1st LGBT k-12 grade school to open in Atlanta 9/2016

It will def be interesting to see how this plays out

Bullying is natural. Kids will find other differences to pick on.
...if a little boy is runnin' around with the girls all day and declaring that he's having "hot flashes", it was kinda cut and dry.

He probably ain't grow up with a father in the household

But because I'm human and a hypocrite, let me tell the truth: if my future son acted like that kid at such a young age, I still wouldn't send him to an LBGT school - you gon' have to learn how to handle and stick up for yourself in real society...

*kanye shrug*

If i had a gay son, I'm not sending him to a gay school. I want him to be gay around everyone, not just gay kids

You're actually 100% correct...

...he was raised by all women (mother, aunts, and sisters).
No such thing as safe havens.
Which is what I was saying because where there are a group of kids, there will be folks that get "bullied" regardless of the environment. 

There will always be subgroups.

You'll have the broke gays and the gays with money.
You'll have the the attractive gays and the ugly gays.
Cool gays and dweeb gays.

Bullying won't stop.

Also what happens the first time someone from the faculty sleeps with a student?
You know this **** going to be sensationalized like a motha...
There will always be subgroups.

You'll have the broke gays and the gays with money.
You'll have the the attractive gays and the ugly gays.
Cool gays and dweeb gays.

Bullying won't stop.

Also what happens the first time someone from the faculty sleeps with a student?
You know this **** going to be sensationalized like a motha...
So are there subgroups of that population that has a higher capacity for affection compared to others? 
This is dumb, but it's a private school and it's their kids so whatever. If I had a kid, I would never send him there, gay or not.
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If I'm paying for a private school, it's going to be because their teachers are amazing and dump on the public school alternative. I'm not choosing my kid's school based on his sexuality and how many gay kids there are.
The school isn't even open yet.

How can you even make that judgement?

So if the school is amazing, and dumps on the public options, would you be open to sending your kids there?
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You have the perfect topic to write about. Most of those essays ask about a time when you've overcome adversity, a unique experience, etc... What experience is more unique than being the first alumni at the school or growing up in that school? I'm just saying. I could see it.
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The school isn't even open yet.

How can you even make that judgement?

So if the school is amazing, and dumps on the public options, would you be open to sending your kids there?
Yeah, I guess if this school was randomly churning out ivy league kids more than any other school, I would consider it. That would be really random, but I would consider it.

But it's strange to me sending a kid to any school that emphasizes sexual orientation as it's marketing appeal. I feel like that prioritizes things in a way I don't like regardless. If my kid had a cleft lip or something, I wouldn't send him to cleft lip school. If you're gay, that's just a part of your identity. That's not your entire identity. You don't have to base every decision on the fact that you're gay. You live life among everyone else, and learn to interact with the world. I don't like the message this would send. If you want to go to school, find the best school for anyone and apply there. You don't have to apply to the best gay school. You being gay isn't everything.
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I am assuming that if you tell folks you went to that school you might be pretty much guaranteed to get a spot because no school is going to want to be accused of discrimination
I am assuming that if you tell folks you went to that school you might be pretty much guaranteed to get a spot because no school is going to want to be accused of discrimination

That's a slippery slope. But I see what you're saying and that's kind of what I meant by my post. It's messed up, but could be beneficial (potentially) for college admissions.
The school isn't even open yet.

How can you even make that judgement?

So if the school is amazing, and dumps on the public options, would you be open to sending your kids there?

Yeah, I guess if this school was randomly churning out ivy league kids more than any other school, I would consider it. That would be really random, but I would consider it.

But it's strange to me sending a kid to any school that emphasizes sexual orientation as it's marketing appeal. I feel like that prioritizes things in a way I don't like regardless. If my kid had a cleft lip or something, I wouldn't send him to cleft lip school. If you're gay, that's just a part of your identity. That's not your entire identity. You don't have to base every decision on the fact that you're gay. You live life among everyone else, and learn to interact with the world. I don't like the message this would send. If you want to go to school, find the best school for anyone and apply there. You don't have to apply to the best gay school. You being gay isn't everything.

Yeah famb, that would be all well and good if we didn't know that gay kids in school and huge targets for bullies. Sometimes you have to make decision based strictly on the fact you're one thing

It is unfortunate, but that is reality

1. K-12? Sexual identity doesn't really develop until 8 (at least thats when it did for me) and didn't actually matter until high school.  I think making it just a high school would be more appropriate.

