2009 MLB Home Run Derby....Congrats to Prince Fielder

Originally Posted by langfor5

What a beautiful ball park.

My thoughts exactly. I love how they have the gateway arch on the field.

Tonight, Major League Baseball's biggest hitters will come out for the over-hyped, glorified batting practice we all know and love: The Home Run Derby,2009. So to add some extra juice to the bat-bash, the good folks at HomRunDerby.com have put together the quintessential Derby drinking game. This thing willleave you so sloshed, you'll start stumbling around like the Mets.

* Drink whenever Chris Berman includes a St. Louis landmark in his Home Run call … "He hit that off the Arch!" / "He hit that to Laclede'sLanding!" / "That's in the Mississippi" / "That's over the Anheuser-Busch Brewery!" / "That one's to EAST St.Louis!!"
* Drink if all Berman can do is go "OOOOOHHHHH … OOOOHHHHH … OOOHHHH!!" Drink again when you realize this is an improvement over his normal schtick.
* Drink if Berman says NOTHING during a Home Run. It's happened before. ONCE.
* Drink if ESPN's new Home Run Radar technology is cool. Drink twice if it sucks. Drink three times if it's a catastrophe.
* Drink if Steve Phillips says the word "Mets"
* Drink if Steve Phillips brings anything useful to the conversation.
* Drink every time Joe Morgan says something that defies all logic or contradicts himself in the same sentence (this one could put you in the hospital).
* Finish your drink when you realize that all of Berman's inane chatter is saving you from hearing more of Joe Morgan's inane chatter.
* Drink anytime you see Erin Andrews. Twice if it's a butt shot.
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