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Originally Posted by Mr Marcus

the amount of bulls fans at the game is hilarious.....its always like that when they're in mil tho
Same when Cubs play the Brewers... It is a very easy trip...
Originally Posted by AntBanks81

Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Perk and I both wish he would have finished that one.

Is that Derek Harper I hear working the Pacers game? And I thought Paul George was one of the players who said he is going to boycott Jordans. He has on 10s
I think you're right, but he is no different than any of us that say enough is enough. Plus he gets his free

pretty true
I think I forgot in all this Jeremy Lin/Knicks excitement is that they were facing the Nets.

I did say Lin should have been getting the start over anybody else they had though, so oh well
Some people acting like it was cool that Love stomped Scola in the face, but when Haynesworth did it.....
And yes I know it was cleats, but it was still disrespectful as hell. I wonder if Love would've did that to somebody like a Ron Artest, Tony Allen, Stephen Jackson, etc. 
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Looks like arena talks in Seattle have progressed much farther than anyone knew. Damn.

Was the problem that they wouldn't get a new arena before? I just figure when a team moves or is contracted nobody wants to buy the team and their sales are insanely low.
It's kind of complicated. KeyArena had been considered "dated" by the league within a half decade of its remodel. Howard Schultz lobbied the city and tax payers for help but they wouldn't budge, especially after Safeco and Qwest Field. He was stuck with a bad situation (mainly the lease) at KeyArena. The Sonics were losing $15 million per season towards the end of the Schultz era (this was told to me by one of the members of the ownership group). And it had nothing to do with lack of fan support, either, which was also told to me. In 2005, their last great run in Seattle, they still lost tons of money. Stern demanded they build a new arena, Schultz tried to comply, but didn't get anywhere.

Thanks to Hurricane Katrina, the Hornets relocate for a bit and Stern saw a solution to the Seattle problem. There's a nice arena in place that is up to league standards, there's a hungry ownership group willing to overpay for a team because they're so desperate to have a team, and a potential fan base that had never had a professional sports team before (so they'd attend games even if they sucked). The Seattle owners vote and it was VERY close. I don't think people realize how close it was. Out of 50-something owners, it came down to a difference of about two votes. That's how close they were to staying in Seattle. So they go up for sale and Schultz sells to the highest bidder (overpaid by $50 million). But the new owners have to carry on the charade of wanting to keep the team in Seattle. So Clay Bennett proposes a $500 million arena to be entirely paid by tax payers. The whole idea was preposterous (would have made it the most expensive arena in the league, by far). Seattle had just paid for two stadiums, they weren't paying for a third, and especially that much. I'd say Bennett took his ball and went home like a little girl, but in all honesty, he never even showed up to the party.

As for now, everyone is hoping for Steve Ballmer to step up, but I think he wants a guarantee from the league that he will have a team to come here before he says anything about an arena. He's the world's biggest basketball fan. He had court side seats for the Sonics for decades And as the article said, KeyArena is fully functional as a temporary home while something gets built. This new proposal that has come to light makes a lot of sense though. The rivitalization of the stadium district would stretch further south, which would be huge for the city.
Love should be suspended a game, but since he's had no prior history he'll probably get fined (which makes sense).
Thanks for the info. Messed up situation for the fans but I can understand not wanting to foot the bill of a new arena.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Thanks for the info. Messed up situation for the fans but I can understand not wanting to foot the bill of a new arena.
You're welcome.

Warning: just be prepared for Scientific Method to come in here and say I'm completely wrong about everything.
Originally Posted by Mr Marcus

the amount of bulls fans at the game is hilarious.....its always like that when they're in mil tho
Its only like an hour and a half drive away from Chicago....and Bucks tickets are cheaper and easier to obtain than Bulls tickets...
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Thanks for the info. Messed up situation for the fans but I can understand not wanting to foot the bill of a new arena.
You're welcome.

Warning: just be prepared for Scientific Method to come in here
and say I'm completely wrong about everything.

My nuts, let'em breathe please.

You also left out the last 2 yrs of paltry 16,000 and 13,500 average attendance.
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Thanks for the info. Messed up situation for the fans but I can understand not wanting to foot the bill of a new arena.
You're welcome.

Warning: just be prepared for Scientific Method to come in here
and say I'm completely wrong about everything.

My nuts, let'em breathe please.

You also left out the last 2 yrs of paltry 16,000 and 13,500 average attendance.
Shocking that you would come in here with your ******ed argument again. 16,000 in a 17,000 seat arena is still 94% full. Thanks for playing though.

Your fan support argument has been disproven time and time again. It just wasn't a factor at all. Admit that you're wrong and move on.
at telling me to move. You and your crying %#+ Seattle brethen are the one who have been acting like %!%+#$+ the last few yrs. It's embarassing dude, totally emasculating the image of an entire city. $#%# your 16,000 attendance too, KD deserves to play in front of a full arena. Regardless though, your city's politicians voted the arena proposal down. Climb down off Aurora Bridge, get some coffee, and watch a Blazer's game then. Y'all act like the more you all go into teenage-girl-on-her-period rage, Stern is going to cave and send the team back or something.

999-00 41 615,730 15,018
2000-01 41 640,847 15,630
2001-02 41 633,516 15,452
2002-03 41 637,194 15,541
2003-04 41 625,474 15,255
2004-05 41 675,490 16,475
2005-06 41 664,157 16,198
2006-07 41 654,163 15,955
2007-08 41 547,556 13,355


Season GP Total Avg.
2005-06 41 744,920 18,168
2006-07 41 731,165 17,833


a new arena


2008-09 41 766,868 18,704
2009-10 41 738,149 18,003
2010-11 41 744,068 18,148


Deal with it

What would be the perception of _______ if he stomped on a players face and crotch chopped in the same game?

Just opening a can of worms. I'm not serious.
Originally Posted by Addict4Sneakers

What would be the perception of _______ if he stomped on a players face and crotch chopped in the same game?
What a thug.
[h1]Clippers set sights on signing J.R. Smith[/h1]

Reporting from Washington— 
The Clippers, still not done dealing after signing Kenyon Martin on Friday, will pursue guard J.R. Smith after the team he plays on in the Chinese Basketball Assn. finishes its season and he becomes eligible to play in the NBA, said a person not authorized to speak publicly on the matter.

The Clippers aren't getting enough production off the bench behind small forward Caron Butler and feel as if Smith can provide the team with a big scoring punch at the position, the person said.

Smith, a 6-6 wing player, averaged 12.5 points on 42.8% shooting, including 37.1% from three-point range, during his seven-year NBA career with New Orleans and Denver.

He would be an unrestricted free agent that the Clippers could sign to the mini-mid-level exception of $2.5 million, or for the veteran minimum of about $1 million.

Under the CBA rules, Smith still can't return to the NBA until his Zhejiang Golden Bulls team's season is over. If the Golden Bulls miss the playoffs, it could open the door for Smith to return to the NBA by the All-Star weekend, Feb. 25-26.

The New York Knicks and Lakers reportedly also have interest in Smith.

But the Clippers like their chances because Smith played withChris Paul in New Orleans and with Chauncey Billups and Martin in Denver.

The Clippers have a 15-man roster and would have to waive a player to make room for Smith.
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