Ask a Cop whatever.....

I really cant say F the police man. My cousin got murdered over a few hundred bucks he had in his pocket. Some guys robbed him, there was a struggle and they shot him. the idiot took my cousins money and stole his car. Ended up wrecking it and breaking his leg and thankfully got caught by the police.

On the contrary Ive been profiled and had guns pulled up on my friends and I because we fit the description. Good bad, ying yang just like everything else in this word.
What reasoning should i give the Chief of police in Massachusetts, that i want my License to Carry? I want my firearm ID so bad.

Unfortunately you live in one of the states with the strictest gun laws. In CA, you need to have a business where you're constantly carrying large amounts of cash or a restraining order against somebody. You need to be able to articulate the hell out of your reason. It's of course never guaranteed though.

Okay. What kind of stuff/reasons can i talk about to possibly sway the chief of police? I was gonna' say " I have a family", "I have assets" and "I want to protect my life and belongings and i believe having a LTC in a responsible owner like myself's hands, will be the wisest choice." I dunno :lol:
I hate cops too. Like they get this power and they on top of people. Go through traffic and ish, speed, can cuz you out. You talk back and then they want to question you.
A, real ****, why the boys always leavin mutha****as to just bleed out whenever they shoot em down? No ambulance called, no checking to see if theyre responsive or breathing, they just cuff em n leave em to bleed in the street like dogs. Also, why the boys always quik to be on some profiling ****?

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A, real ****, why the boys always leavin mutha****as to just bleed out whenever they shoot em down? No ambulance called, no checking to see if theyre responsive or breathing, they just cuff em n leave em to bleed in the street like dogs. Also, why the boys always quik to be on some profiling ****?

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This happened to someone I loved like a father. Murdered in handcuffs. He's just gonna give you some bs answer on how he's not that way and wants to make changes and yet reaps all the benefits of being protected and getting preferential treatment by the system and his gang of thugs cuz he can't stand on his own 2 as a man in this world. Gotta call for backup if **** hits the fan.
Have only met one good cop. He let me go after I ran from him in my truck and I had warrants.

Nevermind, he probably wasn't a good cop. Probably couldn't find anything to rob me of so just let me go.

I wouldn't call the cops for nothing. Never have never will. I don't even like being in the perimeter of cops.
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Thanks for making this thread and your service.

I've been highly considering becoming a cop or CO lately. Almost to my 30's, and I am not happy where I am at (no degree)

You mentioned, Hiring process was (and should be similar for all agencies) a written test, physical test, background check, polygraph/voice stress test, and then interviews.

How was the written test?

How was the Polygraph/voice Stress test?

  > What do they ask? Say I've stolen, used, smoked or sold drugs before do I admit to that? Do I say no and hope for the best?

How long would you say it was since you applied, went to academy, to first day on the job?

Did it cost you anything to get hired? 

Did you have to give up Social Media?
If you saw a mother run out the store with food, diapers & enfamil..or whatever for her kids.... would u turn the other cheek?
If you saw a mother run out the store with food, diapers & enfamil..or whatever for her kids.... would u turn the other cheek?
Well they have to make the arrest to uphold the law. Its up to the court to judge the intent and hand out punishment or not. The problem with police these days is they are playing the role of law enforcement, judge, jury and (when it comes to black folks), executioner.
If you saw a mother run out the store with food, diapers & enfamil..or whatever for her kids.... would u turn the other cheek?

Is stealing against the law? Serious question.

I read somwhere in Middle East, a woman's hand was chopped off as punishment for stealing.
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What is the inception of the police force in this country? When, where, what, how, and why? With whatever the answer is to that question, has the focus/mandate/agenda changed from that? Why or why not? And how do you know? Who told you? If there are good cops, why don't they all band together in order to step away from the force and simply police their neighborhoods together individually? Since "bad" cops tarnish their image and their employers from an institutional standpoint refuse to do anything of said "bad" cops? Why don't all cops threaten to go on strike in order to demand and impose certain convictions in regards to some of these police shootings and foul play? Why don't cops go on strike when their instructed to target black people especially poor black people in hopes to make a cheap drug arrest in which arresting cop will fill out a time sheet that equals $$ for cop? Is there a such thing as a sane black cop? One that has knowledge of self and doesn't have self-hatred issues whether consciously aware of them or not? Why don't cops simply look the other way when they know certain policies and orders mandated to them are blatantly designed/carried out to harm black people? How many folks from your own family have you arrested or even simply given a ticket too? If you're a cop, what's your ethnicity?
A lot of good questions. A lot of questions that I can't answer as I am one person and I've let it be known how I feel about cops in the wrong and such, so I'll touch on some.

1. I've never been told to target any race/gender/age/religion/economic status/sexuality etc. Believe it or not, I get paid the same whether or not I make 19 arrests and wrote 40 tickets this week as opposed to doing 0 of each. Now I still have a job to do and a law to uphold at the same time.

2. Plenty of sane, knowledgable, confident, non-self hating black cops.

3. If you are aware of a policy targeting a certain group of people let me know and I will address it. I've never seen one.

4. Never given a ticket to or arrested anybody in my family.

5. I'm Asian
I really cant say F the police man. My cousin got murdered over a few hundred bucks he had in his pocket. Some guys robbed him, there was a struggle and they shot him. the idiot took my cousins money and stole his car. Ended up wrecking it and breaking his leg and thankfully got caught by the police.

