can focus on and enjoy my meal.
Extrovert: Damn bra you don't F with nobody here like dat huh?

This, my extrovert friends and my girl the uber extrovert has a tough time understanding. It's not that I don't **** with you.
I think I'm 50/50. I am pretty social when it comes to my friends and acquintances, but at work, I'm really quiet. But, I think a part of that is due to being the youngest in the office and no one having similar interests as me.

I mean, I'm in an office and no one talks about sports, unless its the Super Bowl. Smh.
I went from intro to extro. All my life I was very shy and reserved and hated talking to people. I just always stayed to myself. Now I'm very outgoing, loud, talk to anyone and love people. My family always ask me what happened, I did a complete 180.
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Introvert.......................................I can fake the funk at work, and in most social settings but I love being by myself in my own space with my thoughts.
i recently took a behavior assessment at work and everything points to me being an extrovert, esp in my line of work but if you ask me ili tell you im painfully shy. I don't have a problem meeting new people or interacting with anyone but i also appreciate my space and time alone. 

Yea, there are shy extroverts just like there are shy introverts.
Took a Personality test recently for a job interview my results came back I'm an introvert smh always thought I was outgoing
Y'all are missing the point. You can be an outgoing introvert.

All it means is, introverts get drained from being around people eventually and extroverts get energy from being around people.

Introverted doesn't mean you're a socially awkward, can't speak in public, can't meet new people. None of that.
Y'all are missing the point. You can be an outgoing introvert.

All it means is, introverts get drained from being around people eventually and extroverts get energy from being around people.

Introverted doesn't mean you're a socially awkward, can't speak in public, can't meet new people. None of that.
This guy summed us up short n sweet....
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