2. Safe spaces? The time I've spent on tumblr the more i've become sure that safe spaces are some of the most abused concepts out there. Its one thing if you meet one a week to talk to like minded people. It's another to constantly surround yourself with people who think like you, and to believe that everyone who doesn't think like you is a moron. safe spaces in their current form do nothing except create a bubble from the outside world. You don't learn to socialize in other contexts, you don't learn to manage opposing views, you don't learn to exist outside of a very specific social setting. as a result we get kids who think "emotional safety" trumps free speech.

A better idea would be to create an afterschool program where LGBTQ kids can just chill and be themselves rather than sheltering them from the real world.

And what do we do about the 7 hours a day where a homosexual or trans kid might be getting harassed.

And did you read the article brah? The school is open to all kids, with a focus on the LBGTGA.

There is nothing wrong with safe spaces when they are saving folk from harassment, bullying and being being marginalized IMO

-Secondly, grade schools need to be some sort of safe place for students, especially free from harassment, so they can focus on learning.

At universities, we relax the constraints so people can interactive with people from all walks of life. As a transition into the real world

When when folk leave school, all the training wheels are off

i suppose I'm projecting my experiences onto this school. Both online and in life I know people who take radical and extreme positions on the idea of safe spaces. they literally expect life to meet them on their own terms or else they aren't interested. Literally wishing death on people who just don't have experience with the LGBTQ community. safe spaces to me have been abused and grown out of proportion. For sure I agree that kids should not be harassed about something they cant change. They defintiely should just go to a school so they can learn in peace. i guess I'm just worrying that the outcome will be more of the same that I've experienced. People who cannot understand and interact with people who have had vastly different life experiences and who dont apply nuance and context to their interactions. I'm just saying I've seen the result when safe spaces go too far and I think its bound to happen in a school like this.

2. Safe spaces? The time I've spent on tumblr the more i've become sure that safe spaces are some of the most abused concepts out there. Its one thing if you meet one a week to talk to like minded people. It's another to constantly surround yourself with people who think like you, and to believe that everyone who doesn't think like you is a moron. safe spaces in their current form do nothing except create a bubble from the outside world. You don't learn to socialize in other contexts, you don't learn to manage opposing views, you don't learn to exist outside of a very specific social setting. as a result we get kids who think "emotional safety" trumps free speech.

So what is your view on going to a HBCU?

Just because they're gay doesn't mean they don't have opposing views, no one is the same.
Of course no one is the same. Safe spaces however don't allow for discourse. in their current way of being used to discourage dissent. Any other ideas are seen as being "damaging" and "toxic".  If that is the sort of safe space we're talking about then I'm not for it.

HBCU's weren't founded on the same principles as "safe spaces". HBCU's were founded because white people would not allow black people in their establishments. As a result, we had to build them ourselves. that is not the same as creating a space specifically for the blocking out of alternate ideas. I think you're making a false equivalency here.

How is this school "blocking out alternate ideas"

Explain this to me famb
Like i said above, I've experienced these safe space kids where they literally cannot fathom a viewpoint inconsistent with their own on a wide range of issues. And thats because they've rarely experienced other viewpoints. thats my concern.

I feel you famb

I just think in this push back against "safe spaces" we should also keep in mind that many of these "spaces" are really "safe havens"
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Maybe I'm missing something, but how is this gonna stop kids from being bullied and/or harassed?
Kids are probably the most honest and cruel beings around. I'm curious as to how the daily interaction will be.
The school isn't even open yet.

How can you even make that judgement?

So if the school is amazing, and dumps on the public options, would you be open to sending your kids there?
Yeah, I guess if this school was randomly churning out ivy league kids more than any other school, I would consider it. That would be really random, but I would consider it.

But it's strange to me sending a kid to any school that emphasizes sexual orientation as it's marketing appeal. I feel like that prioritizes things in a way I don't like regardless. If my kid had a cleft lip or something, I wouldn't send him to cleft lip school. If you're gay, that's just a part of your identity. That's not your entire identity. You don't have to base every decision on the fact that you're gay. You live life among everyone else, and learn to interact with the world. I don't like the message this would send. If you want to go to school, find the best school for anyone and apply there. You don't have to apply to the best gay school. You being gay isn't everything.
Yeah famb, that would be all well and good if we didn't know that gay kids in school and huge targets for bullies. Sometimes you have to make decision based strictly on the fact you're one thing

It is unfortunate, but that is reality
And if he gets bullied at the gay school for something else about him, are you going to move him out of that school too?

I disagree with it, but it's a private school, and it's your money and your kid.
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