On the contrary Ive been profiled and had guns pulled up on my friends and I because we fit the description. Good bad, ying yang just like everything else in this word.
Glad dude got caught and sorry for your loss. As far as having the gun pulled on you, I can't speak for those cops. I'm not saying you're in the wrong. I don't know the circumstances. The very first time I pulled my gun out on someone was a similar situation. It was my very first day in the field actually and we got a call of a guy walking around downtown with a gun wrapped in a white t-shirt. We find the guy in the same area matching the exact description. I arrive at the same time as another officer and pull our guns out because of the nature of the call. The guy had the t-shirt kind of bundled up next to his stomach and we had to tell him about 3 times to drop the shirt and show us his hands before he complied.

Now that may have just opened up a can of worms. In the end nobody was harmed. He didn't have a gun, or at least we didn't find one, and everybody was on their way. If he was pissed I would not blame him. Somebody called on him and that was the only information we had to go by until we could clearly see he had nothing. 
Word. :lol: I've actually thought of going into a career with law enforcement lately, especially since I'm getting my degree and can't see myself being in the environment I'm in without being bored out of my mind. Question for OP, I've dabbled with weed in the past a few times. Probably 5-6 times with the longest period being 3 months (not daily, but every other day). I'm more than willing to be honest on my application regarding past drug use because it's like it says, the past. Would that hinder my chances even if I'm honest?
Definitely be honest. The biggest question is how long ago was the last time. I've done it before but it was years before I applied. They're not looking for perfect people because really who is? They just want the best of the imperfect people.
I'd say it's been about two months. Of course I want to wait about a year and a half before I try to apply.
Okay. What kind of stuff/reasons can i talk about to possibly sway the chief of police? I was gonna' say " I have a family", "I have assets" and "I want to protect my life and belongings and i believe having a LTC in a responsible owner like myself's hands, will be the wisest choice." I dunno
You're going to have to have better reasons than that. Again, here in CA, the two most common reasons are because a person has large amounts of cash/property on them due to business, or because they have a restraining order against somebody, and still those reasons won't give you one. If you file and say its for your protection, to be honest I've never heard of that working, but thats here in CA.
What's your opinion on Peter Liang?
He should have gone to jail/still be in jail. Based on what I've heard/read, his case doesn't have the same variables as others. His legitimately seems like more of an accident. Like he got spooked and had no trigger control. It did not sound like there was any malicious intent. Still, an accident like that should land you in jail. How long? I can't say but he should have gotten some time.  His biggest issue is his lack of first aid. He messed up and he knew it but his dumb*** started texting when he should have been on the radio asking for a medic and at the same time rendering first aid. His partner should be held accountable too.
A, real ****, why the boys always leavin mutha****as to just bleed out whenever they shoot em down? No ambulance called, no checking to see if theyre responsive or breathing, they just cuff em n leave em to bleed in the street like dogs. Also, why the boys always quik to be on some profiling ****?

I understand the questions and trust me I want to give you an answer but I can't say. That's on those officers. Bad officers at that. After we render a scene safe, whether we had to hit somebody with a baton or use a carotid restraint or shoot em, our next step is first aid. I've never seen a guy shot and left laying there in handcuffs. Keep in mind I only work a single department in a single city so I don't see everything.

Profiling? It happens. To what extent is individualized of course. We're humans. We all, not just police but the entire human race, profile for whatever reason(s). In regards to law enforcement it just depends on the officer and what they do with that profiling. For me (and this is me, not anybody else), if I have a legal reason to contact you then I will, that's whatever. I've never stopped anybody because of their race. I've stopped people because they've been in way too nice of a car and were pulled over on the side of the road on the busiest dope street in the city. Could they be asking for directions? Absolutely. Are they? Probably not. And I've done vice versa. A beat up car in a really nice neighborhood. On traffic stops, unless I pull up next to the car, it's really hard to see a driver especially at night. As far as race goes, I don't know everybody and you get the same respect from me as I give everybody else initially. What happens from there is dictated by you.

A lot of people don't know that if the police are talking to you and trying to get info from you, if they have no reasonable suspicion (a set of facts that would lead a reasonable person to believe that a crime has been committed, is being committed, or is about to be committed) and are just coming up to you to talk (called a "consensual contact") you can tell them to **** and legally they have to leave you alone.
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This happened to someone I loved like a father. Murdered in handcuffs. He's just gonna give you some bs answer on how he's not that way and wants to make changes and yet reaps all the benefits of being protected and getting preferential treatment by the system and his gang of thugs cuz he can't stand on his own 2 as a man in this world. Gotta call for backup if **** hits the fan.
Sorry that happened to you and the other person.

And ouch. Can't stand on my own? Gotta call for backup if **** hits the fan? I can, and I do. Sorry I don't meet your standards as a man.

I sincerely hope you get over your hatred and desire for all cops to be dead. God bless.
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Have only met one good cop. He let me go after I ran from him in my truck and I had warrants.

Nevermind, he probably wasn't a good cop. Probably couldn't find anything to rob me of so just let me go.

I wouldn't call the cops for nothing. Never have never will. I don't even like being in the perimeter of cops.
Wow. Thats a nice guy. Admittedly, I probably wouldn't have let you go, but I don't know all the circumstances.
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